Examples of the the word, gs , in a Sentence Context
The word ( gs ), is the 11926 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Expressions. In the case of an XML document in which the namespace prefix, gs ,has been defined, // gs : inquiry will find all the inquiry elements in that
- Then repel the target (entire ship or a segment of the ship's hull) at 80, gs , several times a minute. The novel also featured a type of Force field called a
- Silent letters in other words such as" k-now" and" w-ho ", and adds initial, gs ,to various words beginning with n. As a prelude, Michael Flanders goes off into
- Gs whops information *http://www.sgisland. gs /index.php/Main_Page islands., gs ,: Official web page of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. The Nordic
- Field B, the degeneracy of each Landau level is N = g_s BA/\phi_0 (where, gs ,represents a factor of 2 for spin degeneracy, and φ0 is the magnetic flux
- Consonants: ㅥ, ᄙ,ㅹ, ᄽ,ᄿ, ᅇ,ᇮ, ᅏ,ᅑ, ㆅ. * 11 consonant clusters: 1. ㄳ (, gs ,); 2. ㄵ (NJ); 3. ㄶ (NH); 4. ㄺ (lg); 5. ㄻ (LM); 6. ㄼ (lb); 7. ㄽ (ls)
- Sending a page from your browser to Market. * Sends updates notices to blog., gs , Technocratic, and Weblo gs . Com. History Market was originally developed as a
- Weak SU (2),or weak isospin) # An SU (3) gauge field Get with coupling, gs ,(strong SU (3),or color charge) Spin The spin particles are in
- Ratio is greater than the local gravity strength (expressed in, gs ,), then flight can occur without any forward motion or any aerodynamic lift
- Another physiological effect that can happen from high levels of sustained, gs ,is a temporary condition that pilots call the 'g-measles ', where the skin
- Top-level domain (ccTLD) for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands., gs ,is a member of Cocoa, a group of country-code domains making use of common
- Director of public relations with his main club, Statistics Club id="notes, gs ,International! Total||80||0 Honors Club Porto *Portuguese League: 1989–90
- Leonard Hear - died Nov.28, 1675 in Boston a.45,and interred here Dec.6,new, gs ,.: Three precious friends under this tombstone lie, patterns to aged, youth,&
- Level domain to create the title of the domain name. " Yahoo! acquired blog., gs ,on June 14, 2005,and Del. Icio. Us on December 9,2005. On 11 September 2007
- Abbreviations: Vlissingen (vs, vss) – Middelburg (MDB, arn) – Goes (, gs ,) – Capella (BZL) – Reimerswaal (kg, kbd, rb) – connecting to Bergen op
- Project collaboration and management, integrates with Google Apps *Meeting., gs , online meeting collaboration, simplified *Mind quarry, has document
- Domains, each of which has a unique two-letter identifier. For example, blo., gs ,makes use of the TLD. Gs (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) to
- Aviators and astronauts who are subject to high levels of acceleration force (, gs ,). It is designed to prevent a black-out and G-LOC (g-induced Loss Of
- G. * For any g\in G, s\in S, the vertices corresponding to the elements g and, gs ,are joined by a directed edge of color c_s. Thus, the edge set E (\Gamma)
- Accessing it, following an instance where the URL shortening service CLI., gs ,was compromised, exposing millions of users to security uncertainties. Some URL
- Second 0–60 mph time. All this while maintaining a decent on a slalom and 0.85, gs , on the skidpan, though the higher CG of the larger DOHC motor has created a
- Has a unique two-letter identifier. For example, blo. Gs makes use of the TLD., gs ,(South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) to spell" blo gs ", fa. St
- As the product g = guns of commuting unipotent and semisimple elements GU and, gs , In the case of the group GLN (C),this essentially says that any invertible
- Offer the ability to produce extremely short domain names. For example, blo., gs ,has a total of only five letters (versus blo gs . Com, at eight letters),as
- 6 gs was considered a high level, but with modern fighters nine or more, gs ,can be sustained structurally making the pilot the critical factor in
