Examples of the the word, nuke , in a Sentence Context
The word ( nuke ), is the 12335 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- This is because these players would attempt to farm kills to gain the tactical, nuke ,ability, which would also end the game. Although this isn't considered
- The blast goes off, and advises them to take some antidote before arming the, nuke , Inside the factory, he directs them to inject themselves with serum from a red
- Method. Synonyms include suitcase bomb, backpack nuke , mini- nuke ,pocket, nuke ,and snake. Production Thus far, only the United States and the Soviet
- Blocks destroyed by nuclear weaponry (the south of the city faces" total, nuke ,out! " Killing 150 million),and leads to a massed invasion by So forces. A
- Team ". Their job: to take out Arasaka's Night City arcology with a tactical, nuke ,to deny its assets to Alaska. Then they find out that Alt Cunningham, who was
- Mort us zaps himself back into the Comic Zone and shuts Alissa inside the, nuke , which starts to fill with liquid. Sketch must now defeat Mort us for good and
- Various colloquialism exist for this process, such as" wipe and reload ",", nuke ,and pave "," damage ", etc. Formatting DOS, OS/2 and Windows Under MS-DOS
- To design a pin recognizing when a diesel boat needed to take a" broke-down, nuke ,boat's" mission. The winning design, submitted by former commercial artist
- Sabotaged by Hale and his plan falling apart, Deakins decides to detonate the, nuke ,early. Kelly, realizing they'll have no chance to get away in time, holds
- Launch http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Metal_Gear_2_ (weapon) Mega Mom 2 to, nuke ,Sydney, Los Angeles, and the Philippine Islands. * Code Red: Philippians (1990
- An attack on the city, destroying several sectors; after being caught, they, nuke , one of their own sectors as compensation. Judge Death is freed by the other
- The release is outright bad, such as out of sync. The nuke multiplier for scene, nuke ,on topsides is usually 1x; all the couriers lose all credits gained uploading
- Carmen she severs its proboscis with a knife. Rico displays a small ", nuke ,", and the brain bug reluctantly allows them to withdraw with Carmen. When
- That a player aggro into a large group, usually for another party member to, nuke ,the enemies with area of effect damage. Purpose of mobs Defeating mobs may be
- Fields include ID3 musical genre names (for MP3 releases),sections, and, nuke , ( release rejection) details. Release databases are maintained to provide
- That display metathesis are: * nuclear → nuclear (reanalyzed as, nuke ,+ suffix in particular, binocular ) The process has shaped many English words
- As fed up, gimp,kill me, killwin, knewkem, liquid nuke , m nuke , net nuke , muerte, nuke , nuke attack, nuke r102,new,project1,potline, simport nuke , sprite,sprite32
- Observes a river flowing backwards, draining into the open fault. The last, nuke ,wasn't deep enough when it exploded leaving southern California still in
- To, but not lower than, the initial rate. The player also has the option to ", nuke ," all the remaining lemmings on the screen, converting them all to Bombers
- And Ralph shortly before their executions and is killed by the Trashcan Man's, nuke , " The Rat Man" " Ratty" Erwin's, a. k. a. The Rat Man, is a pirate-like hood.
- Defense computer like WOP R (jokingly named B. I. G. M. A. C.). He uses it to, nuke ,Canada, and is apprehended by the U. S. military. They water board the nerd
- To Doug's wide repertoire of sarcasm, hyperbole is also included. Rather than, nuke ,Luzon Airport, the brothers are said to have napalmed Cheltenham. This version
- Up part of a page. In the final (and partly unfinished) panel, Sketch finds a, nuke ,ready to launch, and Alissa is working on defusing it. Enraged, Mortus zaps
- End the game. Although this isn't considered boosting, critics of the tactical, nuke ,cited this as a reason to exclude it from further Call of Duty games because it
- An Aleut harpoon master named Raven whose motorcycle's sidecar packs a, nuke ,wired to go off should Raven ever be killed. Raven has never forgiven the U. S.
