Examples of the the word, stun , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stun ), is the 9158 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tasers (possibly a portmanteau of stun ner and laser, as they are used to, stun ,targets) can be lethal energy weapons, specifically designed to prevent the
  2. PARIS is equipped with an energy field that he uses to temporarily disable or, stun ,several human security guards outside the vessel, although it is unclear
  3. That General Steal would show that the baton can fire an orange beam that could, stun ,the target. In The Poison Sky, Commander Short and his troops carry large laser
  4. Tsuba) to gain a higher foothold. The Katina could even be used as a device to, stun ,enemies before attacking them, by putting a combination of red pepper, dirt or
  5. To be husband David Get. Get was so impressed with her stamina and ability to, stun ,audiences that he produced her in Liza's Back in spring 2002 performing to
  6. Super gun sidearm, and visually more impressive. It has at least three settings;, stun , red-heat, and heavy damage. It is called the" gamma-ray gun" in the English
  7. Submachine guns, assault rifles, breaching shotguns, riot control agents, stun ,grenades, and sniper rifles. They have specialized equipment including heavy
  8. Can be adjusted in both width and output. A typical hand phaser can merely, stun ,a target or completely disintegrate it, and the beam can be adjusted to strike
  9. Take huge bites out of large animals. Thresher sharks use their long tails to, stun ,shoaling fishes, and saw sharks either stir prey from the seabed or slash at
  10. And red results usually indicated more favorable results that could knock back, stun , or even kill an opponent. However, the GM could determine that succeeding at
  11. Paul later fights Fad to the death, Jessica advises her son to temporarily, stun ,him using the word-sound Kronor, typically implanted in a dangerous person
  12. From English words to describe things unique to Newfoundland (for example, stun ,breeze, a wind of at least 20 knots (37 km/h) ), English words which have
  13. For almost all speakers when immediately following word-initial s, as in spun, stun , skunk. After s elsewhere in a word they are normally aspirated as well
  14. Without penetration. Blunts are commonly made of metal or hard rubber. They may, stun , and occasionally, the arrow shaft may penetrate the head and the target;
  15. And shock-front-differential over the width of the human body is sufficient to, stun ,or kill divers. Countermeasures Weapons are frequently a few steps ahead of
  16. Some pawnbrokers also sell brand-new self-defense items such as pepper spray or, stun ,guns. Many pawnshops will also trade used items, as long as the transaction
  17. Spells. Paladins are tough in melee with some healing, protective,and, stun ,spells. At mid-range levels, they can purchase a" pacify" line of spells that
  18. A while in the first half of the 20th century gunpowder was used in rivet guns, stun ,guns for animals, splicing cable and other high-powered industrial construction
  19. Polytechnic Institute won $500,000 for finishing third. “ Robots sometimes, stun ,the world, inspire a lot of people and change the belief of what is possible,”
  20. Her mind into the astral plane, and generate telepathic force blasts that can, stun ,or kill others. Jean is one of the few telepaths skilled enough to communicate
  21. Do not have the normal sixteen power settings or a variable beam width—only, stun ,and kill. *Phased polar on cannon: Phased polar on cannons are the primary
  22. Anaconda. In the river, electric eels can produce an electric shock that can, stun ,or kill, while piranha are known to bite and injure humans. Various species of
  23. Mantis shrimp (of the smasher variety) uses cavitation as well in order to, stun , smash open, or kill the shellfish that it feasts upon. Their knees do wear out
  24. Verb—"to a dozen"—dating back at least to the fourteenth century and meaning" to, stun , stupefy, daze " or" to make insensible, torpid,powerless. " The object of
  25. In a dugout canoe, offering bait to attract it close enough to temporarily, stun ,it with a blow near the head from an oar-like pole. Many times the creature
  26. A choice of utilizing her" psi-flash" attack, where her Phoenix raptor would, stun ,her opponents; or if her power was running low, a player could use Rachel's
  27. By the inability to dream and the only member to be unaffected by the, stun ,ray that knocked the crew out for a day. One exception however was in the
  28. Legendary battle elevated both fighters to superstar status. Learns was able to, stun ,Hauler soon after the opening bell, but he subsequently broke his right hand in
  29. Shot Grant in the back with his gun, which he claimed to have mistaken for his, stun ,gun. In the ensuing week, demonstrations and riots took place in downtown
  30. Taking pictures of him. On October 24, 2006,Li sprayed tear gas and wielded a, stun ,gun during a Legislative Yuan National Defense Committee meeting, forcing
  31. Popular British boxer Frank Bruno in February in a fight where Bruno managed to, stun ,Tyson at the end of the 1st round, although Tyson went on to knock out Bruno in
  32. Niche uses Being highly toxic, sodium cyanide is used to kill or, stun ,rapidly such as in illegal cyanide fishing and in collecting jars used by
  33. Baiting a field while hunting quail or other animals, using spotlights to, stun ,or paralyze deer, or hunting from a moving vehicle, watercraft,or aircraft).
  34. Range of functions on a larger scale: The phasers on the USS Enterprise could, stun ,entire city blocks full of people destroy cities and even destroy entire
  35. Ammunitions, such as tear gas shells, bean bags, flares,explosive sonic, stun ,rounds, and rubber projectiles, all packaged into 12 gauge shotgun shells, are
  36. Hand grenades come in several less-lethal varieties, such as" flash bang" (, stun ,) grenades," sting" grenades with rubber shrapnel, and grenades designed to
  37. 1.1 meters long) uses weights on the ends of the straps to entangle, stun , or cut the target, and the application of tying action and wrapping can
  38. The use of various ranged weapons, which can either defeat them instantly or, stun ,them, leaving them vulnerable to sword strikes. They are skinny down near the
  39. Frisbees" meant to be thrown at a herd of animals at a water hole to, stun ,one of them. There are no indications of halting, and some artifacts are far
  40. Shockwave produced by the rapidly collapsing bubble which these shrimp use to, stun ,or kill prey. However, it is the first known instance of an animal producing
  41. To capture ghosts, the player must first shine Luigi's flashlight at them and, stun ,them. This makes them show their heart, and gives Luigi a chance to suck them
  42. Bros., which featured a new gameplay mechanic involving punching small balls to, stun ,enemies. Both games were released only for the NEC PC-8801,FM-7,and Sharp X1.
  43. Total amnesia. He can also project powerful mental 'bolts ', enabling him to, stun ,the mind of another person into unconsciousness or even cause death. These
  44. A minute, while the smaller southern wolves may grab the animal by the neck and, stun ,it buy jerking its head downward, hitting its nose on the ground. Or during the
  45. Palestinian protesters who were throwing stones at them. The police used, stun ,grenades on the protesters, of which 15 were later arrested, including the
  46. They can get close to Link, or until Link uses an item such as his Boomerang to, stun ,and coax them out of their puddles. In Twilight Princess, after one is killed
  47. Or other targets of opportunity, or hunting small game when the goal is to, stun ,the target without penetration. Blunts are commonly made of metal or hard
  48. At Chapter 41 of A Crown of Swords, it is very painful, and it is used to, stun ,and to paralyze. It is also a secret weave of Spirit, Air,Water, and a touch
  49. Security personnel attempted to disperse the protestors with the use of, stun ,grenades and live rounds, at the cost of dozens of lives. The protests
  50. Weave of Spirit, Air,Water, and a touch of Fire used by the Red Ajax, to, stun , and capture male channelers. Because male channelers are usually stronger than

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