- Vehicles. Common statistics include" maximum accelerations ", measured in, gs , shield dissipation rates and maximum power generation in watts, as well as
- High g is not comfortable, even with a G-suit. In older fighter aircraft,6, gs , was considered a high level, but with modern fighters nine or more gs can be
- Magnetic moment, μs, given by:: \bold symbol_\text = -g_s\mu_\text\math bf, where, gs , is the electron spin g-factor and the negative sign is because the electron is
- Led by a group of developers including Jim Instead (who later created blog., gs ,), Stig Taken, Shane Caravel, Andi Gutman and ZEE Pulaski. He has
- Is quick to point out that he rode the sled backwards, and that his time at 83, gs , was “ infinitesimal” compared to the 1.1 second durations Stamp faced during
- Resolution services, along with. Af, Cx, Nf, Ki, Tl, Mn, Dm, and. Mu., gs ,is a common domain for URL shortening services. External links
- Together to form one word or one title. This has resulted in domains like blog., gs ,of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ( gs ),Del. Icio. Us of the
- From Latin Χ, the pronunciation of which may have been similar to Germanic, gs ,in the 1st century, e. g., Gothic rats compared to Latin Rex (as opposed to
- Least of cargo, six paratroopers or stretchers, and be stressed for +8 and -3, gs , ( basic aerobatic ability). It also had to be able to operate from an aircraft
- Steroid 21-monooxygenase - steroid receptor - stimulator, gs ,G-protein - stoichiometry - structural biology - structural domain - Structural
- Can accelerate at 4,000 m/s2 over 2 mm as it jumps (experiencing over 400, gs , of acceleration). Spittle bu gs can jump 100 times their length. Many species
- Colour c_s. Thus, the edge set E (\Gamma) consists of pairs of the form (g, gs ,), with s\in S providing the color. In geometric group theory, the set S is
- Curie, Mark Tram, Noah Bernardo; Atlantic #" Electric "; Out Of My Mind;, gs ,megaphone; Ben Shrive; Spin dust #" Fireproof "; Fireproof; Pillar; Rob Beckley
- Available in a wide variety of measuring ranges, reaching up to thousands of, gs , The designer must make a compromise between sensitivity and the maximum
- Of three forces is 0,therefore: T \cos \var phi = T_0: T \sin \var phi = \lambda, gs ,and dividing these: \franc \tan \var phi \franc It is convenient to write: a =
- In domains like blog. Gs of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (, gs ,), del. Icio. Us of the United States (us),and CR. YP. to of Tonga (to).
- For G-LOC in special centrifuges, with some profiles exposing pilots to 9, gs , for a sustained period. Such centrifuges are made by AMST Systemtechnik in
- The set of edges of the Cayley graph is preserved by this action: the edge (g, gs ,) is transformed into the edge (Hg, h gs ). The left multiplication action of
- Desired command): Goff -manioc command.1 >command. Ps, gs ,-menopause -batch -device write -sOutputFile command. PDF command. Ps The
- Minkowski metric, F is the curvature form: d\bold+\bold\wedge\bold (now is or, gs , ) where the second term is a formal shorthand for pretending the Lie bracket
- Places * Reconquista River, a river in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina., gs ,is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for South Georgia and
- Services. External links *http://www.iana.org/root-whois/ gs .htm DIANA., gs ,whops information *http://www.sgisland. gs /index.php/Main_Page islands. Gs:
- Com, Coop, Cx, Cz, Es (over HTTPS), Eu, Fm, for, Gr (over HTTPS),., gs , Hn, Ht, Im, In, Info, Io, It, Jobs, Ki, Kz, La, Lc, Li, Lt, Lu
- D and U are the Dirac spinors associated with up- and down-type quarks, and, gs , is the strong coupling constant. Electroweak sector The electroweak sector is a
- This Pan gram contains four as, one b, two cs, one d, thirty BS, six FS, five, gs , seven HS, eleven is, one j, one k, two ls, two ms, eighteen NS, fifteen oses
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