Examples of the the word, cox , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cox ), is the 7042 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Malcolm Howard, Kevin Light, Ben Rutledge, Dominic Satire, Jake Wetzel and, cox ,Brian Price. Kreek's singing of O Canada at the medal ceremony was cited as an
  2. Malcolm Howard, Adam Greek, Kevin Light, Ben Rutledge, Dominic Sisterly and, cox ,Brian Price. Wetzel announced his retirement from international rowing at the
  3. At six Olympics, along with Romanian Elisabeth Opening Lisa in 2004,Canadian, cox ,Lesley Thompson, and Estonian Jury Jackson. James Tompkins was announced as the
  4. States advances directly to the finals while Canada goes to the Repêchage. # (, cox ,)) 5:19.85 FA WR # ( cox ) ) 5:20.46 R # ( cox ) ) 5:30.16 R # ( cox ) )
  5. And the possibility of boats getting damaged is high. To avoid this,the, cox ,of the boat being bumped can concede as soon as slight physical contact occurs
  6. Cover, Peter Signal, Lindsay Wilson, Athol Earl, Dave Rodger and Simon Mickie (, cox ,), rowing,eights. **1920 Antwerp (first games an official New Zealand team
  7. Years 14 days, on 29 March 2008 (winner) * The Oldest competitor: Andy Robert (, cox ,), Cambridge,aged 38 years 86 days, on 4 April 1992 Full results by year
  8. Legs, Trunk,Arms),mixed intellectual disability (2 men and 2 women plus, cox ,) LTA (Legs, Trunk,Arms),mixed (1 man and 1 woman) TA (Trunk and Arms)
  9. Out just in time for the start, to avoid drifting. At the start signal the, cox ,lets go of the rope and the crew starts to row, attempting to catch and bump
  10. Of They can have up to six oarsmen either rowing or sculling and can carry a, cox ,and passengers. The organizers of the Great River Race developed the modern
  11. The race. One aspect of the race was Topolski's tactic, communicated to the, cox ,while the crews were on the start, for Oxford to take shelter from the rough
  12. In Athens. Medalist Heats Heat 1 (August 15) # ( cox ) ),5:23.23 FA # (, cox ,)) 5:25.26 R # ( cox ) ) 5:27.72 R # ( cox ) ) 5:29.55 R # ( cox ) ) 5:30.08 R
  13. Lindsay Wilson, Athol Earl, Trevor Cover, Gary Robertson and Simon Mickie (, cox ,), rowing,men’s eights. **Dick Joyce, Dudley Story, Ross College, Warren
  14. To boats and equipment is common during bumps racing. To avoid damage the, cox ,of the crew being bumped may concede the bump before contact is actually made.
  15. Or chain attached to the bank, the other end of which is held by each boat's, cox , Boats wait along the bank, and may be poled out just in time for the start, too
  16. Moments. The race is for heavyweight eights (i.e., for eight rowers with a, cox ,steering, and no restrictions on weight). Female cox es are permitted, the
  17. There are 5 boat classes for adaptive rowers; mixed (2 men and 2 women plus, cox ,) LTA (Legs, Trunk,Arms),mixed intellectual disability (2 men and 2 women
  18. 15) # ( cox ) ),5:23.23 FA # ( cox ) ) 5:25.26 R # ( cox ) ) 5:27.72 R # (, cox ,)) 5:29.55 R # ( cox ) ) 5:30.08 R Heat 2 (August 15) The second heat of the
  19. Stewart, Stephen Stewart, Stefan Szczurowski, Stuart Welch, Michael Too (, cox ,) - Bronze medal *Coxless four: David Dennis, Robert Darling, Tom Lauri ch
  20. Heats 1 (August 15) # ( cox ) ),5:23.23 FA # ( cox ) ) 5:25.26 R # (, cox ,)) 5:27.72 R # ( cox ) ) 5:29.55 R # ( cox ) ) 5:30.08 R Heat 2 (August 15)
  21. Events for mixed crews - where half the crew is men and half women (excluding, cox ,). The 2010 regatta took place in St. Catharines, Ontario,Canada, and it will
  22. Goes to the Repêchage. # ( cox ) ) 5:19.85 FA WR # ( cox ) ) 5:20.46 R # (, cox ,)) 5:30.16 R # ( cox ) ) 5:32.26 R Repêchages Repêchage 1 (August 18) #
  23. George Keys, Ian Wright, Greg Johnston, Chris White and Andrew Bird (, cox ,), rowing,men’s cox ed fours. **Lynda Hansen and Nicola Payne, rowing,women’s
  24. Gold, Coxed Four (with Nick Green, Mike McKay, Drew Inn and Brett Cayman (, cox ,)) *1998 - Gold, Coxed Pair (with Nick Green and Brett Cayman ( cox ) ) *1995
  25. Palmer Cox' The Brownies * http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/UFDC/? C JVM Pratt, cox , %20palmer,of FC, +TX, +FC, +TI Books by Palmer Cox in the University of
