Examples of the the word, negligible , in a Sentence Context
The word ( negligible ), is the 11925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Much more easily using liquid helium. The answer is simple: most species have a, negligible ,vapor pressure at such low temperatures and this means that they quickly
- IN is less stable than ISBN, but the conversion rate between those forms is, negligible ,at room temperature. The cubic form has the sphalerite crystal structure, same
- Needed to produce a sweet taste is so small that its caloric contribution is, negligible , Aspartame can be synthesized from its constituent amino acids, L-phenylalanine
- The critical temperature and particle number corresponding to the conditions of, negligible ,chemical potential. In Bose–Einstein statistics distribution, μ is actually
- Or liberal fragments of Great Britain. Although he said English Canada had a, negligible ,conservative influence, subsequent writers claimed that loyalists opposed to
- Effects on the solution, in which case viscosity can be considered to be, negligible , The approximations to these problems are called in viscid flows. Flows for
- Thousands of electrons rather than a single electron; the devices thus have, negligible ,readout noise. EMC CDs show a similar sensitivity to Intensified CDs (CDs).
- Molecules have strong bonds that hold the atoms together, but there are, negligible ,forces of attraction between molecules. Such covalent substances are gases. For
- Fleet operated meant overall ozone-layer degradation caused by Concorde was, negligible , In France, the use of acoustic fencing alongside TGV tracks might not have
- Kingdom during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was a third party of, negligible ,importance throughout the latter half of the 20th Century, before merging with
- Of length between two straight, parallel conductors of infinite length and, negligible ,circular cross-section placed one meter apart in a vacuum ". In terms of Ampere
- And others. * Holocrine, a weak opioid cough suppressant with, negligible ,abuse potential which is available over-the-counter in many other countries. *
- The atoms as impenetrable steel discs and the impinging particle as a bullet of, negligible ,diameter, this ratio is the probability that the bullet will strike a steel
- All of Classic Bluetooth’s existing radio and functionality resulting in a, negligible ,cost increase compared to Classic Bluetooth. * Additionally, manufacturers can
- Pump is the primary mechanism driving this, with the biological pump playing a, negligible ,role. This stems from the limitation of the biological pump by ambient light
- Fiscal policy, despite consecutive budget deficits in 2002 and 2003,and a, negligible ,level of foreign debt. It earned the highest sovereign credit rating in Africa
- Priests. The rite performed by them is thus seen as having the same by no means, negligible ,value of any other form of prayer offered for the sick or dying. Latter Day
- Pain for which the risks of serious adverse events should be considered, negligible , A 2007 systematic review found that with uncertain efficacy and definite risks
- All the electricity applied to the cell resulted in electrolysis of water, with, negligible , resistive heating and substantially all the electrolysis product leaving the
- Cable follows a parabola. If weight of the cable and supporting wires are not, negligible ,then the analysis is more difficult. Catenary of equal strength In a catenary
- Around is a simplification, but appropriate: the wave aspects of light are, negligible ,in most scenes, and are significantly more difficult to simulate. Notable wave
- Building on the turnaround that began the previous year, and inflation has been, negligible ,for the past several years. New sectors, such as precious stone processing and
- If a consistent finger tab release is performed, the differences are often, negligible ,in terms of practical hunting accuracy at ranges up to 30 yards. In Central
- Study cited that the difference between antidepressants and placebo is close to, negligible , Through Freedom of Information Act request, two psychologists obtained 47
- Takes so much less time than the actual disc writing pass that it may be, negligible , but at higher write speeds, the overhead time becomes a larger proportion of
- The population of the upper laser level in a quasi-two level system (assuming, negligible ,absorption of the ground-state). The term intensity is ambiguous when applied
- And exotic particles are falling, and through sufficient inflation these become, negligible , This leaves an empty, flat,and symmetric universe, which is filled with
- By at most the length of the" translation" language—which will end up being, negligible ,for sufficiently large data strings. These algorithmic measures of complexity
- Price discounted at the risk-free interest rate (or, the asset does not have, negligible ,costs of storage; as such, for example, this condition holds for grain but not
- Liquid nitrogen to reduce the dark current, and therefore the thermal noise, to, negligible , levels. Use in astronomy Due to the high quantum efficiencies of CDs
- Consider it to be bland. The beer is light-bodied with faint sweet notes and, negligible ,bitterness, leading to reviews characterizing it as a" ... beer of
- Length is w and the weight of the cable and the wire supporting the bridge is, negligible ,in comparison, then the weight on the cable from c to r is we where x is the
- Slashed public expenditure against heavy opposition, although its impact was, negligible ,at this point: silver was discovered in Glen Ormond that year, agricultural was
- It does not grow when N is large, it just approaches a constant. This will be a, negligible ,fraction of the total number of particles. So a collection of enough Bose
- It is of the order of unity. As a result, in tornadoes the Coriolis force is, negligible , and balance is between pressure and centrifugal forces. In low-pressure
- Limits means that the higher order terms – (\Delta x)^2 and higher – become, negligible , and yields the formula (XSN)'=NXP, interpreted as:" the infinitesimal change
- Are referred to as matter. The former are particles whose rest mass is zero or, negligible ,compared to their energy, and therefore move at the speed of light or very
- Even cause death. These 'bolts' inflict damage only upon other minds, having a, negligible ,effect on non-mental beings, if any. The manner in which Xavier's powers
- II agents do not depress conduction or contractility. * Class III agent has, negligible ,isotropic effect and causes almost no reflex tachycardia. Examples include
- The advantages are at less financial cost to the user as well as society (, negligible ,damage to roads, and less pavement required). Criticisms and disadvantages of
- Fully, the National Cancer Institute states that cooking meat below creates ", negligible ,amounts" of Has. Also, microwaving meat before cooking may reduce Has by 90
- Frequently made assumption is that effect of body forces on the fluid medium is, negligible , The momentum equation then further simplifies to: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf
- 4.33 million passengers travelled 1.44 billion passenger-kilometres (an almost, negligible ,amount compared to the 491 billion passenger-kilometres made in light road
- Professor Abraham Orenthal that U. S. attempts to export democracy have been ", negligible , often counterproductive, and only occasionally positive. " Other studies find
- Energies to which degeneracy pressure forces the electrons are no longer, negligible ,relative to their rest masses. The velocities of the electrons approach the
- Important nesting areas for birds and turtles, but their natural resources are, negligible , They comprise less than three square kilometers of land. There is no port or
- Bridge. In most cases the roadway is flat, so when the weight of the cable is, negligible ,compared with the weight being supported, the force exerted is uniform with
- Used even in countries where efficacy against pulmonary tuberculosis is, negligible , Reasons for variable efficacy The reasons for the variable efficacy of BCG in
- Believed himself to be a wizard capable of summoning spirits. His influence was, negligible , but like Flame, he produced writings which were referred to by alchemists of
- Neutrons have approximately the same mass (and the mass of the electrons is, negligible ,for many purposes),and the mass defect is usually very small compared to the
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