Examples of the the word, ghetto , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ghetto ), is the 12339 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To treat your mother right, and also raps a song about growing up in the, ghetto ,and praising God. The raps in this video were written by Ice T. In 1988,Mr. T
  2. Of the city, however,the first reliable source dates back to 1317. The Jewish, ghetto ,was located in the south-eastern part of the city, and it comprised, at its peak
  3. After the Jews were emancipated by Napoleon, and Jews were restricted to the, ghetto ,through the end of the Papal States in 1870. Official Catholic organizations
  4. Jews into a compact area of the city, and the subsequent deportation of all the, ghetto ,'s Jews to concentration camps, including watching as his father was taken away
  5. Strong identification with the story of a Jewish immigrant who grows up in the, ghetto ,of New York ... and feels he has to deny his ethnic origins to rise to success
  6. Inner city" is sometimes used with the connotation of being an area, perhaps a, ghetto , where people are less wealthy and where there is more crime. These
  7. Also known as the Sahara, who reportedly created a golem to defend the Prague, ghetto ,from antisemitic attacks and pogroms. Depending on the version of the legend
  8. Dictionary is published. *1942 – World War II: In Poland, the Majdan-Tatarski, ghetto ,is established, situated between the Lublin Ghetto and a Mandate subcamp.
  9. Of" the Nazi holocaust" is rooted in his parents' experiences in the Warsaw, ghetto ,; except his parents themselves," every family member on both
  10. The construction of the" pugilistic habits" in a boxing gym of the black, ghetto ,of Chicago in Body and Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer (2004) and in "
  11. A Chicago house record label called Dance Mania, which primarily distributes, ghetto ,house. Ghetto house, along with acid house, were house music styles that were
  12. A large Yiddish local vocabulary. Despite an absence of an official Jewish, ghetto , most Jews preferred to live in the eastern part of the old medieval heart of
  13. Live in two villages, Endingen and Legal, in Aargau which became the Jewish, ghetto ,in Switzerland. This remained the case until the 19th Century. In 1799 all
  14. Nazi siege, known as the Siege of Leningrad. *1945 – Liberation of the Budapest, ghetto ,by the Red Army. *1958 – Willie O'Free, the first African Canadian National
  15. A new reality. Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir comments: 'Height Ashbury was a, ghetto ,of bohemians who wanted to do anything - and we did, but I don't think it has
  16. Succeed in the course of this year. " Deportations of Berlin Jews to the Łódź, ghetto ,began in October, but transport and other difficulties made the process much
  17. Language. The Charlie Chaplin film The Great Dictator (1940) showed Jewish, ghetto ,shop signs in Esperanto, to create the atmosphere of some 'foreign' East
  18. A bald, snaggle-toothed boy who wore a yellow nightshirt and hung around in a, ghetto ,alley filled with equally odd characters, mostly other children. With a goofy
  19. Republic. It is from its name, in the Venetian language, that the word ", ghetto ,", used in many languages, is derived. William Shakespeare's play The Merchant
  20. The bodies of all six in sacks before the homes of their parents in the Jewish, ghetto ,in Damascus. In 1984 Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Class published a book
  21. Dancehall artists as The term ragamuffin is an intentional misspelling of s ", ghetto ,dwellers ". Religious conversion is the adoption of a new religion that differs
  22. In the Ninth Fort. In 1944,as the Soviets moved in, the Germans liquidated the, ghetto ,and what had by then come to be known as the" Fort of Death ", and the
  23. Racial antisemitism. Pope Pius VII (1800–1823) had the walls of the Jewish, ghetto ,in Rome rebuilt after the Jews were emancipated by Napoleon, and Jews were
  24. Forces invade Burma *1945 – World War II: Soviet forces liberate the Łódź, ghetto , Out more than 200,000 inhabitants in 1940,less than 900 had survived the Nazi
  25. Children. With a goofy grin, the Kid habitually spoke in a ragged, peculiar, ghetto , argot printed on his shirt, a device meant to lampoon advertising billboards.
