Examples of the the word, lending , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lending ), is the 7052 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Central bank discount rate: 11.5 % (31 December 2008) Commercial bank prime, lending ,rate: 15.6 % (31 December 2008) Stock of money: $21.58 billion (31 December
  2. Countries, central banks may have other tools that work indirectly to limit, lending ,practices and otherwise restrict or regulate capital markets. For example, a
  3. Or regulate capital markets. For example, a central bank may regulate margin, lending , whereby individuals or companies may borrow against pledged securities. The
  4. About Dr Chai Patel and others who were recommended for peerages after, lending ,the Labour Party money, the Treasurer of the party, Jack Drama said he had not
  5. Assets to bear certain minimum credit ratings, or indirect, by the central bank, lending ,to counterparties only when security of a certain quality is pledged as
  6. Was confiscated. Some of these men were executed as early as 83 or 85 however, lending ,little credit to Tacitus' notion of a" reign of terror" late in Domitian's
  7. Banks and building society 'listed' interest rates for home finance mortgage, lending ,between 1984 and 1997. This behavior resulted in a return on assets for
  8. Can be controlled (in part) by creditors such as banks. In return for, lending ,money to the corporation, creditors can demand a controlling interest analogous
  9. Miller Award in 1985 and Arthur Miller Award for Dramatic Writing in 1999,and, lending ,his name to the Arthur Miller Theatre in 2000. In 1937,Miller wrote Honors at
  10. Market rate is sufficiently close to the target. Central banks may do so by, lending ,money to and borrowing money from (taking deposits from) a limited number of
  11. A carriage odometer, and the glass 'harmonica '. He formed both the first public, lending ,library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania. Franklin
  12. And many others. The couple took great interest in their staff, and set up a, lending ,library. During the 1850s,new plantations were established around the house
  13. Uses, which in turn invited default and a sudden stop to the process of, lending , Influenced by Keynes, economics texts in the immediate post-war period put a
  14. Suddenly became unable to rely on wholesale market borrowing to finance its, lending ,operation following the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis. The role of supporting
  15. In 1999. She also returned to number one on the country charts later in 2005 by, lending ,her distinctive harmonies to the Brad Paisley ballad," When I Get Where I'm
  16. Its principal donors include the European Union, France,and the multilateral, lending ,agencies. Exports. The other major export is livestock, herded to neighboring
  17. Central bank still operating today. One role of the Swedish central bank was, lending ,to the government, which was likewise true of the Bank of England, created in
  18. A periodic service fee back to the bank. This frees up cashflow usable for new, lending ,by the bank. The bank will have higher IT costs, but counts on the multiplier
  19. Almost to the end of his life, writing to and exhorting world leaders and, lending ,his name to various causes. He was also famously noted for saying" No one can
  20. Of the specific security. The main open market operations are: * Temporary, lending ,of money for collateral securities (" Reverse Operations" or" repurchase
  21. Major donors, Japan and the United States, have had extensive influence over, lending , policy and staffing decisions. Oxfam Australia has criticized the Asian
  22. Few large studios. Indian banks and financial institutions were forbidden from, lending ,money to movie studios. However, this ban has now been lifted. As finances are
  23. A recurring feature in tales explaining the etymology of geographical names, lending ,his name to natural formations such as The Devil's Chimney. Other names
  24. And swiftness cats exhibit to escape life-threatening situations. Also, lending ,credence to this myth is the fact that falling cats often land on their feet
  25. When it was based in Colchester, Vermont,it offered financial services such as, lending , leasing, and asset-management throughout the Americas. In 2001,BC restricted
  26. Societies offer banking and related financial services, especially mortgage, lending , These institutions are found in the United Kingdom (UK) and several others
  27. And, for the convenience of the people, loan offices were instituted for, lending ,money at a moderate rate of interest. In religious matters Alexander preserved
  28. A US $500,000 loan, approved in 2003. ) Effectiveness Given ADB's annual, lending ,volume, the return on investment in lesson learning for operational and
  29. Elements of capitalism. Traditional Judaism, Christianity,and Islam forbid, lending ,money at interest, although alternative methods of banking have been developed.
  30. Time that Dr Chai Patel and others had been recommended for Life peerages after, lending ,the Labour Party money. He called on the Electoral Commission to investigate
  31. For the Fed funds rate, which its Open Market Committee tries to match by, lending ,or borrowing in the money market ... a fiat money system set by command of the
  32. Appear as valued antiquities or sometimes just as unrecognized survivals, lending ,a rare feeling of nostalgia for the present to the stories. Published
  33. Expansion of the economy it manages. It imposed some absolute restrictions on, lending ,to specific industries in 2003,and continues to require between 1 % and 3 %
  34. Donated to regional offices for locally administered projects and a community, lending ,program, and an additional one percent is given for regional literature
  35. Factors. For example, a central bank might set a target rate for overnight, lending ,of 4.5 %, but rates for (equivalent risk) five-year bonds might be 5 %,4.75
  36. Food prices led the Central Bank of Egypt to increase the overnight, lending ,and deposit rates in sequential moves since February 2008. The rates stood at
  37. That Phoebe was as close, or even closer, to Orin than she was to her own son, lending ,a bitter-sweet element to the word's use in a film about a boy being separated
  38. For non-disabled children as well. The Letter movement assists parents by, lending ,assistive technology toys and expertise to families. In the US much health
  39. Compete with banks for most consumer banking services, especially mortgage, lending ,and deposits. Every building society in the UK is a member of the Building
  40. Observer has monitored the government's peace process with the paramilitaries, lending ,the negotiations much-needed international credibility. The United States helps
  41. Of concentration in this industry due to the danger of groupthink and runaway, lending ,bubbles based on a single point of failure, the credit culture of the few large
  42. Neighboring rights Related rights is used to describe database rights, public, lending , rights (rental rights),droid de suite and performers' rights. Related
  43. Were targeted because they gave" aid and comfort" to violent demonstrators by, lending ,respectability to their cause.: The imprecision of the targeting is
  44. Be considered more effective than reserve requirements in preventing indefinite, lending ,: when at the threshold, a bank cannot extend another loan without acquiring
  45. Somewhat common black hairs peppered along the back, face,and ear edges, lending ,much character and an almost burnished appearance; this is referred to among
  46. Have practical implications leading at least to mental tests and, in science, lending ,themselves to scientific tests. A simple but unlikely guess, if costly to
  47. The Great Depression when — in the opinion of Keynes and others — international, lending , primarily by the U. S., exceeded the capacity of sound investment and so got
  48. Rates or monetary policy tools it can set to influence markets. * Marginal, lending ,rate (currently 1.75 % in the Eurozone) – a fixed rate for institutions to
  49. Henry C. K. Liu. Liu explains further that" the U. S. central-bank, lending ,rate is known as the Fed funds rate. The Fed sets a target for the Fed funds
  50. Officially endorsed by Tom and Ray, but they participated in the production, lending ,their voices to a central puppet character named" The Wizard of Cars ". The

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