Examples of the the word, repressive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( repressive ), is the 12336 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Drawn and quartered for high treason. The failure of Venner's Rising led to, repressive ,legislation to suppress non-conformist sects. Although some physical events
- Hence, it is followed by one more important reason for the constancy of the, repressive ,policy, namely,the state's interested in unremitting rates of receiving the
- And the outlawing of political parties other than the FLN was cemented in the, repressive ,constitution of 1976. Comedienne died in 1978,but the rule of his successor
- Source of labor. Following independence in 1968,the country suffered under a, repressive ,dictatorship for 11 years, which devastated the economy. The agricultural
- Traveller to register with the authorities in The Castle to stay a night seems, repressive ,and odd to Britons and Americans, whereas in the present-day Germans (and most
- In doing good in earthly life. Christianity was criticized as otherworldly, repressive ,and dreaming only of getting to heaven. It was described as cruel for
- That marginalized voices will remain unheard. He characterizes tolerance of, repressive ,speech as" inauthentic. " Instead, he advocates a form of tolerance that is
- Knowingly provided practical assistance and encouragement to the Chilean, repressive ,regime before, during,and after the coup, with reckless disregard for the
- Still not unusual on modern greens, the first player meanwhile making a, repressive ,gesture with his hand, as if to urge the bowl to stop short of his own; the
- Women, and children. Even more broadly," Gulag" has come to mean the Soviet, repressive ,system itself, the set of procedures that prisoners once called the "
- Freedom House included Chechnya in the" Worst of the Worst" list of most, repressive ,societies in the world, together with Burma, North Korea,China's Tibet and
- Unit was brief and did not last beyond 1929. Kurds subsequently faced many, repressive ,measures, including deportations, imposed by the Soviet government. As a result
- Torch, the Free French commander in chief in North Africa slowly rescinded, repressive ,Vichy laws, despite opposition by colon extremists. In March 1943,Muslim
- The Hermann and Kelley study whether U. S. intervention has only produced less, repressive ,autocratic governments or genuine democracies. Percent stated that the United
- 1960s and 1970s and stagnated in the 1980s. The political climate was highly, repressive ,during the 1950s,including numerous show trials and hundreds of thousands of
- The repression of Iraqi Kurdish civilians and demanded that Iraq end its, repressive ,measures and allow immediate access to international humanitarian organizations
- And recognition from Britain and the USA. The Vichy regime adopted violent, repressive ,anti-Semitic policies on its own initiative, without direction from Nazi
- Popularised the English Civil War as a 'Puritan Revolution ': challenging the, repressive ,Stuart Church, and preparing the way for religious toleration in the
- In the early 1990s,some opposition leaders returned to test the waters, but, repressive , actions have continued sporadically. With the prodding of the United Nations
- Which was called the in-service. The Assyrian law code, notable for its, repressive ,attitude towards women in their society, was compiled during this period.
- Served, a new period began, which was marked by British reforms, but also, repressive ,legislation, by more strident Indian calls for self-rule, and by the beginnings
- By the government-controlled media. Internally, the Figurine followed the, repressive ,methods of the NKVD, MGB,KGB, and the East German Stasis. " Its activities
- 1821. Austria In the correspondence of Metternich and other leaders of the, repressive ,policies that followed the second fall of Napoleon in 1815,Jacobin is the term
- Son, Frederick ) as a personal feudal estate. However, the Label was harsh and, repressive , breeding much resentment from the Faeroese. This caused Denmark, in 1708, too
- Alleys, first established in London in 1455,probably encouraged subsequent, repressive ,legislation, for many of the alleys were connected with taverns frequented by
- Regime of Adolf Hitler, who came to power on 30 January 1933,instituted, repressive ,legislation denying the Jews basic civil rights and instituted a pogrom on the
- Victory in Spain just before she returned to London. Frustrated by England's, repressive ,atmosphere—which she called" more fascist than the fascists"—she returned to
- And as his free decision. On the one hand, the apart was undoubtedly less, repressive ,than it had been before Stalin's death. On the other, his son recalled that
- A wider theme in his works, what he envisioned as a physically and spiritually, repressive ,ideology based on a quantifiable reality. Blake saw the cotton mills and
- The wide diversity that voluntary activity permits is a fundamental threat to, repressive ,political leaders and greatly diminish power to coerce. Friedman's view was
- Possibility of a counter-coup, and his government grew increasingly corrupt and, repressive , banning political opposition, shutting down newspapers and jailing reporters.
- The Parisian militants, also known as the sans-culottes, who aimed for a more, repressive ,form of government that would institute a price maximum on essential consumer
- Assignment of Kosovo to Albania, but their opinion was later disregarded. Harsh, repressive ,measures were imposed on Kosovo Albanians due to suspicions that they there
- By the Rowlett Acts, creating tension, particularly in the Punjab, where, repressive , measures culminated in the Amritsar Massacre. In Britain public opinion was
- Of slave labor in Germany. Thirteen million Soviet citizens became victims of a, repressive ,policy of Germans and their allies on an occupied territory, where people died
- To 80 % (1,508,800),after human loss in WWII and human deportation and other, repressive ,measures, fell strongly to 52 % (1,387,757) in 1989. In 2005,there were even
- Against the government of Louis Philippe in 1834,which led to violent, repressive ,measures, and to a famous trial known as the process d'April. The birthstone of
- Passionate opinion, Judge Milan Smith likened Mr. al-Kidd's allegation to the, repressive ,practices of the British crown that sparked the American Revolution. The
- All representatives in its Legislative Yuan, and open discussion of Taiwan's, repressive ,past as represented in the 2-28 Incident and its long martial law aftermath–a
- Model in the protagonist Vera, who adopts a Nihilist philosophy and escapes her, repressive ,family to live freely and organize a sewing cooperative. The book enthralled
- The descending brass motive (Pianissimo con violence) is connected to the, repressive ,regime which ruled Rome at the setting of the opera and most clearly to
- The German Confederation, Prince Metternich called a conference that issued the, repressive ,Carlsbad Decrees, designed to suppress liberal agitation against the
- Said the Ticktock man" ( 1965) is a celebration of civil disobedience against, repressive ,authority. " I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" ( 1967) is an allegory of
- Feminist Emma Goldman, also spoke in defense of same-sex love and challenged, repressive ,legislation. In 1897,German doctor and writer Magnus Hirschfeld formed the
- S 1953 book The Captive Mind is a study about how intellectuals behave under a, repressive ,regime, a work which he himself later translated into English. Miłosz observed
- This policy has led China to support states that are regarded as dangerous or, repressive ,by Western nations, such as Zimbabwe, North Korea, and Iran. Conflicts with
- Largely to the Highlands and the Hebrides. Furthermore, the culturally, repressive ,measures taken against the rebellious Highland communities by the British crown
- Developing a participatory political system out of the anarchic, chaotic,and, repressive ,conditions of the Macias years. In power since 1979,the Obi ang government has
- In Liberty ... The church was viewed as a common ally of the state and as a, repressive ,force in and of itself ". These tendencies will continue in French individualist
- Of peace in Europe, while continuing unrest forced the British state to develop, repressive ,strategies with networks of spies and informers as well as increasing its
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