  26. That made him the first science fiction writer to break out of the" pulp, ghetto ,". In 1950,the movie Destination Moon—the documentary-like film for which he
  27. Into Palestine. Rich (" flight" ), an organization of former partisans and, ghetto ,fighters, smuggled Jewish holocaust survivors from Eastern Europe to Italy and
  28. With The Lemon heads, living for a time with Evan Dandy in the college student, ghetto ,neighborhood of Alston in Boston, and contributed backing vocals to recordings
  29. Moved into some buildings whose Jewish population had been deported to the, ghetto , The first prisoners (30 German criminal prisoners from the Sachsenhausen camp
  30. Novel, the heroine, Sara Smolensk, escape from New York City's" down-town, ghetto ," by breaking tradition. She quits her job at the family store and soon becomes
  31. Main streets in the city center as well as part of the main city square. The, ghetto ,boasted a synagogue, a Jewish cemetery and also a Talmudic school. The Jewish
  32. Of requiring all Jews to wear an identifying mark and of confining them to a, ghetto , but these were ideas whose time had not yet come. " Aim – drive the Jews out
  33. Request of prominent Italians. The Jewish population was first confined to a, ghetto ,and later murdered or sent to concentration camps, including Glasgow and
  34. Subcamp. *1943 – World War II: In Poland, German troops enter the Warsaw, ghetto ,to round up the remaining Jews, beginning the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. * 1943 –
  35. Well established author Béziers focused on the Jewish struggle to escape the, ghetto ,and enter middle- and upper-class America. In the novel, the heroine, Sara
  36. Population — the smaller one of which was" liquidated" by October. The larger, ghetto ,lasted until 1943,though its population was regularly deported in roundups
  37. Movie Uprising, which was based on the uprising in the Warsaw, ghetto , Voight played Major-General Jürgen Troop, the German officer responsible for
  38. At least 5,000 Lithuanian Jews of Kaunas, largely taken from the city's Jewish, ghetto , were transported to the Ninth Fort and killed. In addition, Jews from as far
  39. In bringing science fiction out of the low-paying and less prestigious pulp, ghetto , Most of his works, including short stories, have been continuously in print in
  40. Jewish family, who was independent enough to have escaped her past in the, ghetto , She became his lover, and influenced Kafka's interested in the Talmud. Kafka's
  41. Buses. South of the campus is the Southside neighborhood, mainly a student, ghetto , where much of the university's student housing is located. The busiest
  42. Single" Time for the Percolator" by Camera, which became the prototype of, ghetto ,house sub-genre. Camera started the Casual and Relief labels (amongst others
  43. Unit in German-occupied Europe),was followed by the final destruction of the, ghetto , During the Holocaust, about 95 % of the 265,000-strong Jewish population of
  44. Camps was organized, and the fortress town of Tarzan was made into a, ghetto ,way station for Jewish families. On June 4,1942,Heinrich died after being
  45. Ragamuffin, and the term ragamuffin music describes the music of Jamaica's ", ghetto ,youths ". The instrumentation primarily consists of electronic music. Sampling
  46. Leon Modena (1571–1648) preacher, author,poet, active in the Venetian, ghetto ,and beyond * Marco Antonio Bargain (d.1571),general, flayed alive by the
  47. Population was regularly deported in roundups known as" Actioned ". A failed, ghetto ,uprising on 1 September 1943 organized by the Parasite Partner Organizable
  48. Act by requesting that the Red Cross investigate these reports. As the Jewish, ghetto ,in occupied Warsaw was being liquidated by the Nazi SS units, in 1943 the city
  49. The Mir and Tell yeshivas. Critical method As a result of emancipation from the, ghetto ,(1789),Judaism underwent enormous upheaval and transformation during the
  50. Can be divided into three stages: mass executions (June–December 1941), ghetto , period (1942 – March 1943),and final liquidation (April 1943 – July 1944).

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