Examples of the the word, hasten , in a Sentence Context
The word ( hasten ), is the 12343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Treacherous acts which brought the country to the brink of the precipice, will, hasten , to adopt these methods so vital to the public safety, and all the French people
- After the Resurrection John with Peter was the first of the disciples to, hasten ,to the grave, and he was the first to believe that Christ had truly risen (John
- S" Champagne Aria ":" Fin ch'Han DAL vino – Till they are tipsy" ). They, hasten ,to his palace. Berlin follows the jealous Falsetto and tries to pacify him. ("
- Natal (now Durban). Shaka had made enough enemies among his own people to, hasten ,his demise. It came relatively quickly after the devastation caused by Shaka's
- Shown marked improvements in attempts to tackle government corruption and to, hasten ,development. Amaru YAR'Ada of the People's Democratic Party came into power
- And still sometimes heard today, is that an international language might, hasten ,the extinction of minority languages. One response has been that, even if this
- Tom Cont wasn't there. She meant the conductor, Bill Cont, who had tried to, hasten ,the conclusion of her Oscar speech the previous year, but instead named the
- To the quote was current in her time in antiroyalist propaganda, most likely to, hasten ,her way to the guillotine (An Underground Education, Richard Backs,1997). *
- His foot by sliding it over the nail. His legs were found broken, possibly to, hasten ,his death as described in. It is thought that because in Roman times iron was
- That a culture can have a true foundation upon which to thrive. He wished to, hasten ,its coming only so that he could also hasten its ultimate departure. A willful
- Or elsewhere he heard the sound of singing and instruments, he should forthwith, hasten ,there and arrest as many as he could, breaking the instruments. Thus was caused
- Anyone would think that … he came kind of carrying my agenda. It was weird. I, hasten ,to add I didn’t think my life to be more successful than anybody else’s. If
- Terror bombing of great German population centers as a ruthless expedient to, hasten ,Hitler's doom. " There were followup newspaper editorials on the issue and a
- Menace Mendel of Romanov saw Messianic potential in the turmoil. Seeking to, hasten ,Redemption they differed over support or opposition to Napoleon. Scene Kalman
- Chamberlain. He made trips to Paris and Rome, hoping to persuade the French to, hasten ,their rearmament, and to persuade Mussolini to be a positive influence on
- Intelligence. Ryan soon afterward suggests a non-military strategy to help, hasten ,the USSR's collapse. In The Hunt for Red October, Captain First Rank Marko
- Troops encircled Saigon. The city was defended by about 30,000 ARON troops. To, hasten ,a collapse and foment panic, the VIA shelled the airport and forced its closure
- He must either try to cut Ballard off before he could get there, or,he must, hasten ,to reinforce Marlborough. However, if he withdrew from the Rhine to the Danube
- Example, they impose specific time limitations upon the parties that may either, hasten ,or (more frequently) slow down the pace of proceedings. Furthermore, a party
- Is a slow process, and may not come too quickly. Anarchists who endeavor to, hasten ,it buy joining in the propaganda of State Socialism or revolution make a sad
- Support for the Shah. It is entirely plausible that the BBC did indeed help, hasten ,revolutionary events. Revolutionary period under Khomeini Under the Khomeini
- Cubs left alone in dens when their parents were away. This may have helped to, hasten ,the extinction of the thiamine, which also ate devils. Although devils can
- The end of the war, raising whether the bombing was needed to, hasten ,the end. Legal considerations The Hague Conventions, addressing the codes of
- Gained earlier are lost, but Fog shows no sign of regret. The travelers then, hasten ,on to catch the train at the next railway station, taking Gouda with them. At
- For new behaviors to be acquired. Bandura noted that" social imitation may, hasten ,or short-cut the acquisition of new behaviors without the necessity of
- There remained a 200,000 strong Russian-speaking population which did not, hasten ,to leave it. The languages used in the Republic are Chechen and Russian.
- Extreme pain, should they be of sound mind and express a desire to artificially, hasten ,their death. In addition, it allowed for infants to be euthanized if they were
- In God and the Last Day; they enjoin Al-Ma'RUF and forbid Al-Munkar; and they, hasten ,in (all) good works; and they are among the righteous. And whatever good they
- Repair units and provide resources; artifacts yield new technology and, hasten ,secret projects; landmarks provide resource bonuses; and random events add
- Society. Williams' proposal was to use chloroform to deliberately, hasten ,the death of terminally ill patients: The essay was favorably reviewed in The
- Had been taken away from them. The Romans often broke the prisoner's legs to, hasten ,death and usually forbade burial. A cruel prelude was occasionally scourging
- S Prime Minister John Vorster, pressured Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to, hasten ,the transition to black majority rule in Rhodesia. With FORELIMB in control of
- Western Asia Minor to the Macedonians, and most of the cities in the region, hasten ,to open their gates. The Ionian city of Miles defies Alexander, and he has to
- The way are concerned with coloring and showing off their technique, trying to, hasten ,the bloom of the flower" ( as opposed to the actual harmony between strategy
- Chloride and copolymers, and ethyl bromide. It can also be used to, hasten ,fruit ripening, as well as a welding gas. Production In 2006,global ethylene
- Upon which to thrive. He wished to hasten its coming only so that he could also, hasten ,its ultimate departure. A willful destruction of the old values to wipe the
- In the U. S. market. Access to the U. S. market is expected to allow Vietnam to, hasten ,its transformation into a manufacturing-based, export-oriented economy. It
- The Praetorian Guard Navies Stories Macro smothered Tiberius with a pillow to, hasten ,Caligula's accession. According to Suetonius, he was known for his cruelty and
- The topic. Quested described various customs which were employed at the time to, hasten ,the death of the dying, ( including the sudden removal of a pillow, which was
- Arabs to the crematoria" and" Arabs - s beside the graffiti in order to, hasten ,the city to take action. In the 1980s and 1990s" Geography books for the
- Soviet Union were ends in themselves, I also considered them possible means to, hasten ,the end of the war. At worst, Hanoi was bound to feel less confident if
- To mobilize against the lifting of tariffs. Because he felt that it would, hasten ,the social revolution. To those who oppose socialism, this becomes an argument
- In 1866. However, in neither case was it recommended that the use should be to, hasten ,death. In 1870 Samuel Williams, a schoolteacher, initiated the contemporary
- IGF-1 properties. *Drotaverine, used to alleviate renal colic pain, also to, hasten ,cervical dilatation in labor *Roflumilast, indicated for people with severe
- Worldwide Church of God. He hoped that by burning down al-Aqsa Mosque he would, hasten ,the Second Coming of Jesus, making way for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple
- Fear of Margaret induced both the Mecklenburg Princes and the Wen dish towns to, hasten ,to its assistance; and the Baltic and the North Sea speedily swarmed with the
- The expectation of high tax rates probably caused British shippers to, hasten ,their deliveries before the new rates took effect in the early summer of 1861.
- Freud later suggested that it might be combined with hypnotic suggestion to, hasten ,the outcome of treatment, It is very probable, too,that the application of our
- At the time, anticipated to soon succeed Arévalo. Arena tried to prematurely, hasten ,the process of Arévalo's descent in a failed coup which brought about Arana's
- 1994)," A Cypherpunk's Manifesto ". In the scheme, helping to, hasten ,its demise. Hiding the act of hiding Another important set of discussions
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