Examples of the the word, ecology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ecology ), is the 4977 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Day in Canada ---- Arcology, a portmanteau of the words" architecture" and ", ecology ,", is a set of architectural design principles aimed toward the design of
  2. The adults alone pass the winter in a state of reduced activity. Behavior and, ecology ,Communication Ants communicate with each other using pheromones. These chemical
  3. Of agriculture using perennial food plants organized in a comprehensive forest, ecology , The 1990s saw the development of Earth ships, similar in intent to the Ark
  4. Broad-billed Parrot. Wendy Steam and Anthony Cheek, two experts in Mascara, ecology , claim that while a rare tree, it has germinated since the demise of the Dodo
  5. Dispersal — endemic — niche — growth curve — carrying capacity **Community, ecology ,: community — keystone species — mimicry — symbiosis — pollination — mutualism —
  6. Eventually relented and agreed to support the pension request. Biogeography and, ecology ,In 1872,at the urging of many of his friends, including Darwin, Philip Slater
  7. Father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern, ecology , Many of his writings were in Latin, and his name is rendered in Latin as (
  8. May enrich the local soil and the surrounding seas. A wide variety of Avian, ecology ,field methods, including counts, nest monitoring, and capturing and marking
  9. Many of the Hawaiian species, are larger than a housefly. Life cycle and, ecology ,Habitat Drosophila are found all around the world, with more species in the
  10. Other environments, like the Great Lakes. The effect of pollution on the Black Sea, ecology ,Since the 1960s,rapid industrial expansion along the Black Sea coastline and
  11. As are the Carry and Kodak today. Nesting seabirds may also affect the, ecology ,of islands and surrounding seas, principally through the concentration of large
  12. To a depth of. The various sorts of algae play significant roles in aquatic, ecology , Microscopic forms that live suspended in the water column (phytoplankton)
  13. Harlow, Mary Ainsworth: Attachment theory * Erie Bronfenbrenner: The social, ecology ,of human development * Jerome Brunei: Cognitive (constructivist); learning
  14. Has also influenced environmental theory; Are Næss, the father of the deep, ecology ,movement, acknowledged Spinoza as an important inspiration. Moreover, the
  15. Include changes in weather, A successful application of chaos theory is in, ecology ,where dynamical systems such as the Kicker model have been used to show how
  16. Animal behavior is studied in comparative psychology, ethology,behavioral, ecology ,and sociology. According to moral values, human behavior may also depend on
  17. After fires, include: California cis montane chaparral bird species The complex, ecology ,of chaparral habitats supports a very large number of animal species. Here is a
  18. Taxa provide information about significant changes in organisms' morphology, ecology , or life history – in short, that both paraplegic groups and clades are
  19. Move from place to place on their own. This would be a mirror image of Earth's, ecology , Variable environments Many Earth plants and animals undergo major biochemical
  20. The 1935 introduction of the term" ecosystem" by Sir Arthur Tinsley (see, ecology ,history). Vernadsky defined ecology as the science of the biosphere. It is an
  21. In ants by Sir John Lubbock in 1881. Studies on ants have tested hypotheses in, ecology , sociology and have been particularly important in examining the predictions
  22. Ecosystem" by Sir Arthur Tinsley (see ecology history). Vernadsky defined, ecology ,as the science of the biosphere. It is an interdisciplinary concept for
  23. Island. In December 2009,the growth of tourism, with consequences for both the, ecology ,and the safety of the travelers in its great and remote wilderness, was noted
  24. Communication can also be applied to other types of communities. Ecology In, ecology , a community is an assemblage of populations of different species, interacting
  25. Species capable of reaching its nectar. Birds are often important to island, ecology , Birds have frequently reached islands that mammals have not; on those islands
  26. By condemning pollution and encouraging humankind's role in sustaining, ecology , Criticism Alcott's philosophical teachings have been criticized as
  27. Can be involved with pollution reduction, green engineering, and industrial, ecology , Environmental engineering also deals with the gathering of information on the
  28. Virology — Zoology General Concept Ecology and evolution * **Population, ecology ,: population — competition — mating — biological dispersal — endemic — niche —
  29. Of the pH buffering system Bicarbonate in the environment In freshwater, ecology , strong photosynthetic activity by freshwater plants in daylight releases
  30. Areas within biology such as conservation biology, developmental biology, ecology , physiology, paleontology and medicine. Moreover, it has also made an impact on
  31. Makes use of physics, chemistry,astronomy, biology,molecular biology, ecology , planetary science, geography,and geology to investigate the possibility of
  32. Biological phenomena) over a wide range of scales, from biophysics to, ecology , All concepts in biology are subject to the same laws that other branches of
  33. And other uses of land. Anthropogenic biomes offer a new way forward in, ecology ,and conservation by recognizing the irreversible coupling of human and
  34. Numerous ancient cultural relics) and causing large-scale changes in the local, ecology , Opponents of the dam point out that there are three different kinds of floods
  35. Science & technology *GR/GO - Applied biological sciences: agriculture and, ecology ,*H - Physical Anthropology, Human biology, Health sciences *K - Society (
  36. Species, interacting with one another. Community ecology is the branch of, ecology ,that studies interactions between and among species. It considers how such
  37. Nest monitoring, and capturing and marking, are used for researching avian, ecology , Relationship with humans Since birds are highly visible and common animals
  38. Several awards for its ecological design and approach to a self-sustaining, ecology ,as an autonomous building and example of sustainable architecture. Earthly In
  39. Releasing hydrogen sulfide. Because of this large anaerobic zone, the seafloor, ecology ,differs from that of the neighboring Atlantic. Plans to artificially oxygenate
  40. And whose main contemporary currents are anarcho-primitivism and social, ecology , Anarcho-pacifism is a tendency which rejects the use of violence in the
  41. Modern biological sciences (including even concepts such as molecular, ecology ,) are intimately entwined and dependent on the methods developed through
  42. Of populations of different species, interacting with one another. Community, ecology ,is the branch of ecology that studies interactions between and among species.
  43. Of chemicals into the environment without fully understanding their effects on, ecology ,or human health. The book suggested that DDT and other pesticides may cause
  44. On 6 square kilometers, and to have a sustainable, zero-carbon,zero waste, ecology , Arrogant is an experimental town under construction in central Arizona.
  45. As well as biological, in their local environment. Eugene Ovum, a founder of, ecology , defined an ecosystem as:" Any unit that includes all the organisms ... in
  46. Information technology, social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and, ecology , music and art, physical education and sports. Government estimates from 2003
  47. Father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern, ecology , *Gregor Johann Mendel (1822–1884),Augustinian priest and scientist, and is
  48. In 1912. In it Hodgson envisions structures complete with a full artificial, ecology , agriculture, and public transport by mobile roadways. An arcology is also
  49. Can cause significant mortality of bacterioplankton. Methods in phage community, ecology ,have been developed to assess phage-induced mortality of bacterioplankton and
  50. And hindered photosynthesis, leading to a massive disruption in Earth's, ecology , Many researchers believe the extinction was more gradual, resulting from a

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