Examples of the the word, fighting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fighting ), is the 4980 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Battle tanks,600 reconnaissance vehicles, over 320 armored vehicles, infantry, fighting , vehicles,298 howitzers carriers. In 1990-91,the Army had ten military regions
  2. In January 1975. Within two months, however,the FNMA, MPLA and UNITS were, fighting ,each other and the country was well on its way to being divided into zones
  3. To buy Alex, but respected to some extent by his druids for his formidable, fighting ,abilities, his weapon of choice being a length of bike chain. He later becomes
  4. Associated severity of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums),in addition to, fighting ,bad breath. Many of these solutions aim to control the Volatile Sulfur Compound
  5. Form Achilles, on a style in Halicarnassus as the name of a female gladiator, fighting ,an" Amazon ". Roman gladiatorial games often referenced classical mythology
  6. Arrival of the god, a parade in full armor of the sons of warriors who died, fighting ,for the Polish and, until the end of the Peloponnesian War, a presentation of
  7. To be 28,000 Pakistani nationals, many either from the Frontier Corps or army, fighting ,inside Afghanistan. Bin Laden sent Arab recruits to join the fight against the
  8. Leaders during the war agreed that victory would require more than the end of, fighting , It had to encompass the two war goals: secession had to be repudiated and all
  9. Realized the trick, he knew the battle was inevitable. Wanting to go down, fighting , he charged at Achilles with his only weapon, his sword, but missed. Accepting
  10. Been destroyed or surrendered, taking advantage of an amnesty program, though, fighting , and terrorism continues in some areas (See Islamic insurgency in Algeria (
  11. That" kings of this period did not personally act as frontline war leaders, fighting ,alongside their troops. " Soldiers were recruited from the general population
  12. To respect and admiration for Alexander and also as a memento to the fact that, fighting ,the people of Punjab fatigued his army to the point that they revolted against
  13. Convention would soon follow. Statehood supporters also found themselves, fighting ,major battles against political foes, mostly in the U. S. Congress but also
  14. A pacifist, to join the army:" In fighting Hitler ", he wrote," we are truly, fighting ,the Devil, the Anti-Christ ... Hitler was a crusader against God. " His best
  15. Paris when the Allies liberated the city, where he reported on the last of the, fighting , Soon after the event on 6 August 1945,he was one of the few French editors to
  16. During the Siege of Savannah. Many Native Americans were involved in the, fighting ,between Britain and Spain on the Gulf Coast and up the Mississippi River—mostly
  17. When he embraced Islam, and for his military prowess, personal valor, and, fighting , skills he obtained the surname Alp Asian, which means" Heroic Lion" in
  18. Which he regarded as state-sponsored murder. However, years of activism, and, fighting , for the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War have left him disillusioned.
  19. And Narrow look on in horror. Panel, who has joined the group of volunteers, fighting ,the plague, gives a second sermon. He addresses the problem of an innocent
  20. Execute techniques without hesitation. As a martial art concerned not only with, fighting ,proficiency but with the betterment of daily life, this mental aspect is of key
  21. The Confederacy as a coequal; his sole objective was an agreement to end the, fighting ,and the meetings produced no results. On April 1,Grant successfully outflanked
  22. A year after Drunken Angel. In the climactic scene, the detective Murasaki is, fighting ,furiously with the murderer USA in a muddy field. The sound of a Mozart piece
  23. Succeeded in getting border states, War Democrats and emancipated slaves, fighting ,on the same side for the Union. The Union-controlled border states (Kentucky
  24. Victory for the Visigothic-Roman alliance. Theodoric was killed in the, fighting ,and Genius failed to press his advantage, according to Edward Gibbon and Edward
  25. You cannot fight it. Those who pretend to fight inflation are in fact only, fighting ,what is the inevitable consequence of inflation, rising prices. Their ventures
  26. Chandra Manning, both Union and Confederate soldiers who did the actual, fighting ,believed slavery to be the cause of the Civil War. He argues that a majority of
  27. Fights with him, ordering her cats to join the melee, but reprimands Alex for, fighting ,them off. She sustains a fatal blow to the head during the scuffle. Analysis
  28. women's rights. Dr. Abdullah stated::" I should say that Taliban are not, fighting ,in order to be accommodated. They are fighting in order to bring the state down
  29. Reweigh in 1924. He died in America in 1929. * Thomas Pattern from Dewey died, fighting ,Francisco Franco's fascist forces during the Siege of Madrid in December 1936.
  30. Roams through episodic encounters, usually involving wealth, romance,or, fighting , Unlike the knight, the adventurer was a realistic figure, often lower class or
  31. Remains unresolved. Azerbaijan is an active member of international coalitions, fighting ,international terrorism. The country is contributing to peacekeeping efforts in
  32. States that were willing to send troops (" Hessians" ) to do much of the, fighting , The Americans had a large, relatively prosperous population (when compared to
  33. Broadcast that: He then took communion privately. At this time NASA was still, fighting ,a lawsuit brought by atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hair (who had objected to the
  34. II led his army against the Hittites in the Battle of Keynes and, after, fighting , to a stalemate, finally agreed to the first recorded peace treaty around 1258
  35. Bums" ), supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as" civilized men, fighting ,savages ", saying European colonists had the right to take land from American
  36. These land cessions with the United States in a series of treaties, but the, fighting ,would be renewed in conflicts along the frontier in the coming years, the
  37. A defeat at Sayler's Creek, it became clear to Robert E. Lee that continued, fighting ,against the United States was both tactically and logistically impossible.
  38. In lines in the open. This led to the adoption of trench warfare, a style of, fighting ,that defined the better part of World War I. The war destroyed much of the
  39. To destroy the South's morale and weaken its economic ability to continue, fighting , Grant's move to Petersburg resulted in the obstruction of three railroads
  40. Battle of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor. Even though they had the advantage of, fighting ,on the defensive, the Confederate forces had" almost as high a percentage of
  41. Should say that Taliban are not fighting in order to be accommodated. They are, fighting ,in order to bring the state down. So it's a futile exercise, and it's just
  42. Had been concentrated in America. The British also had the difficult task of, fighting ,the war while simultaneously retaining the allegiance of Loyalists. Loyalist
  43. Sports prototypes, one race usually involves several racing classes each, fighting ,for their own championship. Another prototype and GT racing championship exists
  44. He dies according to his principles, trusting in the providence of God and not, fighting ,against his fate. This is in contrast to Narrow, who fights valiantly against
  45. To explain his decision, while remaining a pacifist, to join the army:" In, fighting ,Hitler ", he wrote," we are truly fighting the Devil, the Anti-Christ ...
  46. Confederate States Army. He saw extensive combat during his military career, fighting ,actions in the Texas War of Independence, the Mexican-American War, the Utah
  47. Pull a" man-sized" job. Alex quells the rebellion by slashing Dim's hand and, fighting ,with Georgie, then in a show of generosity takes them to a bar, where Alex
  48. Great (Charlemagne) granted a charter to the Andorran people in return for, fighting ,against the Moors. Over lordship of the territory was by the Count of Urgell and
  49. Expedition into western New York during the summer of 1779. There was little, fighting ,as Sullivan systematically destroyed the Indians' winter food supplies
  50. Equipment - Army Light equipment Armour *BMD-1 airborne amphibious infantry, fighting ,vehicle - 10 Field Artillery *2B9 Vasily ok 82 mm mortar - 250 - mounted on

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