Examples of the the word, lantern , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lantern ), is the 12338 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And gave his name as John Johnson, servant to Thomas Percy. He was carrying a, lantern ,now held in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford,and a search of his person revealed a
- Octagons, crosses and hexagons diminish in size as the dome rises to a, lantern ,with the symbol of the Trinity. Oratory of Saint Phillip Nero (Oratorio DEI
- Tradition of pre-cinematic devices such as gent (utsushi-e) or the magic, lantern , The first successful Japanese film was viewed in late 1897 and showed various
- For which children make lantern s out of beets. In recent years,the, lantern ,processions have become widespread, even in Protestant areas of Germany and the
- Raise dead spirits" in Egyptian masonry. Johann Georg Schroeder used the magic, lantern ,to conjure up images of dead people on smoke. He staged routines doing this at
- Have sectors of a particular color (usually formed by colored panes in the, lantern ,) to distinguish safe water areas from dangerous shoals. Modern lighthouses
- From the earliest European settlement. A well-known example is the Revere type, lantern , named after Paul Revere. Before the modern era, in some areas of the Alps, a
- Is the light of the Heavens and the Earth. An example of His light is like a, lantern ,inside which there is a torch, the torch is in a glass bulb, the glass bulb is
- And a hand-operated pulley wheel was used to turn the movable disc. The magic, lantern ,also led directly to Edward Muybridge's invention of the zoopraxiscope
- The Christmas season with its Winter Festival, which includes a paper, lantern ,parade known as the City of Lights Procession. Participants in this procession
- Off or out to sea. Used vertically, a measurement of the angle between the, lantern ,of a lighthouse and the sea level at its base can also be used for distance off
- Micron (skate company),an ice skate and roller skate manufacturer Magic, lantern ,may refer to: In entertainment *Magic lantern (projector),an ancestor of the
- Used to make phantasmagorias, which is basically the use of the magic, lantern ,to conjure up supernatural images such as the devil, phantoms,or ghosts. If
- From Saint Nicholas on December 6 or Santa Claus on December 25. There are also, lantern ,processions, for which children make lantern s out of beets. In recent years
- Princess, after one is killed, Link can use their puddles as potions or, lantern ,fuel, depending on the type of Chu Chu. They first appeared in Majora's Mask. *
- Sound. It is the third-heaviest bell in Britain, weighing 13.8 tonnes. In the, lantern ,at the top of the Clock Tower is the Aaron Light, which is lit when either
- 23.0 ft) in length, these may be substituted by a torch or white all-round, lantern , (Rules 22 & 25) Sailors are required to be aware not only of the
- Gives the polynomial ring with n variables: RNN =: RX1,..., Xn. The magic, lantern ,or Lateran Magic is an early type of image projector developed in the 17th
- History There has been some debate about whom the original inventor of the magic, lantern ,is, but the most widely accepted theory is that Christiaan Huygens developed
- Is an owl that won't bear daylight. I fear lest it should be discovered by the, lantern ,of typography and clear reducing to letters, no better than nonsense or no
- Are. More recent uses Eventually, the magic, lantern ,came to America. It continued to be used by magicians but also to project
- When a group of Reds climbed the tower of Helsinki Workers' Hall and lit a red, lantern ,to mark the start of the second major rebellion in the history of Finland.
- Continued to make other, bigger,more outrageous spectacles. He put the magic, lantern ,onto wheels and patented this under the name of 'fantasize '. Name "
- Not as a continuous film, but with the separate scenes interspersed with, lantern ,slides, a lecture, and live choral numbers, to increase the running time of the
- As the Devil. In the 1660s,a man named Thomas Wallenstein used his so-called ", lantern ,of fear" to summon ghosts. These misuses of this early machine were not
- Began early:" At the age of 9,he traded a set of tin soldiers for a magic, lantern , a possession that altered the course of his life. Within a year, he had
- Building. The Lighthouse itself consists of a tower structure supporting the, lantern ,room where the light operates. The Lantern Room is the glassed-in housing at
- The Netherlands, the Catholic areas of Germany and Austria participate in paper, lantern ,processions. Often, a man dressed as St. Martin rides on a horse in front of
- By metal Astral bars running vertically or diagonally. At the top of the, lantern ,room is a storm proof Ventilator designed to remove the smoke of the lamps and
- Roof provides a safe conduit for any lightning strikes. Immediately beneath the, lantern ,room is usually a Watch Room or Service Room where fuel and other supplies were
- He apprehensively entered the cave, and explored its depths with the aid of a, lantern , Miyamoto has referred to the creation of the Zelda games as an attempt to
- Of water, a water filter, razor,sandals, some small candles, and a candle, lantern , The monks do not fix their times for walking and sitting meditation, for as
- 1920s and proceeding into the first half of the 20th century. Today, the magic, lantern ,is primarily only used by collectors. Collector
- Such as stones and spears., the boomerang in Australia, the hot air Ongoing, lantern , and kites. There are early legends of human flight such as the story of Icarus
- Type of image projector developed in the 17th century. Operation The magic, lantern ,has a concave mirror in front of a light source that gathers light and projects
- Open to the public and has views over the Plymouth Sound and the city from the, lantern ,room. Plymouth has 20 war memorials of which nine are on The Hoe including:
- Along with a set of commemorative coins. A ceremony in Ballarat known as the, lantern ,walk was held at dawn. However, the Australian Prime Minister did not attend
- Synagogues); * The eternal light (NER Tamil),a continually lit lamp or, lantern ,used as a reminder of the constantly lit menorah of the Temple in Jerusalem *
- Drake's ship had been leading the English pursuit of the Armada by means of a, lantern , By extinguishing this for the capture, Drake put the fleet into disarray
- Often appear as small buildings in their own right. They often serve as a, lantern , belfry, or belvedere above a main roof. In other cases they may crown a tower
- Electric lamps all further improved the projected image of the magic, lantern , It was also an important invention for the motion picture film and 45 mm
- The German priest Athanasius Kirchner. He describes a device such as the magic, lantern ,in his book Ar's Magma Lucas et Umbrae. There are possible mentions of this
- The bizarre and the supernatural. The next famous conjurer to utilize the magic, lantern ,was Etienne-Gaspard Robert. He was a Belgian inventor with an interest in magic
- Roller skate manufacturer Magic lantern may refer to: In entertainment *Magic, lantern ,(projector),an ancestor of the modern slide projector *The Magic Lantern, a
- In Justice League of America #16,somehow summoned out of the paper 'green, lantern ,' of her universe - an artifact that survived the Crisis that erased the
- Paul Revere's Ride, a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (historic use of a, lantern ,as a signal, akin to a beacon) Bhangra (, ( Shahmukhi),; pronounced) is a
- State Opera. *1918 – Finnish Civil War: A group of Red Guards hangs a red, lantern ,atop the tower of Helsinki Workers' Hall to symbolically mark the start of the
- Century, however,Giovanni Fontana, a Venetian engineer, had already created a, lantern ,that projected an image of a demon. And other sources give credit to the German
- Façade proceeded up to the cornice level and the dome completed as far as the, lantern , On the interior, he placed columns against the piers of the lower order which
- Fetching water from a well, huddling before a fireplace and writing by oil, lantern , They lived happily in poverty for eighteen months at this low point of their
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