Examples of the the word, leverage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leverage ), is the 4974 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Friendship, Cooperation,and Mutual Assistance) gave the Soviet Union some, leverage ,in Finnish domestic politics. However, Finland maintained capitalism unlike
  2. Hands of the trucking industry and will continue to do so due to the immense, leverage ,the truck driver's union can bring to bear if they were to feel threatened.
  3. Considerable risk if borrowed money is used to magnify the reward through, leverage , One way of reducing the risk is through the illegal use of inside information
  4. Solid or jointed. Some combination or hybrid bits combine direct pressure and, leverage , such as the Kimblewick or Kimberwicke, which adds slight leverage to a
  5. A so-called" mass action," hoping to have the same efficiencies and economic, leverage ,as if a class had been certified. Because mass actions operate outside the
  6. Purposes and is not legal in any competition. In some disciplines, use of, leverage ,devices, even in training, is controversial. Associated accouterments Hausa is
  7. Annual Report for 2002) Leverage of an economy's debt Derivatives massively, leverage ,the debt in an economy, making it ever more difficult for the underlying real
  8. Exchange. Corporate barter exchanges typically use media and advertising as, leverage ,for their larger transactions. It entails the use of a currency unit called a "
  9. S council. Telemann declined the position, but only after using the offer as, leverage ,to secure a pay raise for his position in Hamburg. When Telemann declined the
  10. Further away from the joint, the angle of the tendon is increased and thus the, leverage ,of the muscle is increased. Examples of sesamoid bones are the patella and the
  11. To the reins or bit which limit the movement of the horse's head or add, leverage ,to the rider's hands in order to control the horse's head. Common devices of
  12. Afford to make the necessary improvements to bring it up to code. With his only, leverage ,gone and facing threats of the liquidation of his franchise, Veeck was all but
  13. Center, is a confederation of government, academic and industry partners that, leverage ,advanced technical intelligence expertise. daytaOhio is a non-profit
  14. Snaffle" bit. Leverage bits have shanks coming off the mouthpiece to create, leverage ,that applies pressure to the poll, chin groove and mouth of the horse are in
  15. To cross-sell to a specific client. Marketing staff should be able to, leverage ,client information from sales and service to better target campaigns and offers
  16. Printing from the Web. * 1998: Alibaba Group is established in China. And it, leverage ,China's B2B and C2C,B2C (Taobao) market by its Authentication System. *
  17. Via corporate monopolies and mergers, and through their subsequent capacity to, leverage ,broad economic interests, which allows them the luxury of being declared" too
  18. Did not grant outright control of the strategic waterway, it did give Britain, leverage , Joint Anglo-French financial control over Egypt ended in outright British
  19. Pressure and leverage , such as the Kimblewick or Kimberwicke, which adds slight, leverage ,to a two-rein design that resembles a snaffle; and the four rein designs such
  20. Martingale is to set the rings at a height where they do not engage and add, leverage ,to the reins when the horse carries its head at the proper height. Sometimes a
  21. Provided another opportunity to lower costs, expand the installed base, and, leverage , building design, and,thus, twisted-pair Ethernet was the next logical
  22. Original Amiga contract from the previous fall. Seeing a chance to gain some, leverage , Trammel immediately used the contract to counter-sue Commodore through its new
  23. Referees as soon as the executing team fulfilled its requirements. Many teams, leverage ,this rule to score easy goals before the opposition has time to form a stable
  24. Jones was the first money manager to combine a hedged investment strategy using, leverage ,and shared risk, with fees based on performance. A 1966 Fortune magazine
  25. Two broad categories: direct pressure bits, broadly termed snaffle bits; and, leverage ,bits, usually termed curbs. Bits that act with direct pressure on the tongue
  26. Institutions; these requirements may act as a limit on the amount of risk and, leverage ,created by the financial system. These requirements may be direct, such as
  27. High because these small price differences are converted to large profits via, leverage ,(borrowed money),and in the rare event of a large price move, this may yield
  28. Horse are in the category of curb bits. Any bit with shanks that works off of, leverage ,is a" curb" bit, regardless of whether the mouthpiece is solid or jointed.
  29. The Cleveland area, and appointed a Vice President for Economic Development to, leverage ,the university's assets in expanding the city's economy. Case Western Reserve
  30. Defense. The upward thrust is more easily deflected by armor due to its lesser, leverage , However, when defending, an underarm carry absorbed more shock and could be
  31. Against being mounted or attacked. If a grapple is strong and can utilize, leverage ,well, a takedown or throw itself can be a form of Dix; the impact can render an
  32. Intersect. Martingale types include: *Running martingale: This design adds, leverage ,to a bit and features a split fork beginning at the chest with a ring on each
  33. Risk The use of derivatives can result in large losses because of the use of, leverage , or borrowing. Derivatives allow investors to earn large returns from small
  34. In law, coercion is codified as the duress crime. Such actions are used as, leverage , to force the victim to act in the desired way. Coercion may involve the actual
  35. It threatened to intervene on the Egyptian side. Eisenhower applied financial, leverage ,by threatening to sell US reserves of the British pound and thereby precipitate
  36. As well as wider widths which can provide better handling due to increased, leverage ,against the wheel. Saddles also vary with rider preference, from the cushioned
  37. Increase interest revenues by 20 million. The IT services company is free to, leverage ,their balance sheet as aggressively as they and their banker agree to. This is
  38. For crowdsourcing solutions to client-support problems. Companies can also, leverage ,client stated habits and preferences to" hyper-target" their sales and
  39. Architecture was so well entrenched that no single clone manufacturer had the, leverage ,to create a standardized alternative, and there was no compelling reason for
  40. Victories, in which both Whitley and Holt campaigned, helped give Whitley the, leverage ,he needed to carry out party reforms. At the end of 1967,Prime Minister Holt
  41. Block-and-tackle pulley systems, allowing sailors to use the principle of, leverage ,to lift objects that would otherwise have been too heavy to move. Archimedes
  42. Is also located in Dayton. The Dayton Development Coalition is attempting to, leverage ,the regions large water capacity, estimated to be 1.5 trillion gallons of
  43. To reflect the very positive nature of the original review. In an attempt to, leverage ,the power of a much bigger gaming company, RuneQuest III was published with
  44. Sell of two currencies. Usage Derivatives are used by investors to: * provide, leverage ,(or gearing),such that a small movement in the underlying value can cause a
  45. But the height of the wooden bodies increases in order to provide greater rope, leverage ,in tightening thicker skins. Other Japanese take include the" uchiwa-daiko "
  46. More conducive to life ". Such activity defines the homeostasis, but for, leverage ,it relies on deep investigation of the homeostatic balances, if only to find
  47. Able to rule two-thirds of the subcontinent directly and exercise considerable, leverage ,over the princely states that accounted for the remaining one-third. The
  48. Contrary to its name, this was not used to rest the thumb, but to provide, leverage ,while using the thumb to pluck the strings. The thumb rest was moved above the
  49. May be one of three forms: tension, compression or neutral. * During tension or, leverage ,connection, the dancers are pulling away from each other with an equal and
  50. This expertise to more efficiently generate the software. They are also able to, leverage ,code sharing and other techniques an individual vendor could not. By 2000

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