Examples of the the word, su , in a Sentence Context

The word ( su ), is the 12342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Discourse often invades evaluations of his works. Bibliography *Marcia, su , Roma e diatonic (The March on Rome and Thereabouts,1932) *Peoria
  2. Note that these processes also apply across word boundaries: pork (pig) but, su , borku (the pig); demo (house) but SA OMO (the house). While the latter
  3. Some exceptions though,e.g. in the former Soviet Union the site Geocaching., su , remains popular because it accepts listings in the Cyrillic alphabet.
  4. Michael: Las leagues Romania standard. Historian de SU formation y de, su , uso. Academia de la Lingual Asturian, Uviéu 2004. Rugby football is a style of
  5. A peculiar sort of edition that operates as a syn chronic feature, and use of, su , < as an article (another archaic feature, also seen in the Catalan of the
  6. Sir. En Sheri ING had u minor blot an me file i. mate. OC multi. Sum Haiti, su , nautar. I et air SU u Allie Satan. This is roughly translated:: Before this
  7. Lu, la,LI, like in former Corsican dialects (u,a, i in modern Corsican, su , SA, sos, sas in Sardinia); Relation to Corsican language Allures is
  8. Be gathered without harming the plant. *Buddhist vegetarianism (also known as, su , vegetarianism ) excludes all animal products as well as vegetables in the
  9. Modèles Dormer en paid days Los Bordeaux. Bridge II Nos ancient ONT, su , mourir Pour la Loire de la Legion, Nous Sauron Bain thus peril
  10. His wife" coming up su ddenly, did find me embracing the girl con my hand su b, su , coats; and ended I was with my main in her funny. I was at a wonderful loss
  11. Felipe, who wrote his book" Commentaries de la Guerra de España e historian de, su , rey Philip V el animism" in 1725,more than twenty years after the fact; the
  12. Fact, it was only six years later that the first genuine site in Moscow, demos., su , joined Usenet. Some readers needed convincing that the postings from it were
  13. Enabled the invention of the layered dough style used in bore (especially in, su , böreği, or 'water pastry ', a salty baklava-like pastry with cheese filling)
  14. His wife" coming up su ddenly, did find me embracing the girl con my hand su b, su , coats; and ended I was with my main in her funny. I was at a wonderful loss
  15. The shape arose from a combination of Brahma characters abbreviating the words, su , astí. Another early attestation is on pottery from the Samara culture, dated
  16. Variations on a Theme by Nicole Paganini * Isaac Berkowitz –" Variation, su , un team DI Paganini" ( Variations on a theme of Paganini). *Boris Bleacher –
  17. Sardinia went its own way here also, forming its article from apse, ipsa (, su , SA); some Catalan and Occitan dialects have articles from the same source.
  18. Setoff & Seen Bill Jorgensen (2000). In French. * La Grande Camera. Studio, su ," La Vie mode d'employ" by Rinaldo Rinaldi (2004). In Italian. Marsala is a
  19. To criticize a person who boasts about his merits * CADA Gallo Santa en, su , muladar:: Literal translation:::: Each rooster sings on its dung-heap::
  20. With -i or -e. *Sardinia uses a definite article derived from the Latin is su e:, su , SA, plural SOS, sas (Logudorese) and is (Campidanese). Such articles are
  21. El via de Arian (" Arián's Voyage ", Eduard Bosch,2001) * La VOZ de, su , amo (" His Master's Voice ", Emilio Martínez Lazaro,2001) * SOS cells ("
  22. Now CD for Democratic Republic of the Congo). In contrast to these, the TLD, su , has remained active despite the demise of the Soviet Union that it represents.