  26. Scull: George Elbert, Cameron Surf Women *Eight: Cheema Doyle, Katie Folks (, cox ,), Monique Hank, Catriona Oliver, Sarah Outwrite, Victoria Roberts, Sally
  27. Malcolm Howard, Adam Greek, Ben Rutledge, Dominic Sisterly, Jake Wetzel and, cox ,Brian Price. Videos Kevin Light has produced many videos, including some that
  28. And" Summer Eights ". The races are for eights (i.e. eight rowers with a, cox ,steering),each representing one of the university's various colleges. Larger
  29. The rower closest to the shell's stern. The shell may have a cox swain, or ", cox ," to steer the boat, encourage the crew, and monitor the rate, though
  30. At the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. Medalist Heats Heat 1 (August 15) # (, cox ,)),5:23.23 FA # ( cox ) ) 5:25.26 R # ( cox ) ) 5:27.72 R # ( cox ) ) 5:29.55
  31. A draft of only. It would carry a crew of around 41 men (40 oarsmen and one, cox ,). Sneaks were one of the most common types of ship. According to Viking lore
  32. Cayman ( cox ) ) *1998 - Gold, Coxed Pair (with Nick Green and Brett Cayman (, cox ,)) *1995 - 5th,Coxless Four (with Nick Green, Drew Inn, Mike McKay) *1991
  33. Of the word gives us a literal meaning of" boat servant" since it comes from, cox , a cox boat or other small vessel kept aboard a ship, and swain, which can be
  34. Hit" Point Of No Return" working with dance producer Giuseppe D. and Chris, cox , The CD single was released on June 20, 2011. Lawsuit over Trademark In
  35. Dick Joyce, Dudley Story, Ross College, Warren Cole and Simon Mickie (, cox ,), rowing, cox ed fours. **Hélmer Pedersen and Earle Wells, sailing,Flying
  36. Did sink, but in the process the sword also hit and killed Second Trinity's, cox , which of course wasn't intended. So the legend claims that this is the reason
  37. Number is either 1,2,4,or 8. * Position of cox swain (also referred to as, cox ,). Boats are either cox less (straight),bow- cox ed (also called bow loaders)
  38. To the finals while Canada goes to the Repêchage. # ( cox ) ) 5:19.85 FA WR # (, cox ,)) 5:20.46 R # ( cox ) ) 5:30.16 R # ( cox ) ) 5:32.26 R Repêchages Repêchage
  39. A bump is deemed to occur when the bow ball of the chasing crew passes the, cox ,of the crew being chased. Generally, and at Oxford during Eights Week, once a
  40. FA # ( cox ) ) 5:25.26 R # ( cox ) ) 5:27.72 R # ( cox ) ) 5:29.55 R # (, cox ,)) 5:30.08 R Heat 2 (August 15) The second heat of the Men's Eight was a
  41. Misapplied. Disambiguation: Likewise," cox swain" ( pronounced cox 'n),", cox ," and" helmsman" are terms originally used in the British navy (like
  42. Members of the crew were from Trinity, seven from Third Trinity and two,the, cox ,included, from First Trinity. Boats from the three clubs could often be found
  43. Division, thirteen boats line up at the downstream end of the stretch, each, cox , holding onto a rope attached to the bank, leaving around 1.5 boat lengths
  44. Four (with James Galloway, Andrew Cooper, Michael McKay and Dale Paterson (, cox ,)). Year-to-date is a period, starting from the beginning of the current year
  45. Kevin Lawton, Don Simon, Barrie Abbott, Ross Tong and Brett Hollister (, cox ,), rowing,men’s cox ed fours. **Tony Hurt, Alex McLean, Ivan Sutherland, Trevor
  46. Malcolm Howard, Adam Greek, Kevin Light, Dominic Sisterly, Jake Wetzel and, cox ,Brian Price won a gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. In
  47. 3 sequences that were studied to establish the phylogeny of Phytophthora: ITS, cox ,II and NAD 5,were identical supporting Phytophthora famous having recently
  48. Of Land on odd years. Each year there is at least one full eight crew with, cox ,competing, with both men's and women's teams present. With the recent victory
  49. Row 24’ long Celtic longboats, with four rowers (each with one oar) and a, cox , They have three of these traditional Welsh boats with fixed seats and use
  50. And Marcel Hacker. Each team was made up of 13 rowers (5 women,7 men, and a, cox ,). Events were held in Women's Single Sculls,Men's Single Sculls,Women's

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