- Of release, usually 5 to 15 minutes. Typically, the nuke multiplier for a site, nuke ,is at least 3x,where all couriers responsible for racing the bad release will
- A suitcase as its delivery method. Synonyms include suitcase bomb, backpack, nuke , mini- nuke , pocket nuke and snake. Production Thus far, only the United States
- Has elapsed from the time of release, usually 5 to 15 minutes. Typically, the, nuke ,multiplier for a site nuke is at least 3x,where all couriers responsible for
- With serum from a red box with a biohazard symbol on it. They do so and arm the, nuke , which detonates directly behind Jack and Val as they exit the factory, leaving
- Redwing-Seminole 02. JPG|Red-wing Seminole test image: Hardtack Umbrella, nuke , JPG|Hardtack Umbrella test image: Eniwetok atomic detonations. Ogg|Video clips
- Moments before descending as the Hand of God and activating the Trashcan Man's, nuke , Jenny Angstrom A former nightclub dancer, Jenny awaits Flag in Las Vegas with
- Defending a sector. Nuclear weapons of AD 1980 follow special rules. A single, nuke ,irrevocably destroys a sector. The same epoch's defensive weapon is the
- Affected computer until it comes to a complete stop. A specific example of a, nuke ,attack that gained some prominence is the Winnie, which exploited the
- About setting off a nuclear weapon, but Val assures him“ it's only a tactical, nuke , just enough to take out the factory and the base. By the time it goes off
- As wrong encoder, or when the release is outright bad, such as out of sync. The, nuke ,multiplier for scene nuke on topsides is usually 1x; all the couriers lose all
- Crowe. Information Crowe had with him indicates Krieger has a tactical, nuke ,on the island. After the Department of Defense has supposedly analyzed the
- Of lenient commanders. The original intent of" times a diesel relieved a, nuke ," was lost, and the most common meaning of the stars became" number of diesel
- Out. The outcome of the duel is greatly disputed because the low-yield tactical, nuke ,the team deployed sets off the 2-kiloton" self-destruct" bomb Alaska had
- On Cobra Island. The Jugglers had alerted Cobra to the U. S. is plans to drop a, nuke ,on the island. The entire Coil force was killed in the strike. In Badhikstan
- The bottom of the screen. There is also a timer that counts how long until the, nuke ,is dropped. Once all the living people are collected a yellow teleported
- At ground forces and automatically overheats and self-destructs to shoot down a, nuke , All are unmanned. In addition, the player may undertake the following actions:
- Then, Watkins is mortally wounded and sacrifices himself by detonating the, nuke ,while the others escape. After returning to the surface, they find that former
- Civilizations of the Golden Age were able to stay intact all because the first, nuke ,strike was one minute after midnight. ) *Man hunter Universe - an alternative
- Subsequent stars) would be awarded to the crews of diesel boats that relieved, nuke ,boats. The Yokosuka craftsman, however,began producing and selling the pins to
- The Czar reveals" himself" to be a robot double outfitted with a close-focus, nuke ,in its chest cavity. With the gang leaders dead The Czar is able to take over
- Violates site rules, such as 'No VLS' for the MP3 section. Another common site, nuke ,is for backfilling, which is uploading something after a specific amount of
- By Merkel Sergi. EGG online, EGM Liven 1995,Eggs first online website was, nuke , Com. It merged with game spot. Com in 1996 after Ziff-Davis purchased Sendai
- Rather than Rifts' history where the Golden Age survived because the first, nuke ,hit 1 minute after midnight). The old world is gone, a new dark age has dawned
- A sector. The same epoch's defensive weapon is the nuclear deterrent,a, nuke ,that does nothing to save its sector, but is automatically launched at the
- As an alternative to those who want to avoid the crowd at AMK Hub. A suitcase, nuke ,is a tactical nuclear weapon which uses, or is portable enough that it could
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