Examples of the the word, tai , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 绵拳 main Juan or" The Thirteen techniques" (十三式 Shi San ship. The name ", tai ,chi Chuan" is held to be derived from the Tail symbol (Trinity or T'ai chi
  2. Classical forms from four of the original styles: Chen, Yang,Wu, and Sun. As, tai ,chi again became popular on the mainland, more competitive forms were developed
  3. Gravity immediately upon contact is trained as the primary goal of the martial, tai ,chi student. As a result of this popularity, there has been some divergence
  4. Chi training, aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advance, tai ,chi students in some traditional schools. Some martial arts, especially the
  5. Lord Chiang" ( 先總統 蔣公),where the one-character-wide space known as no, tai ,shows respect; this practice has lost some popularity. However, he is still
  6. Arts styles in pushing hands and Sancho competition. Health benefits Before, tai ,chi's introduction to Western students, the health benefits of tai chi Chuan
  7. Such as coriander seed, that are rarely found in other Thai curries. * Keying, tai ,PLA - a thick sour vegetable curry made with turmeric and shrimp paste, often
  8. And requires a great deal of training. The Name What is now known as ", tai ,chi Chuan" only appears to have received this appellation from around the mid
  9. For competition for the first time with the 42-Form being chosen to represent, tai ,chi. The International Push Federation (IUF) applied for push to be part
  10. Application sequences implied by the forms. The major traditional styles of, tai ,chi have forms that differ somewhat in terms of aesthetics, but there are also
  11. Clarity. Besides general health benefits and stress management attributed to, tai ,chi training, aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advance
  12. To standardize tai chi Chuan for push tournament judging, and because many, tai ,chi Chuan teachers had either moved out of China or had been forced to stop
  13. Balance in combat, or in a broader philosophical sense, is a primary goal of, tai ,chi Chuan training. Lao Tau provided the archetype for this in the Tao Te Ching
  14. 10 lacuna 'two hand ',15 tolu-luna 'three hand ', etc. 11 is then lacuna, tai ,'two-hand one ', and 17 tolu-luna Lua 'three-hand two '. 5 is a common
  15. Are a common activity, with elderly citizens encouraged to practice gong and, tai ,chi Chuan. Young people in China are also keen on basketball, especially in
  16. Training, for its benefit to health and health maintenance. Medical studies of, tai ,chi support its effectiveness as an alternative exercise and a form of martial
  17. Healing mechanisms not always studied or supported by modern science. Today, tai ,chi is in the process of being subjected to rigorous scientific studies in the
  18. Yang family hand form to 24 postures in 1956. They wanted to re tai n the look of, tai ,chi Chuan but create a routine that would be less difficult to teach and much
  19. Before tai chi's introduction to Western students, the health benefits of, tai ,chi Chuan were largely explained through the lens of traditional Chinese
  20. I Ching and the Tao Te Ching. History and styles There are five major styles of, tai ,chi Chuan, each named after the Chinese family from which it originated: *Wu-
  21. Bow Sim Mark is a notable exponent of the 67 Combined. These modern versions of, tai ,chi Chuan (sometimes listed using the pinyin Romanization Tai I Juan) have
  22. Meditation: The focus and calmness cultivated by the meditative aspect of, tai ,chi is seen as necessary in main tai ning optimum health (in the sense of
  23. Is a kanji compound of 変 (hen;" change "," weird ", or " strange" ) and 態 (, tai ,;" attitude" or" appearance" ). The term is used as a shortened form of the
  24. Forward pressure to throw. Implementations Aikido makes use of body movement (, tai ,kabuki) to blend with use. For example, an " entering" ( Irish) technique
  25. The physical effects of stress on the body and mind. For those focused on, tai ,chi's martial application, good physical fitness is an important step towards
  26. Yin and Yang into a single Ultimate, represented by the Trinity symbol. Thus, tai ,chi theory and practice evolved in agreement with many Chinese philosophical
  27. Used for units carrying out suicide attacks during 1944–45 is tokubetsu Korea, tai ,(特別攻撃隊),which literally means" special attack unit ". This is usually
  28. Martial arts, require students to wear a uniform during practice. In general, tai ,chi Chuan schools do not require a uniform, but both traditional and modern
  29. Of their students in studying the art. Tai chi as sport In order to standardize, tai ,chi Chuan for push tournament judging, and because many tai chi Chuan teachers
  30. Popularity, there has been some divergence between those that say they practice, tai ,chi primarily for self-defense, those that practice it for its aesthetic appeal
  31. Are cer tai n to be injured at least to some degree. Such injury, according to, tai ,chi theory, is a natural consequence of meeting brute force with brute force.
  32. Swords of Dragon Gate, the latter is helmed by Sui Hark. In order to promote, tai ,chi, in 2012 Jet Li will star in a film titled Tai Chi and will co-produce the
  33. Flat-soled shoes. The physical techniques of tai chi Chuan are described in the, tai ,chi classics, a set of writings by traditional masters, as being characterized
  34. Karl Malachi (a. k. a Takes hi Timur) wrote a script called Frankenstein, tai ,Moira. Ultimately, Toho rejected the script and the next year pitted Mithra
  35. Special attack units are sometimes known in Japan as kamikaze tokubetsu Korea, tai , Since the end of the war, the term kamikaze has sometimes been used for other
  36. Being" stillness in movement ", a state of mental calm and meditation in the, tai ,chi form. In a form of meditation using visualization, such as Chinese Qi Gong
  37. Aspects of health and martial arts are equally necessary: the yin and yang of, tai ,chi Chuan. The tai chi" family" schools, therefore,still present their
  38. And Chen) - have secondary forms of a faster pace. Some traditional schools of, tai ,chi teach partner exercises known as" pushing hands ", and martial
  39. From the Imperial Japanese Navy were officially called ships tokubetsu Korea, tai ,(神風特別攻撃隊," divine wind special attack units" ). Ships is the on-reading (
  40. Including herbology, food therapy, physical training regimens (gong, tai ,chi Chuan, and other martial arts training),combustion, tui Na, and
  41. Loose, comfortable clothing and flat-soled shoes. The physical techniques of, tai ,chi Chuan are described in the tai chi classics, a set of writings by
  42. Of the form as a soft style martial art. * Martial art: The ability to use, tai ,chi as a form of self-defense in combat is the test of a student's
  43. Person may find it difficult to meditate to a state of calmness or to use, tai ,chi as a martial art. Tai chi's health training, therefore,concentrates on
  44. Are derived from Yang family forms, but neither is recognized as Yang family, tai ,chi Chuan by standard-bearing Yang family teachers. The Chen, Yang,and Wu
  45. And martial arts are equally necessary: the yin and yang of tai chi Chuan. The, tai ,chi" family" schools, therefore,still present their teachings in a martial
  46. 石—meaning" stone" ) suggests the second character of his" register name ", tai ,(泰—the famous Mount Tai of China). Courtesy names in China often bore a
  47. Example, Finnish tie means" road "; the pronunciation is tie, unlike English, tai , which in turn means" or" in Finnish. Pseudo-anglicisms are
  48. Circulation (breath, body heat, blood,lymph, peristalsis,etc.) The study of, tai ,chi Chuan primarily involves three aspects: * Health: An unhealthy or otherwise
  49. Outlook, and strengthen the will to live. " Other practices such as yoga, tai ,chi, and meditation may also have a positive impact on physical and
  50. Attack rather than attempting to meet it with opposing force. The use of, tai ,chi as a martial art is quite challenging and requires a great deal of training

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