Examples of the the word, plantation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plantation ), is the 7036 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Proper uniform. Raised in some wealth in Mexico by his stepparents who owned a, plantation , His German fiancée died in a British carpet bombing raid. He spends his days
  2. Western highlands and the underdeveloped north are moving to the coastal, plantation ,zone and urban centers for employment. Smaller movements are occurring as
  3. To build a democratic and egalitarian society because its origins as a, plantation ,colony and the strong influence of slavery. Empire In 1822 the Prince Pedro de
  4. Ann Phoebe Penn Dag worthy (Charlton) and Captain John Ross Key at the family, plantation ,Terra Ru bra in what was Frederick County and is now Carroll County, Maryland.
  5. Colonies. Tens of thousands used the turmoil of war to escape, and the southern, plantation ,economies of South Carolina and Georgia especially were disrupted. During the
  6. When Douglass was hired out to William Freeland, he taught other slaves on the, plantation ,to read the New Testament at a weekly Sunday school. As word spread, the
  7. 1522,when enslaved Muslims of the Wolf nation led an uprising in the sugar, plantation ,of admiral Don Diego Colón, son of Christopher Columbus. Many of these
  8. Alexandria *http://www.kenthouse.org/ Kent Plantation House – French colonial, plantation ,house *Masonic Home – a now defunct orphanage in south Alexandria completed in
  9. Field, a playground, a golf course, and tennis courts *Inglewood Plantation –, plantation ,located south of Alexandria *http://www.kenthouse.org/ Kent Plantation House –
  10. Urbanized and built prosperous farms, while the deep South concentrated on, plantation ,agriculture based on slave labor, together with subsistence farming for the
  11. Ordered the extermination of feral dogs following the departure of the last, plantation ,workers, and the program continued through 1975,when the last feral dog was
  12. Abu SAAF operatives conducted numerous raids," including one at a coconut, plantation ,called Golden Harvest; they took about 15 people captive there and later used
  13. Has erected a historical marker near the entrance of what was once his, plantation , An adjacent marker was erected by the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of
  14. Each Nigerien plants a tree. Pakistan National tree, plantation ,day of Pakistan (قومی شجر کاری دن) is celebrated on 18 August.
  15. Island, the plantation on Diego Garcia was closed in October of that year. The, plantation ,workers and their families, some of whom had been on Diego Garcia for
  16. Present-day inhabitants of the Band Islands are descended from migrants and, plantation ,laborers from various parts of Indonesia, as well as from indigenous Manganese
  17. Design. There is significant evidence that the design flaws were solved by, plantation ,owner Catherine Little field Greene, wife of American Revolutionary War general
  18. Off Crack. Johnson's account stated that he married the daughter of a local, plantation ,owner, although his is the only known evidence for this. Eden gave Teach
  19. And six grandchildren. Rumsfeld lives in St. Michael's, Maryland,in a former, plantation ,house, Mount Misery, the site of Frederick Douglass's resistance to the
  20. S first permanent settlement in the" New World ". The Spaniards created a, plantation ,economy on the island. Other causes were abuse, suicide,the breakup of family
  21. Dutch Brazil completely transformed society and the economy. A workable sugar, plantation ,required a large investment and a great deal of heavy labor. White smallholders
  22. Fled, migrated or died during the disruption of the war. This greatly disrupted, plantation ,production during and after the war. When they withdrew their forces from
  23. Of the castle made it important for the English to capture it in 1593 for their, plantation ,plans which was achieved by a Captain Downfall. Maguire then laid siege to it
  24. Dropped and efficiency increased with only companies and the most powerful, plantation ,owners owning them. The numbers of campsites and tenant farmers rose
  25. Seven, Douglass was separated from his grandmother and moved to the We House, plantation , where Aaron Anthony worked as overseer. When Anthony died, Douglass was given
  26. Wild" mammal species are feral descendants of domesticated species. During the, plantation ,era, Diego Garcia was home to large herds of Sicilian Donkeys (Equus sinus)
  27. To Kentucky, where he married Eliza Griffin in 1843. They settled on a large, plantation ,he named China Grove in Brazoria County, Texas. U. S. Army Johnston returned to
  28. In Gallatin, Tennessee in 1803. The next year he acquired the Hermitage,a, plantation ,in Davidson County, near Nashville. Jackson later added to the plantation
  29. People with species not naturally occurring in that country. # Native species, plantation ,- Intensively managed forests with > 30 % canopy cover, which have been planted
  30. The Honorable The Irish Society arrived in the 17th century as part of the, plantation ,of Ulster, and built the city of Londonderry across the Boyle from the earlier
  31. For export crops. After its annexation, France converted Mayotte into a sugar, plantation ,colony. The other islands were soon transformed as well, and the major crops of
  32. Governors. These militias were filled out by poor farmers or landless, plantation ,workers impressed into service who usually took up banditry when not fighting
  33. A plantation in Davidson County, near Nashville. Jackson later added to the, plantation , which eventually grew to. The primary crop was cotton, grown by enslaved
  34. Cases, people moved to the colony, and goods were exported to the metro pole. A, plantation ,colony is normally considered fitting the model of exploitation colonialism.
  35. National tree, plantation ,day Facebook page Philippines Arbor Day in the Philippines
  36. Like the slaves they carried, then outright enslaved and forced to work on a, plantation ,in Sierra Leone near the Sherry River. After several months he came to think
  37. Unnoticed. While Freeland was complacent about their activities, other, plantation , owners became incensed that their slaves were being educated. One Sunday they
  38. And diamonds have been the most important economic resource. Smallholder and, plantation ,agriculture have dramatically dropped because of the Angolan Civil War, but
  39. Of farm products. The railroad system, built as a supplement, tied, plantation , areas to the nearest river or seaport. The vast geography of the Confederacy
  40. Support for these efforts was that the vast majority of Creoles, especially the, plantation ,owners, rejected any kind of separatism, considering Spain's power essential
  41. Oil, Most inhabitants of Diego Garcia through the period from 1793 to 1971 were, plantation ,workers. There were several categories of workers, including Franco-Mauritian
  42. Suspicion is the elephants had eaten fertilizer spread around trees in the, plantation , The elephants may have been after the salt in the fertilizer and that would
  43. Declared as NTPD http://pakistanwetlands.org/webpages/ntpday.html National tree, plantation ,day 2009
  44. Fought at the battles of Monterrey and Buena Vista. Johnston remained on his, plantation ,after the war until he was appointed by President Taylor to the U. S. Army as a
  45. Trees of any type (e.g., needleleaf, broadleaf,palms). # Exotic species, plantation ,- Intensively managed forests with > 30 % canopy cover, which have been planted
  46. Away their slaves, including George Washington. After Whitney's invention,the, plantation ,slavery industry was rejuvenated, eventually culminating in the Civil War. And
  47. Terms of an agreement between the UK and the US for an uninhabited island,the, plantation ,on Diego Garcia was closed in October of that year. The plantation workers and
  48. Referring to a cultural zone characterized by the legacy of slavery and the, plantation ,system. It embraces the islands and parts of the adjoining mainland—and may be
  49. Pro-British loyalists and enslaved Africans moved to The Bahamas and set up a, plantation ,economy. The slave trade was abolished in the British Empire in 1807 and many
  50. Also consists of dry forest, scrub,euphoria and the remains of a sisal, plantation , Europa Island is a nature reserve and host to migratory seabirds. It is one of

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