Examples of the the word, lesser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lesser ), is the 4970 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. God the Father (" begotten" ), always existing, was separate from the, lesser ,Jesus Christ (" only-begotten" ), born before time began and creator of the
  2. And place, yet successfully separating the divine and earthly spheres. Other, lesser ,known assistants from his studio include Francesco Barbara, Girolamo Lucency
  3. His own children, the sons of his nobles, and intellectually promising boys of, lesser ,birth; an attempt to require literacy in those who held offices of authority; a
  4. The number of reed ranks on either side, either on a cassette or not, and to a, lesser ,degree on the number of combinations available through register switches.
  5. Named Edward Kelley. Kelley had been a protégée of John Dee in England. Another, lesser ,known alchemist was Michael Sendivogius (Michał Sędziwój,1566–1636),a
  6. Of the Great Lakes. The principles of the Affirmation of St. Louis and, to a, lesser ,extent, the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, provide some basis for unity in
  7. Communication throughout the ancient Near and Middle East, Ethiopic, and to a, lesser ,degree Hebrew (mainly religious concepts). In addition, a substantial number
  8. Sent to him for virtuous education, had been brought up, besides others of a, lesser ,rank, whom he fitted for the universities. His table, attendance and officers
  9. The abundance of minefields, the continuation of the political, and to a much, lesser ,degree, military activities in favor of the independence of the northern
  10. One of the strongest in Canada, supported by the petroleum industry and, to a, lesser ,extent, agriculture and technology. The per capita GDP in 2007 was by far the
  11. The incomers' right-hand side, thus facilitating defense. There were two, lesser ,approaches up the hill on its north side, consisting of steep, narrow flights
  12. Languages, particularly in written form. And of the Bantu languages, and to a, lesser ,extent, French. Afrikaans has also been significantly influenced by South
  13. CARTA of Aragon ", which devolved several key royal powers into the hands of, lesser ,nobles. His inability to resist the demands of his nobles was to leave a
  14. The actual head of the community retaining that of dean. The connection of the, lesser ,lay abbots with the abbeys, especially in the south of France, lasted longer;
  15. Market, mainly connecting the Pacific Northwest to Southeast Alaska and, to a, lesser ,degree, towns along Alaska's gulf coast. The population of Ketchikan may rise
  16. For a crime having multiple levels of offenses, where they are convicted on a, lesser ,offense, the appeal is of the lesser offense; the conviction represents an
  17. Produces cattle valued at over $3.3 billion, as well as other livestock in, lesser ,quantities. In this region irrigation is widely used. Wheat, accounting for
  18. They entrenched themselves, the larger body at Apple One, Kent,and the, lesser , under Hasten, at Milton, also in Kent. The invaders brought their wives and
  19. Voting can lead to voters abandoning their first choice in order to help a ", lesser ,of evils" to win. * Counting ballots in approval vote is faster than some
  20. Syriac Calendar. Latter-day Saints In the LDS church, the Chronic order is the, lesser ,order of priesthood, comprising the grades (from lowest to highest) of deacon
  21. Greek mythological hero, son of Oilers, the king of Loris. He was called the ", lesser ," or" Dorian" Ajax, to distinguish him from Ajax the Great, son of Celadon.
  22. European styles for generations, and many artists were affected to a greater or, lesser ,degree by both. Artists might work in both styles at different times or even
  23. Two Dominican sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, viewing the other five as ", lesser ,rites ". Some Evangelical Anglicans may even tend to take the inerrant of
  24. Of offenses, where they are convicted on a lesser offense, the appeal is of the, lesser ,offense; the conviction represents an acquittal of the more serious offenses. "
  25. Times, still has many Art Deco examples, both on its main boulevards and in the, lesser ,known parts of the city. Closest also has many Art Deco houses. One of the
  26. Only to the limitation that conviction in the district court for an offense, lesser ,included in the one charged constitutes an acquittal of the greater offense
  27. Where it exhibits some differences from Bahraini Arabic. It is also spoken to a, lesser ,extent in Oman. * Central Asian Arabic, spoken in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
  28. Arabic was borrowed from Iranian, notably Middle Persian or Parthia, and to a, lesser ,extent, ( Classical) Persian., and Hellenistic Greek (Kamila has as origin
  29. Psyche legend, and later was both Adonis' lover and his surrogate mother. Many, lesser ,beings were said to be children of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is also known as
  30. To the eyes and mucous membranes (respiratory and digestive tracts),and to a, lesser ,extent the skin. Caution should be used that the chemical is never mixed into
  31. In the preceding decade moved into retirement, and their replacements were of, lesser ,quality, making it more difficult to force a result. England failed to win any
  32. It was a box office success, but is generally considered one of the director's, lesser ,achievements. His second film of 1949,also produced by Film Art Association
  33. Of the early dynasties; this was finished by Ra messes II, who also built a, lesser ,temple of his own. Merneptah added the Position just to the north of the temple
  34. And fecundity. She likens Ivanna to a great storm bird who swoops down on the, lesser ,gods and sends them fluttering off like surprised bats. Then, in probably the
  35. Being able to hypnotize and even mentally dominate any character with, lesser ,psyche with whom they can make eye-contact. This is likely due to three scenes
  36. To win support from Caesarion sympathizers, who saw the younger heir as the, lesser ,evil and hoped to manipulate him, or to bear with him during their efforts to
  37. well-developed bush air services—an Alaskan novelty. Anchorage itself, and to a, lesser ,extent Fairbanks, are served by many major airlines. Because of limited highway
  38. And nominally embraced democracy in 1991,embracing a pro-U. S. and to a, lesser ,degree pro-Europe foreign policy. Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years
  39. Contiguous 48 states. This has changed for the most part in Anchorage and to a, lesser ,extent in Fairbanks, where the cost of living has dropped somewhat in the past
  40. Fool" varies regionally. People who live in Victoria, New South Wales and to a, lesser ,extent Queensland will tend to say" pool" and" school" like" pool" and "
  41. Tend to introduce it into their MSA pronunciation as well, but usually with a, lesser ,degree of spreading than in the colloquial varieties. (For example, speakers
  42. Now dominant faction that tends to be more economically liberal and focus to a, lesser ,extent on social issues. The Whitley government was the first Australian
  43. Regions without compromising safety. The United States, Australia,and to a, lesser ,extent Brazil, Mexico,India, the United Kingdom and Japan have" deregulated "
  44. BRE) differ at the levels of phonology, phonetics,vocabulary, and,to a, lesser ,extent, grammar and orthography. The first large American dictionary, An
  45. Are the kernels from other Prunes species like apricot, peach and cherry (to a, lesser ,extent). The bitter almond is slightly broader and shorter than the sweet
  46. In the amount of rainfall. The wide heated plains of the Sahara, and in a, lesser ,degree the corresponding zone of the Kalahari in the south, have an exceedingly
  47. Common claim is that individuals who are diagnosed with one of the so-called ", lesser ,disabilities" are being" accommodated" when they should not be. On the other
  48. Strongest in Canada, supported by the burgeoning petroleum industry and to a, lesser ,extent, agriculture and technology. The per capita GDP in 2007 was by far the
  49. The education of his own children, those of the nobility, and " a good many of, lesser ,birth ". {{ Citation needed|date August 2010|reason and John the Saxon came
  50. Form of Ajax is used in the Iliad, it was once believed that it indicated the, lesser ,Ajax fighting side-by-side with Melatonin Ajax, but now it is generally

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