Examples of the the word, peculiar , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Subscription censorial. This part of the censors' office invested them with a, peculiar ,kind of jurisdiction, which in many respects resembled the exercise of public
  2. Attempts to force images from music," Let us at all costs preserve this magic, peculiar ,to music, since of all the arts it is most susceptible to magic. " He could be
  3. A political and anti-Roman work. George Bernard Shaw described it as" a, peculiar ,record of the visions of a drug addict ". Martin Luther changed his perspective
  4. Developing a dark gray or black color, a crusty and waxy texture, and a, peculiar ,odor that is at once sweet, earthy,marine, and Animalia. Its smell has been
  5. Is produced at the base of the stamens and stored on the sepals. The fruit is a, peculiar ,kind of capsule named silica (plural clique, American English
  6. The tradition and style of the Roman Empire still dominated, but slowly the, peculiar ,medieval book culture emerged. Before the invention and adoption of the
  7. In a few years attained a state of unbelievable prosperity ". Attributing the, peculiar ,socialist attitudes of the early Mormons with their success in the desert of
  8. To measurement processes without clearly defining them or explaining their, peculiar ,effects. In his article entitled" Criticism and Counterproposals to the
  9. It is instead kleptoparasitic, with the birds stealing prey. Birds indulge in a, peculiar ,behavior called acting that is as yet not fully understood. Here birds rest on
  10. Was whether Being came before Not-Being (in Chinese, ming and fuming). A, peculiar ,feature of these Taoist thinkers, like the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, was
  11. A preference of 'barbarous' to vernacular names in sacred things, urging a, peculiar ,sanctity in the languages of certain nations, as the Egyptians and Assyrians;
  12. Which combined a series of astronomical observations and ritual cycles. Other, peculiar ,calendars include ancient Greek calendars. These were nominally lunar, starting
  13. In the Xviii Dynasty tomb of Remark at Egyptian Thebes as bearing vases of, peculiar ,forms, were of some Mediterranean race, neither their precise habitat nor the
  14. Of the chimpanzee and gorilla. Baboons and mandrills, with few exceptions, are, peculiar , to Africa. The single-humped camel, as a domestic animal, is especially
  15. One who triumphed the embroidered toga dicta, and the censor a purple toga, peculiar ,to him; but other writers speak of their official dress as being the same as
  16. Neglecting the testimonies of versions and fathers. " #"A reading altogether, peculiar ,to one or another ancient document is suspicious; as also is any, even if
  17. Sharks had piercing teeth, such as the Symmoriida; some, the Megalodons, had, peculiar , cycloid cutting teeth. Most of the sharks were marine, but the Xenacanthida
  18. Point mass and wrote more extensively about its properties. This solution had a, peculiar ,behavior at what is now called the Schwarzschild radius, where it became
  19. That anyone who swims in the pool will be turned into a frog. She also has a, peculiar ,way of retelling the American Civil War, in which she thinks the South has won
  20. By the architectural firm Architectonic. The Bronx has also become home to a, peculiar ,poetic tribute, in the form of the Heinrich Heine Memorial, better known as the
  21. Arcturus is a type K1.5 Pipe orange giant star—the letters" PE" stand for ", peculiar ,emission," which indicates that the spectrum of light given off by the star is
  22. Intercession of the Saints In his book Confessions, Augustine wrote of a, peculiar ,practice of his Christian mother, Monica,in which she" brought to certain
  23. Been an eccentric but benevolent intellectual, comically absent-minded, with, peculiar , habits of speech and gait, and a smile of" inexpressible benignity ". He was
  24. Works of his contemporaries in England; and then ask himself whence came the, peculiar ,conception of the nature of miracle which underlies Babbage's ideas of
  25. Private-owned Egyptian Museum. The Erotic museum of Barcelona is among the most, peculiar ,ones, while Cosmocaixa is a science museum that received the European Museum of
  26. Independently. In fact, a bird-like hip structure evolved a third time among a, peculiar ,group of theropods known as the Therizinosauridae. A small minority of
  27. Which is multiwalled and covered in spikes. While encysted it may undergo a, peculiar ,process of autogamy or self-fertilization, where it goes through meiosis and
  28. Years (25 parsecs) from Earth. Its spectral type is A0p; the" p" stands for, peculiar , as the spectrum of its light is characteristic of an Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum
  29. And of the illumination of sun and moon on clouds and water: optical phenomena, peculiar ,to the Baltic coast that had never before been painted with such an emphasis.
  30. Lens. " Laura Huxley proceeds to elaborate a few nuances of inconsistency, peculiar ,to Huxley's vision. Her account, in this respect, is discernibly congruent
  31. Like from unlike; Santa schemata en OMO at nous Elton auto diekosmese. This, peculiar ,thing, called Mind (Nous),was no less illimitable than the chaotic mass, but
  32. Salinity about one-third that of normal seawater. The Caspian is famous for its, peculiar ,animal fauna, including one of the few non-marine seals (the Caspian seal)
  33. In the process of its introduction to native speakers and this has resulted in, peculiar ,derivations that slightly set the newly formed loanwords apart from the
  34. Carefully with nitric acid to create" artificial musk" – a resin with a, peculiar ,musky odor. Although when burned, amber does give off a characteristic "
  35. Written publication. The Australian Museum's bun yip of 1847 In January 1846,a, peculiar ,skull was taken from the banks of Murrumbidgee River near Balanced, New South
  36. The same reversal of the direction of the hair on the back. The horns are, peculiar ,for their upright direction and comparative straightness, although they have
  37. Cubic symmetry, space group FMM and the lattice constant a = 493 pm. Curium has, peculiar ,magnetic properties. Whereas its neighbor element actinium shows no deviation
  38. According to David Friedman," Medieval Icelandic institutions have several, peculiar ,and interesting characteristics; they might almost have been invented by a mad
  39. Acidity does not depend upon any particular elementary substance, but upon, peculiar ,arrangement of various substances ". One notable modification of oxygen theory
  40. Mary, the Office of the Dead (obligatory on All Souls' Day),and offices, peculiar ,to each diocese. Elements of the Hours It has already been indicated, by
  41. Savannas are the home of large ungulates, especially antelopes, the giraffe (, peculiar ,to Africa),zebra, buffalo,wild donkey and four species of rhinoceros; and of
  42. Five gang but six yin meridians, the sixth is assigned to the Pericardium,a, peculiar ,entity almost similar to the Heart gang. Meridians The meridians (经络, ) are
  43. Brunei reported that they" have a science similar to alchemy which is quite, peculiar ,to them, which in Sanskrit is called Ramayana and in Persian Rasavātam. It
  44. A single framework for all invertebrates," and takes little account of some, peculiar ,features of Ectoprocta. Molecular phylogeny, which attempts to work out the
  45. His 1812 book Chemical Philosophy:" This substance appears to contain a, peculiar ,metal, but as yet Aluminum has not been obtained in a perfectly free state
  46. Henry Bates had observed that many of the most spectacular butterflies had a, peculiar ,odor and taste, and that he had been told by John Jenner Weir that birds would
  47. With causality like the grandfather paradox. It is expected that none of these, peculiar ,effects would survive in a proper quantum mechanical treatment of rotating and
  48. Entirely by women, who carried out the duties which elsewhere were regarded as, peculiar ,to man, in whom alone the rights of nobility and inheritance were vested, and
  49. Consumption sectors of the economy. Hummel notes that this explanation makes, peculiar ,assumptions about demand curves for labor. Hummel provides a second solution to
  50. In the province of Anyone producing high quality white stone),its suck (, peculiar ,sausages),its kayak (meaning either cream or a white Turkish Delight) and

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