Examples of the the word, stiff , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stiff ), is the 7032 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Upon this, the miserable creatures might have been seen at first to become, stiff ,like rocks. Next, as they endeavored, with every possible effort, to move
  2. Metaphor is also echoed from the scientist's side:" β sheets do not show a, stiff ,repetitious regularity but flow in graceful, twisting curves, and even the
  3. Wear and tear of joint, muscle strains caused by forceful movements against, stiff , painful joints and fatigue. Classification Primary forms of arthritis:
  4. An egg, and he always perched it a little on one side. His mustache was very, stiff ,and military. Even if everything on his face was covered, the tips of mustache
  5. The compound bow more energy efficient than other bows, but the limbs are too, stiff ,to be drawn comfortably with a string attached directly to them. The compound
  6. Extruded bricks For extruded bricks the clay is mixed with 10-15 % water (, stiff ,extrusion) or 20-25 % water (soft extrusion). This is forced through a die
  7. Support of large artillery units. When she led the assault on Paris, Joan faced, stiff ,artillery fire, especially from the suburb of St. Denis, which ultimately led
  8. Or control of parts of German territory such as the Ruhr or the Saar. Despite, stiff ,ultra-nationalist, Gaullist and communist opposition, the French Assembly voted
  9. From attacking the corn and beans because their coarse, hairy vines and broad, stiff ,leaves are difficult or uncomfortable for animals such as deer and raccoons to
  10. Allows the artist to render more natural poses that do not appear artificially, stiff , The artist is also familiar with how the proportions vary depending on the age
  11. In Ireland, England and Wales, barristers usually wear a horsehair wig, stiff ,collar, bands and a gown. As of January 2008 Solicitor advocates have also been
  12. Bronzes are softer and weaker than steel—bronze springs, for example, are less, stiff ,(and so store less energy) for the same bulk. Bronze resists corrosion (
  13. In their lives all the following: *A notochord, in other words a fairly, stiff ,rod of cartilage that extends along the inside of the body. Among the
  14. With a conquest of Sussex from west to east, against British resistance, stiff ,enough to last fourteen years. Ælle's death is not recorded by the Chronicle
  15. Nantes and its consequences, but his literary capacity was mediocre, his style, stiff ,and cold, and it was his personal character rather than his reputation as a
  16. Microfilaments are at least 50 % of the cytoskeleton. The other parts are more, stiff ,and are composed of intermediate filaments and macro tubules. These are not used
  17. The settlement was at Barbacoa, but the new settlers were to be greeted with, stiff ,resistance from the local Taint population. The Taints were initially organized
  18. Expressed no personal interest in pursuit of acting roles, saying he is too ", stiff ,". Records Beckham has captained England 59 times, the fourth highest after
  19. While at least 15 % of the population at detection have no symptoms at all. A, stiff ,neck can occur as the result of increased pressure within the skull and
  20. Write," and ought not to be used indiscriminately. " Coolidge was aware of his, stiff ,reputation; indeed, he cultivated it. " I think the American people want a
  21. Within four days. However, due to Japan's well-crafted fortifications and, stiff ,resistance, the battle lasted over two months. In the United States, it was a
  22. Filaments and macro tubules. These are not used in amoebic movement, but are, stiff ,skeletons on which organelles are supported or can move on. The shells of
  23. Right arm. 18th to 19th century The sugar-based economy of the islands faced, stiff ,competition from Spain's American colonies. Crises in the sugar market in the
  24. Bite off more than one can chew, off/on the wagon, stay put, inside track, stiff ,upper lip, bad hair day, throw a monkey wrench, under the weather, jump bail
  25. Mocked Adams by mimicking his Poppy the Zip head creation with a strip showing, stiff , Dilbert-like creations in an office setting and one of the characters saying
  26. Was not a natural actor, and initially, his performances were criticized as, stiff ,and ineffective by advertising critics. Consumer brand awareness of Wendy's
  27. No coiling or branching occurs, and the molecule adopts an extended and rather, stiff ,rod-like conformation, aided by the equatorial conformation of the glucose
  28. Brain stem compression and hydrocephalus. Neurological examination may reveal a, stiff ,neck in occasional cases (erroneously suggesting meningitis). The famous
  29. Some profane, as well as euphemisms such as worm food, dead meat, or simply a, stiff , Modern rhyming slang contains the expression brown bread. The corpse was once
  30. From both physical and occupational therapy. In arthritis the joints become, stiff ,and the range of movement can be limited. Physical therapy has been shown to
  31. Types of books according to their binding or cover Hardcover books have a, stiff ,binding. Paperback books have cheaper, flexible covers which tend to be less
  32. To the coup was somewhat accepting at first. However, Batista soon encountered, stiff ,opposition when he temporarily suspended the balloting and the constitution
  33. Laryngealisation, occurring in some Korean consonants for example, is called ", stiff ,voice ". The Danish prosaic feature STD is an example of a form of
  34. Orchestrated Israel's unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Facing, stiff ,opposition to this policy within the Liked, in November 2005 he left Liked to
  35. I promised To throw the thought away. To put the world between us, We parted, stiff ,and dry; Goodbye, said you, forget me. I will, no fear, said I If here, where
  36. Hair through the gut, as well as regular grooming of the coat with a comb or, stiff ,brush. Fighting With domestic cats, males are more likely to fight than females
  37. By an" inverted pendulum" movement in which the body vaults over a, stiff ,leg with each step. Force plates can be used to quantify the whole-body kinetic
  38. No gauntlets ... with a small domino mask, swinging on a rope. He had two, stiff ,wings that were sticking out, looking like bat wings. And under it was a big
  39. Still use it today. Shortcomings in Unified Cornish had to do in part with the, stiff ,and archaizing literary style Dance had employed, and in part with a
  40. Cell walls. These compounds are rigid and waterproof, making the secondary wall, stiff , Both wood and bark cells of trees have secondary walls. Other parts of plants
  41. As well as journalists. By the end of the month this group had received, stiff ,criticism, and retracted its demand. * At the end of April 2005,five boys
  42. Weakness of life:" When he is born, man is soft and weak; in death he becomes, stiff ,and hard. The ten thousand creatures and all plants and trees while they are
  43. Fees must be paid regardless of income earned, and frequent inspections yield, stiff ,fines when any of the many self-employment regulations are violated. Rather
  44. Refrigerator cookies (also known as icebox cookies) are made from a, stiff ,dough that is refrigerated to become even stiff er. The dough is typically
  45. For the first time defines pollution and deforestation as crimes punishable by, stiff ,fines and jail sentences Environment - international agreements: party to:
  46. True - bay leaves may be eaten without toxic effect. However, they remain very, stiff ,even after thorough cooking, and if swallowed whole or in large pieces, they
  47. Of materials. Carbon fiber has an excellent strength to weight ratio, is, stiff , and gives excellent kinetic energy transfer. Before the adoption of carbon
  48. In 569,unopposed, he took northern Italy's main city, Milan. Pa via offered, stiff ,resistance however, and was only taken after a siege lasting three years.
  49. City. The staff at IGN pointed out," The graphics are blocky, the animation is, stiff , and the dithering is just plain awful in some spots," referring to the
  50. Matching ambient temperature * Rigor Morris, the limbs of the corpse become, stiff ,(Latin rigor) and difficult to move or manipulate * Decomposition, the

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