  23. 1867) http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1092479.pdf Text en line, su , Gallica * Note SUR de Bordeaux instruments prop res à l'observation DES divers
  24. Neighborhoods in Found are called" Ring" of these the olds is called ", su , piggiu" or the skin, probably derived by the fact this is the highest and
  25. D'oil and many Gallo-Italian languages. Examples from French: > vie" life "; >, su ," known "; similarly VU" seen" <, pu" been able" <, eu" had" <. *The
  26. Z represents in words like azure, seizure. More often, this sound appears as, su , or is in words su ch as mea su re, decision,etc. In all these words, developed
  27. French; and Giambattista Vice, who in the Science Nova and in the Giuliano, su , Dante inaugurated what would later become the romantic reappraisal of Dante
  28. Against the Americans. 7 y genre geode Esbriet King Myrna rice 7 all æt be, su , an Humble wæs,7 he wæs east a King see he Bretenanwealda wæs. In modern
  29. Also compare with Leonard 2010,EQ 5.22, pg. 99) SO (3) The Lie algebra, su , ( 2) is isomorphic to the Lie algebra so (3),which corresponds to the Lie
  30. Occurs at the tip (apex). For example, zu" you" is distinguished from, su ," fire ". The affricate counterparts are written with orthographic TZ and ts.
  31. Are voiced (as in" clothe" ) between other voiced sounds: over, la leas, su , ern. Otherwise, they are unvoiced (as in" cloth" ): nor, su ð, so fæst.
  32. When in his own ambience and in his place of origin * CADA marts Taine, su , domingo:: Literal translation:::: Each Tuesday has It's Sunday:: Meaning/Use::::
  33. Or walnut. Among milk-based desserts, the most popular ones are muhallebi, su , muhallebisi, sütlaç (rice pudding),Keokuk, kazandibi (meaning the bottom of
  34. Said Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase" " (transliterated as" Kai, su , tenon? ":" You too, child? " In English). However, Suetonius says Caesar
  35. Trip to drop propaganda leaflets on Vienna. This is called in Italian" IL Solo, su , Vienna "," the Flight over Vienna ". Flume The War strengthened his
  36. Of infinitesimal rotations in three-dimensional space. However, even though, su , ( 2) and so (3) are isomorphic as Lie algebras, SU (2) and SO (3) are
  37. 1968) *If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, by Mel Stuart (1969) *RNA, su ,13,by Nicholas Lesser and Luciano Luciano (1969) *Io non veto, tu non
  38. Divisor of u and w is 1,then integers s and t can be found su ch that: 1 =, su , + TW by Bézout's identity. Multiplying both sides by v gives the relation: v
  39. 2×2 matrices with trace 0. Direct calculation shows that the Lie algebra, su , ( 2) is the 3 dimensional real algebra spanned by the set. In symbols, : \;
  40. 1995. * Medellin, Michael: Las leagues Romania standard. Historian de, su , formación y de SU USO. Academia de la Lingual Asturian, Uviéu 2004. Rugby
  41. Posthumously) *Luigi Dallapiccola – Sonatina canonical in mi belle Maggie, su ," Caprice" DI Niccolo Paganini, for piano (1946) *Johann Keokuk Hummel –
  42. Thailand, the feathery shoots of Acacia pennant (common name chaos, ชะอม and, su , pout ywet in Burmese) are used in soups, curries,omelettes, and stir-fries.
  43. He even arranged to have the domain's gateway site named removal. Demos., su , thus turning fiction into truth and, according to one account," demonstrating
  44. Is forever dissatisfied with his lot and has never enough. * Mingus Coronado ve, su , joroba:: Literal translation:::: No hunchback sees his own hump:: Meaning/use::
  45. Kingdom of Sardinia (and Piedmont) was the Hymn Said (or Conserved Zeus, su , Re ), the lyrics of which are in the Sardinia language. It was partially
  46. En torn an Isaac Albeit y, su ," Iberia" by Antonio Iglesias, Antonio Fernández-Cid (
  47. Rugger Leoncavallo new so tempo, Atti del Io Convent Internationale di Studio, su , Leoncavallo a Locarno 1991,EDD. Jürgen Mahler/Lorenzo Guilt, Milano (
  48. Mañana era Otto did, y Vera el Puerto Los Esparragoza * Nadia ESTA content con, su , su erte:: Literal translation:::: No one is satisfied with his fortune::
  49. Patron),as the tale XXX, De lo Que aconteció all Ra Renamed de Sevilla con, su , mujer, Ramaiquía (Tell of the story who happened to the king Renamed of
  50. Haf u minor blot an me file i. mate. OC multi. Sum Haiti SU NASTAR. I et air, su , u Allie Satan. This is roughly translated:: Before this time, and a long time

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