Examples of the the word, apparel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apparel ), is the 9156 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Income for Hawaii residents was US$30,441. Hawaiian exports include food and, apparel , These industries play a small role in the Hawaiian economy, however,due to
  2. Who simply feels more comfortable and" more himself" when wearing women's, apparel , There is even a fantasy vignette showing Glenda rebuffing the advances of a
  3. Steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold,two men stood by them in white, apparel , who also said," Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This
  4. On such occasions and would appear with his great diadem, but he despised such, apparel , according to Reinhard, and usually dressed like the common people. Rise to
  5. Exports of processed foods, sugar,and ethanol, and supported investment in the, apparel ,sector, which faced Asian competition with the expiration of the Multi-Fiber
  6. Produce everything from competitions to camps to uniforms to merchandise and, apparel , JAM fest, the original brand of The JAM Brands, has been around since 1996 and
  7. Winged Victory of Samothrace - alluding to strength and movement, to Limestone, apparel ,partner Nike, and to the Spanish architecture of Kansas City's Country Club
  8. Through Partnership Encouragement (HOPE) Act, from December 2006,increased, apparel ,exports and investment by providing tariff-free access to the USA. HOPE II, in
  9. Of the Multi-Fiber Agreement in 2005. In anticipation of the declines in the, apparel ,sector's competitiveness, the previous administration sought to diversify the
  10. In court, barristers are often visibly distinguished from solicitors by their, apparel , For example, in Ireland, England and Wales, barristers usually wear a
  11. Exceptions exist. Lamb and deerskin are used for soft leather in more expensive, apparel , Deer and elk skin are widely used in work gloves and indoor shoes. Pigskin is
  12. Salient). The horse may be saddled and bridled, harnessed,or without any, apparel ,whatsoever. The horse also appears in the 12-year cycle of animals in the
  13. Cartons, leather goods and cigars & assembled electronics, textiles and, apparel , The garment industry is a major job employed thousands of locals and they
  14. To be of the flag of the United States of America. Therefore, T-shirts, or other, apparel ,made of or containing a representation of the flag are in violation of the code
  15. Small-scale production of textiles, soap,furniture, shoes,fertilizer, apparel , food-products, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral water, cement; handwoven
  16. Of the Church of England *Canterbury of New Zealand, a New Zealand-based sports, apparel ,company *Canterbury scene, the British progressive music genre *Canterbury (
  17. Within a society began to disdain and ignore the poor, to " wear costly, apparel ," and otherwise engage in wickedness for personal gain, such societies are
  18. Enterprise of its kind in Africa and the Middle East. The private sector, apparel ,industry is one of the most dynamic manufacturing processes in Egypt.
  19. American markets. Over the past several years, tourism and exports of textiles, apparel , and nontraditional agricultural products such as winter vegetables, fruit,and
  20. Private aircraft, food processing, publishing,chemical products, machinery, apparel , petroleum and mining. Kansas ranks 8th in U. S. oil production. Production has
  21. And organizations * Canterbury of New Zealand, a New Zealand-based sports, apparel ,company * Center for Community Change, one of the larger community building
  22. Principles to the design and control of all aspects of fiber, textile,and, apparel ,processes, products,and machinery. These include natural and man-made
  23. Giant, Pursue,Rime, Noah and countless others have made careers in skateboard, apparel ,and shoe design for companies such as DC Shoes, Adidas,Rebel8 Osiris or Circa
  24. Commodities: tobacco, tea,sugar, cotton,coffee, peanuts,wood products, apparel ,Exports - partners: South Africa 12.6 %, Germany 9.7 %, Egypt 9.6 %, US 9.5 %
  25. And elk skin are widely used in work gloves and indoor shoes. Pigskin is used in, apparel ,and on seats of saddles. Buffalo, goats,alligators, dogs,snakes, ostriches
  26. Preservation of chastity was another justifiable reason for cross-dressing: her, apparel ,would have slowed an assailant, and men would be less likely to think of her as
  27. Charles Curtis's, a wide variety of quilts, a modest collection of textiles and, apparel , and various china and glassware items. The Farm House Museum is a unique
  28. Sectors, all of which are devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for, apparel ,under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a
  29. Used to add logos and monograms to business shirts or jackets, gifts,and team, apparel ,as well as to decorate household linens, draperies,and decorator fabrics that
  30. Video games, recorded music),aerospace, technology,petroleum, fashion, apparel , and tourism. Los Angeles is also the largest manufacturing center in the
  31. Is not enforced, and Ghanaian civilians are able to wear military-style, apparel ,(such as civilian clothes in a camouflage finish) without any difficulties
  32. Machine, a tracked vehicle chassis * Gun & Moore, a sports equipment and, apparel ,company Places Science & measurement * Gigameter, an SI unit of length equal to
  33. Of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry Council and, apparel ,exports of India (APC). A cooperation agreement provides, inter alia
  34. Other musicians have also adapted elements from Led Zeppelin's attitude to, apparel , jewelry and hair, such as hipster flares and tight band t-shirts of Kings of
  35. Accounts for 90 % of cotton spinning,60 % of fabric production and 30 % of, apparel ,production in Egypt. Miss Fine Spinning and Weaving is the largest enterprise
  36. Card (health, beauty,home),AMCAS Club (pharmacy),Millers Retail Club (, apparel ,), and the BB Retail Capital (formerly Brain Limited) Pulse Rewards program
  37. Will still have a Galeão made, even though it is not officially part of their, apparel , To symbolize their bond with the papacy, the pope gives each newly appointed
  38. Trade is important to both countries. U. S. firms, mostly manufacturers of, apparel , footwear, and light electronics, as well as U. S. energy companies, account
  39. Wood products; mining (mostly coal); plastic products; cars and trucks; and, apparel , Also, Alabama produces aerospace and electronic products, mostly in the
  40. Were produced. A garment factory in Baltimore turned out a whole line of shoo, apparel , including" Shmooveralls. " The original sequence and its 1959 sequel, The
  41. And Verona's emblem (a yellow cross on a blue shield) appears on most team, apparel , Two more team nicknames are Martini (the mastiffs) and Scalier, both
  42. 1990s. Although these gains were undercut by international competition,the, apparel ,sector in 2008 made up two-thirds of Haiti's annual 490 million US dollars
  43. Without negative emotions. Those who dwell in heaven are said to wear costly, apparel , partake in exquisite banquets, and recline on couches inlaid with gold or
  44. Of the Flag Code is section 8. " The flag should never be used as wearing, apparel , bedding, or drapery. " Section 3 of the Flag Code defines a flag for the
  45. When these are necessary, for the 46,000 mainly women workers in the Lesotho, apparel ,industry. It was launched in May 2006. The program is helping to combat two of
  46. Rebounds back onto the playing field: * Glove, hat,or any equipment or, apparel ,deliberately thrown by a fielder, in an attempt to stop or deflect a fair ball
  47. Received a large roster of licensees for merchandise including wall scrolls, apparel , school supplies, skateboards,trading cards, and action figure models.
  48. Industry: 29.1 % (2008) Electronic components, food processing, textiles and, apparel , construction materials, cement,fertilizer. Services: 63.3 % (2008) Hotels
  49. On other companies' products and accessories. Examples include a variety of, apparel ,items, various model car lines, and the ASUS Lamborghini EX series notebook
  50. Law officially prohibits civilians and foreign nationals from wearing military, apparel ,such as camouflage clothing, or clothing which resembles military dress.

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