Examples of the the word, authenticity , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Meanings, including " hidden "," esoteric "," spurious "," of questionable, authenticity ,", ancient Chinese" revealed texts and objects" and" Christian texts that
  2. And beyond, in part because of long-standing questions about its historical, authenticity ,and in part because of perceived theological inadequacies, including matters of
  3. With the accepted canon prima facie. Non-canonical books are texts of uncertain, authenticity , or writings where the work is seriously questioned. Given that different
  4. By the author, who is called the affine or deponent, and witnessed as to the, authenticity ,of the affiant's signature by a taker of oaths, such as a notary public or
  5. Maclaren explains that a well-designed map" is convincing because it implies, authenticity ," (1994,pp. 9). An interesting map will no doubt engage a reader.
  6. Of kings or letters to and from high officials are quoted in Ezra. Their, authenticity ,has been contentious, some scholars accepting at least some of them as genuine
  7. Code. In its preparation, centuries of material was examined, scrutinized for, authenticity ,by leading experts, and harmonized as much as possible with opposing canons and
  8. To have been revelations to Smith, the RLDS Church traditionally disputed their, authenticity , History The Doctrine and Covenants was first published in 1835 as a later
  9. Jewish community. In time, he developed highly controversial ideas regarding the, authenticity ,of the Hebrew Bible and the nature of the Divine. The Jewish religious
  10. a million at a 2008 Christie's auction in New York. Art critics concerned about, authenticity ,have argued that taking a cast does not equal reproducing a Rodin
  11. At my lips. Poor thing! It went there, hoping--to slip across. Although the, authenticity ,of this epigram was accepted for many centuries, it was probably not composed
  12. Have questioned the legitimacy of Smith as a prophet as well as the historical, authenticity ,of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham. Criticism has expanded to
  13. Recent origin. Both the attribution of Shaolin boxing to Bodhidharma and the, authenticity ,of the Yi Jin Jing itself have been discredited by some historians including
  14. Is a continuous tradition dating back to the 2nd century which supports the, authenticity ,of the document, and which indicates that it was generally included within the
  15. Newspapers. The next day, an editorial in Le Monde expressed doubt about the, authenticity ,of the CIA's photographic evidence. Two days later, after a visit by a
  16. From time immemorial (Seneviratne1997: 5). This kind of history, which seeks, authenticity ,from written sources and from the self-interpretation of so-called
  17. It is humanly impossible to continue one's vegetarian diet. Acceptance of, authenticity ,of the Pale Surreys differ within Mahayana sects, and the Mahayana surreys do not
  18. Into the text (mostly in the second book, Claudius the God) in order to add, authenticity , In 1937,director Josef von Sternberg attempted a film version of I, Claudius
  19. A whimsical gesture of pastoral fantasy, or a trendy assertion of antiquarian, authenticity , Other Clod ii of the Republic In addition to Claudius and his sisters, Clodii
  20. And foundations not endorsed by any specific denomination. Historical, authenticity ,The archaeological, historical and scientific communities have in general been
  21. Of God through the Rim and Summit. Eleven witnesses signed testimonies of its, authenticity , which are now included in the preface to the Book of Mormon. The Three
  22. Hierarchy. Many of his posts are now archived through Google. Challenges to the, authenticity ,of his messages later led Adams to set up a message forum on his own website to
  23. S use of the German language in their rap allows them to make claims to, authenticity ,and true German heritage, bolstering pro-immigration sentiment, their style can
  24. And Chinese (Cantonese) have become so adapted to such an extent that ", authenticity ," is no longer a concern to customers. " Contributions from these ethnic foods
  25. Irina, who was present during Volkov's visits to Shostakovich, denies the, authenticity ,of Testimony. Other prominent revisionists are Ian MacDonald, whose book The
  26. The George and Ira Gershwin classic (from Porgy and Bess) which questions the, authenticity ,of Biblical tales. It also reached the UK Top 20.
  27. His films, but particularly for his jidaigeki, Kurosawa insisted on absolute, authenticity ,of sets, costumes and props. Numerous instances of his fanatical devotion to
  28. Were sold around the world. Appearing both with and without certificates of, authenticity , these fragments are now a staple on the online auction service eBay as well as
  29. Responsibility. This arrangement has persisted into modern times. Challenges to, authenticity ,Relationship to the Temple of Aphrodite As noted above, the site had been a
  30. Of Mormon as a literal history, countering arguments critical of its historical, authenticity , or reconciling historical and scientific evidence with the text. One of the
  31. From the Gospel of John has raised some questions about the meaning and, authenticity ,of the phrase" born again ". In the chapter, Nicodemus is puzzled and asks
  32. Does not show tell-tale signs of modifications from a double-course guitar. The, authenticity ,of guitars allegedly produced before the 1790s is often in question. This also
  33. In Afghanistan shortly before the Taliban was removed from power. Although its, authenticity ,has been questioned by some, the tape appears to implicate bin Laden and
  34. Both by the Church and other individuals. Due to Hofmann's methods,the, authenticity ,of many of the documents he sold to the Church and the Smithsonian will likely
  35. Of the Latter Day Saint movement, unresolved issues of the book's historical, authenticity ,and the lack of conclusive archaeological evidence have led them to adopt a
  36. Eventually published in 1977,though Lewis scholar Kathryn Lindskoog doubts its, authenticity , The Chronicles of Narnia The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy
  37. After witnessing its political usefulness. Gregory was skeptical of the, authenticity ,of Eugenics' Vita, and postulated a pseudo-Eusebius to assume responsibility
  38. II in 1139 may have banned the use of crossbows against Christians. The, authenticity , interpretation and translation of this source is contested. Military historian
  39. Pope Gregory I's four-book Dialogues, thought to have been written in 593. The, authenticity ,of this work has been hotly disputed, especially by Dr Francis Clarke in his
  40. Bring more confidence to investors in rare coins. Grading services certify the, authenticity ,and rate the quality of individual coins, thus—it is hoped—establishing the
  41. A contemporary and apocalyptic outlook, and later additions by the prophet. The, authenticity ,of 3:4–8 has presented more challenges, although a number of scholars still
  42. Wrote through the many stressful times of his reign to refresh his mind. Of the, authenticity ,of the work as a whole there has never been any doubt. The last of Alfred's
  43. Have been a double meaning. Human says that this raises questions about the, authenticity ,of the dialogue, the meaning of the words, and,therefore, the use of the
  44. Authentic photographs of fairies ". Kodak declined to issue a certificate of, authenticity , Gardner believed that the Kodak technicians may not have examined the
  45. In addition to the Life, several surviving homilies and epistles of varying, authenticity ,provide some additional autobiographical detail. Anthony was born in Coma near
  46. Slang terms. In present day feature films rhyming slang is often used to lend, authenticity ,to an East End setting. Examples include Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (
  47. Conventions of 1957 made it next to impossible for the characters to have, authenticity , " Following the production's March 19 opening at the Palace Theatre, Ben
  48. Roosevelt! ” To mollify Avedon, Chaplin assured the photographer of his, authenticity ,and added the comment,“ If you want to take my picture, you better do it now.
  49. Of statements regarding diagnosed conditions accompanied by legal affidavits of, authenticity ,signed by medical practitioners who witnessed a nonmedical healing. Historian
  50. Of the Staff school of thought) gave seemingly conflicting views on the, authenticity ,of the same tradition. Abu Yusuf (based on the authority of In Iraq)

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