Examples of the the word, syringe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( syringe ), is the 12345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A piping tip is attached to the bag or syringe using a coupler. The bag or, syringe ,is partially filled with icing which is sometimes colored. Using different
  2. A soldier of a high ranking sees through his guise. His preferred weapon is a, syringe ,loaded with a lethal poison which eliminates his enemies in complete silence.
  3. Shaving razors (although none of the steel blades had survived),a copper, syringe ,for wound irrigation and treatment of gonorrhea, and even a skillfully crafted
  4. Governments that support a harm reduction approach usually fund needle &, syringe ,exchange programs, which supply new needles and syringe s on a confidential
  5. The reservoir with ink may be done manually (via the use of an eyedropper or, syringe ,), or via an internal" filler" mechanism which creates suction to transfer
  6. Active ingredient. Injects contain a second dose of epinephrine in a separate, syringe ,and needle delivery system contained within the body of the autoinjector.
  7. And Byrne to theorize that the device was fundamentally different," a simple, syringe ,that squirted both liquid fire (presumably ignited) and noxious juices to
  8. The first R-gene cloned in A. Thailand was RPS2 (resistance to Pseudocodes, syringe ,2),which is responsible for recognition of the effector avrRpt2. The
  9. The hydraulic press (using hydraulic pressure to multiply force) and the, syringe , He has proven that hydrostatic pressure does not depend on the weight of the
  10. As piping bags or syringe s, and various piping tips. To use a piping bag or, syringe , a piping tip is attached to the bag or syringe using a coupler. The bag or
  11. 80 grams (2.8 ounces) of PEN sewn into his underwear by adding liquid from a, syringe ,; however, only a small fire resulted. The bomb found in England contained of
  12. This method of administration is commonly administered using an oral, syringe , Heroin can be dissolved and withdrawn into an oral syringe which may then be
  13. Who actually started the syringe s so that participants are not aware if their, syringe ,contained saline or one of the drugs necessary for execution (to assuage guilt
  14. And cellar. In addition, there were nine weapons including the unused axe, bomb, syringe , poison, shillelagh (walking stick/cudgel),and fireplace poker. Some of
  15. The end of which was wedged between his teeth. The smuggler would then use a, syringe ,to fill the tubing and condom with up to three liters of raw alcohol, which the
  16. Syringe. *Intravenous injection – Putting a fluid into a vein with a needle and, syringe , *Islet cell Transplantation – Moving the beta (islet) cells from a donor
  17. Injection – Putting a fluid into the tissue under the skin with a needle and, syringe , See also: Injection. *Sugar – A class of carbohydrates that taste sweet. Sugar
  18. Palliative care of cancer patients, diacetylmorphine is often injected using a, syringe ,driver. Production and trafficking Production Diacetylmorphine is produced from
  19. The first set of pan pipes, which were thenceforth known as spring. The word, syringe ,was derived from this word. In literature The story became popular among
  20. The story of Pan. The plural of spring is syringe s, from which the modern word, syringe ,is derived. (Pan pipes is both singular and plural. ) Other names for the
  21. User of cocaine, which he injects in a seven-per-cent solution using a special, syringe ,that he keeps in a leather case. Holmes is also an occasional user of morphine
  22. I saw, from the corner of the room, them trying to resuscitate me, and I saw a, syringe , with blood in it. It did change my whole life, because,when you die, I
  23. Behe's argument. In addition, the Type three secretion system, a molecular, syringe ,which bacteria use to inject toxins into other cells, appears to be a
  24. Pattern of, for example," And even though Roger Clemens stabs his radio with a, syringe ,whenever he hears us say it, this is NPR: National Public Radio. " The ending
  25. Are administered through the injection port. When using an injection port,the, syringe ,needle always stays above the surface of the skin, thus reducing the number of
  26. For either recreation or disposal, and there may be used and/or infected, syringe ,needles en route, such as those commonly used with heroin. The growing
  27. The person inseminating introduces the semen directly into her uterus using a, syringe ,and pipette. Advanced reproductive techniques Often an owner does not want to
  28. I Nazi),Palace (" clown ", a word that sounds close to Palace),Stalin's, syringe ,or even the Russian Wedding Cake. The terrace on the 30th floor, at 114 meters
  29. This method of administration is commonly administered using an oral, syringe , Cocaine can be dissolved in water and withdrawn into an oral syringe which may
  30. Official photo, taken at the scene, showed Bruce lying naked on the floor,a, syringe ,and burned bottle cap nearby, along with various other narcotics' paraphernalia.
  31. Using an oral syringe . Heroin can be dissolved and withdrawn into an oral, syringe ,which may then be lubricated and inserted into the anus or vagina before the
  32. Inserting the extra DNA into the nucleus of the intended host with a very small, syringe , or with very small particles fired from a gene gun. However, other methods
  33. To deliver more precise amounts of insulin than can be injected using a, syringe , This supports tighter control over blood sugar and Hemoglobin A1c levels
  34. Of indicator placed underneath a calibrated burette or chemistry pipetting, syringe ,containing the titrant. When the endpoint of the reaction is reached, the
  35. Catalogue, which was distributed to millions of Americans homes, offered a, syringe ,and a small amount of cocaine for $1.50. By 1914,the problem had grown to the
  36. Pump is an alternative to multiple daily injections of insulin by insulin, syringe ,or an insulin pen and allows for intensive insulin therapy when used in
  37. Kingdom, where it is commonly given by the subcutaneous route, often via a, syringe ,driver, if patients cannot easily swallow oral morphine solution. The advantage
  38. With holes drilled in the ends, books on homosexuality and pederasty,a, syringe , clothing too small for Gary, and a photo receipt from the pharmacy where
  39. Removing the fetus or embryo, placenta and membranes by suction using a manual, syringe , while electric vacuum aspiration (EVA) abortion uses an electric pump. These
  40. Tips. To use a piping bag or syringe , a piping tip is attached to the bag or, syringe ,using a coupler. The bag or syringe is partially filled with icing which is
  41. Medicine by mouth. *Injection – Putting liquid into the body with a needle and, syringe , Often directly into a vein, as for intravenous antibiotics in a hospital. For
  42. Is treated by pericardiocentesis, the gentle insertion of the needle of a, syringe ,into the pericardial sac (avoiding the heart itself) on an angle, usually
  43. Weapon is a small rod with two handles and a plunger at one end, giving it a, syringe ,style. But this is so it can be held and fired using three fingers. This weapon
  44. Intramuscular injection – Putting a fluid into a muscle with a needle and, syringe , *Intravenous injection – Putting a fluid into a vein with a needle and syringe
  45. File: Heroin. JPG|Prepping heroin for injection File: Anal Heroin. JPG|Modified, syringe ,for suppository administration File: Heroin Stamp. JPG|One stamp of heroin File
  46. Similar to the infusion set used with an insulin pump, configured to accept a, syringe , Standard insulin injections are administered through the injection port. When
  47. Use another brand of ink is to fill empty cartridges with bottled ink using a, syringe , International cartridges are closed by a small ball of glass, held inside the
  48. Of genes involved in the formation of a type-IV plus (a kind of molecular, syringe , which injects toxins into host cells) and host adhesion. It is a large
  49. Alternatives include feeding breastmilk or formula with a cup, spoon,feeding, syringe , or nursing supplemented. The forming of attachments is considered to be the
  50. An oral syringe . Cocaine can be dissolved in water and withdrawn into an oral, syringe ,which may then be lubricated and inserted into the anus or vagina before the

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