Examples of the the word, oaks , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oaks ), is the 12340 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Mediterranean, there are groves of orange and olive trees, evergreen, oaks , cork trees and pines, intermixed with cypresses, myrtles,arbutus and fragrant
  2. And juniper (Junipers foetidissima and J. excels). Broadleaf trees include, oaks , hornbeam, and maples. *Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf
  3. Doubling its size from. Some portions of the forest still retain many very old, oaks , especially in the portion known as the Queries, south of the town of Workshop
  4. Of conifers and broadleaved trees such as Minus brutal, cedar,cypresses and, oaks , Ancient authors write that most of Cyprus, even Messaoria, was heavily
  5. Anatolia. *Central Anatolian deciduous forests: These forests of deciduous, oaks ,and evergreen pines cover the plateau of central Anatolia. *Central Anatolian (
  6. Plants and animals are those generally common to middle Europe. Beeches, oaks , and other deciduous trees constitute one third of the forests; conifers are
  7. Rosa),many climates are naturally found, from the regions of olives, vines, oaks , and beeches, pines and firs, to those of the high mountain pastures
  8. Of California, the acorn was a staple food. The historic abundance of white, oaks ,in the Sacramento Valley was capable of supporting a large population. American
  9. And wit its soul.: — Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Little strokes: Fell great, oaks ,.: — Benjamin Franklin: Here lies my wife: here let her lie!: Now she's at rest
  10. With spiny bristles at the lobe. Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis * The ring-cupped, oaks ,of eastern and southeastern Asia. Evergreen trees growing 10–40 m tall. They
  11. Complex. This reality is also linked to the cult of trees, particularly, oaks , In this interpretative schema, the institution of the Rex Nemesis and
  12. Periods of rapid and slow growth may alternate. Some trees, such as southern, oaks , maintain the same width of ring for hundreds of years. Upon the whole, however
  13. River. A Spanish writer with the Mo raga expedition wrote," Canopies of, oaks ,and cottonwoods, many festooned with grapevines, overhung both sides of the
  14. Fungus closely related to Dutch Elm Disease),is also a lethal disease of some, oaks , particularly the red oaks (the white oaks can be infected but generally live
  15. House. Built in 1905 and refurbished, the home nestles under majestic heritage, oaks ,and replicates a 1930s farmhouse. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the gardens and
  16. Lowland deciduous rainforest with some rainforest of middle altitudes and some, oaks ,above 1500masl. The Eastern Mountains (Montana del Oriented) are in the east
  17. Of Quercus species to hybridize because of a combination of factors. White, oaks ,are unable to discriminate against pollination by other species in the same
  18. The land near the southern and central Atlantic coast is covered by the mixed, oaks ,of the Northeastern coastal forests. The remainder of the state, including the
  19. Of glacial moraines and lowlands has also allowed temperate flora, such as, oaks , to grow within a few hundred meters of northern flora, such as bog cotton and
  20. Which is above 1500 m, common trees typifying the temperate forest are, oaks , conifers, and rhododendrons. — Hungarians National Park, Buxa Tiger Reserve
  21. Destroyed by fire in 1957) stood; some were also scattered in a stand of blue, oaks ,near the boulder. There was no marker. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi
  22. The" Old City ". Modern By 1911 the site had been overgrown with Wallonia, oaks ,and much plundered, but the circuit of the old walls could still be traced, and
  23. Cornish" drew / Bergen" in Welsh. Possible but there would have been a lot of, oaks ,around; maybe there was. As to" -went" some claim this to be a word for "
  24. For wine producers are to choose between French and American oak woods. French, oaks ,(Quercus four, Q. Petraea) give the wine greater refinement and are chosen
  25. Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887 *Wistman's Wood – remote copse of stunted, oaks ,in valley of West Dart near Two Bridges Leisure activities Until the early 19th
  26. Xeric woodland. Plant species in the moister parts of this zone include various, oaks , pistachio trees, and Rosacea (rose/plum family). The drier parts of the
  27. Pests Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora famous) is a water mold that can kill, oaks ,within just a few weeks. Oak Wilt, caused by the fungus Nematocysts Fagaceae
  28. Quantity and quality) in one parent species. Frequent hybridization among, oaks ,has consequences for oak populations around the world; most notably
  29. To the public, while hills like Purple Mountain are covered with evergreens and, oaks ,and host various historical and cultural sites. Sun Juan relocated his capital
  30. And Morocco producing most of the world's supply. Of the North American, oaks , the Northern red oak Quercus Aubrey is the most prized of the red oak group for
  31. Lauraceae). Hybridization Interspecific hybridization is quite common among, oaks , but usually between species within the same section only, and most common in
  32. In 1969,is a sheep pasture with juniper and wood pasture of old willow, oaks , The large Goldshöfer Sand protected area was demarcated in 2000 and is
  33. Covered in middle altitude rainforest, high altitude rainforest, and forests of, oaks ,and pines. The main commercial center of the sierra is the town of Motozintla
  34. And Acanthus species, Toyon (which can sometimes be interspersed with scrub, oaks ,), and other drought-resistant shrubs with hard (sclerophyllous) leaves;
  35. Still exists. One estimate for the number of trees is around 600 mostly large, oaks , representing about of woodland. The huge trees that had been common in Europe
  36. With the characteristics of soil and climate and includes various species of, oaks , sycamores, beeches,spruces, firs,willows, poplars,meadows, and pines. There
  37. Darling (Darjeeling) itself is above sea-level and is set in a forest of, oaks , magnolia, rhododendrons,laurels and sycamores. And through these forests the
  38. Of the Connecticut River along the Vermont border are covered by the mixed, oaks ,of the Northeastern coastal forests. The northern third of the state is locally
  39. And more continental climate is home to steppe-forests dominated by deciduous, oaks , with areas of shrubland, montane forest, and valley forest. *Anatolian conifer
  40. Bristles at the lobe tip. * Sect. Locate (synonym Erythrobalanus),the red, oaks ,of North America, Central America and northern South America. Styles long;
  41. Of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests. Northeastern coastal forests of, oaks , hickories, and maple cover much of the state. In the northwest, these give way
  42. Piedmont truffle, have symbiotic relationships with oak trees. Many species of, oaks ,are under threat of extinction in the wild, largely due to land use changes
  43. Sect. Quercus (synonyms Lepidobalanus and Leucobalanus),the white, oaks ,of Europe, Asia and North America. Styles are short; acorns mature in 6 months
  44. An evergreen species and lacks the weaker spring growth rings of the American, oaks ,), have been a proven staple, having a tighter grain than red oak wood. Another
  45. Of Nelson's Royal Navy war ships at Trafalgar (1805) required 6,000 mature, oaks ,for its construction. In France, Colbert planted oak forests to supply the
  46. Two or three) and takes 6–18 months to mature, depending on species. The live, oaks ,are distinguished for being evergreen, but are not actually a distinct group
  47. O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, for the glorious trees are ruined! /Ail, oaks ,of Ba shan, / for the thick forest has been felled! " The final word in
  48. Lush with trees—magnolias, dogwoods,Southern pines, and magnificent, oaks , " The city's lush tree canopy, which filters out pollutants and cools
  49. Quercus lactose ", a compound with a strong coconut aroma. Commercially charred, oaks ,are rich in phenolic compounds. One study identified 40 different phenolic
  50. Until its rediscovery in 2005-06 by local history enthusiasts amidst the old, oaks ,of an area known as the Kirkland. Experts believe it may also yield clues as

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