Examples of the the word, miniature , in a Sentence Context

The word ( miniature ), is the 7041 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria. Cameroon is sometimes described as" Africa in, miniature ," because it exhibits all the major climates and vegetation of the continent:
  2. Procedure Act (APA) in 1946. Many of the independent agencies operate as, miniature ,versions of the tripartite federal government, with the authority to "
  3. Rekindle (some variants of this combination of carrot and shuffleboard use, miniature ,cues) Big Dipper is the American term for the seven brightest stars of Ursa
  4. This world has featured in a board game, a PC game, an Xbox game, a collectible, miniature ,game and various promotional novels, comics and short stories. The game Freedom
  5. Released the first Atari Flashback console. This system resembled a, miniature ,Atari 7800 and joysticks and had 20 built in games (five 7800 and fifteen 2600
  6. The suffering of Christ. They have been described as 'a sort of Via Dolorosa in, miniature ,' ... since little or no rebuilding took place on the site of the great
  7. Were written by hand and were often richly decorated with initials and, miniature ,illustrations telling stories in the lives of Christ or the saints, or stories
  8. Van Beethoven, after hearing Giuliani play, commented the instrument was" a, miniature ,orchestra in itself ". Francisco Tarred Born at Vila real, Spain on November 29
  9. Of contributions that have spawned innovations ranging from burn treatments to, miniature ,defibrillators, ligament repair to tiny blood pressure monitors for premature
  10. Maximum traffic and architectural density. In configuration, it resembles a, miniature ,Times Square, a spatial" bow-tie" created by the geometry of the street. The
  11. Food contaminants, and some drugs and chemicals the FDA uses Beagles and, miniature ,pigs as surrogates for direct human testing. Anti-vivisection groups have
  12. Of Polyphemus, the Circe episode was rarely depicted. In describing an unusual, miniature ,fifth-century Greek bronze in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore,that takes the
  13. Building serving as residence and farm offices, while other examples were, miniature ,monasteries for 5 or 10 monks. The outlying farming establishments belonging to
  14. He displayed an aversion to artistry and continued his father's neglect of, miniature ,painting. This was connected to a devout religiosity that declared depiction of
  15. Appearance The general appearance of the Beagle resembles a Foxhound in, miniature , but the head is broader and the muzzle shorter, the expression completely
  16. Unicode's character but most Arabic computer fonts cannot in fact display this, miniature ,as of 2006. Now is placed on word-final consonants, even if no vowel is
  17. Of the great achievements of Western literature. Cottingley instead calls it a, miniature ,classic, though others are more forgiving of its size. Candide is listed in The
  18. Influences An immediate predecessor of Dungeons & Dragons was a set of medieval, miniature ,rules written by Jeff Percent. These were expanded by Gary Gaga, whose
  19. The Chester Beatty Library houses the famous collection of manuscripts, miniature ,paintings, prints,drawings, rare books and decorative arts assembled by
  20. Supervisor David Dryer used stills from Metropolis when lining up Blade Runners, miniature ,building shots. Ridley Scott credits Edward Hopper's painting Nighthawks and
  21. Figures specifically for Dungeons & Dragons and similar games. Licensed, miniature ,manufacturers who produced official figures include Grenadier Miniatures (
  22. Miniature figures The war games from which Dungeons & Dragons evolved used, miniature ,figures to represent combatants. D&D initially continued the use of miniature s
  23. A camera craning upwards over the performance scene, then a curtain wipe to a, miniature ,of the upper regions of the house, and then another curtain wipe matching it
  24. An investigative team tried to recreate the dashboard video footage using a, miniature ,horse and a Mexican Hairless Dog (both of which were bred locally). Neither
  25. As. The Organic spelling would have no sign above the final, but instead a, miniature ,above the preceding consonant, which is a valid Unicode character but most
  26. Six-panel fold-out sleeve, two poster inserts, booklet and a cut-out and build, miniature ,pyramid, housed in a clear vinyl bag (with two sleeve variations and three
  27. Dice. The current editions also assume, but do not require, the use of, miniature ,figures or markers on a guided surface. Earlier editions did not make this
  28. Of the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. The country is called" Africa in, miniature ," for its geological and cultural diversity. Natural features include beaches
  29. These frogs live in wet tropical rainforests and their eggs hatch directly into, miniature ,versions of the adult, passing through the tadpole stage within the egg.
  30. Tip on the bottom end, rather than the top end as was customary with ", miniature ," tubes, and a characteristic 3/4" diameter circle pin pattern. * Most
  31. Microwriter, re-introduced Microwriting for PC and Palm Pas with a standalone, miniature ,cording keyboard called, who died in 1995 but the name also reflects its
  32. Imagery since it was decided directing real bats on set would be problematic. A, miniature ,effect was used for the exteriors of the Cobble pot Mansion in the opening scene
  33. Chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the, miniature ,dachshund was developed to hunt smaller prey such as rabbits. In the American
  34. Scotia),sneeze wood or Cape ebony (Pteroxylon utile) and ironwood. Extensive, miniature ,woods of heaths are found in almost endless variety and covered throughout the
  35. Use them as a visual reference. In the 1970s,numerous companies began to sell, miniature ,figures specifically for Dungeons & Dragons and similar games. Licensed
  36. Developments: *Carrot (uses small disks instead of balls; some versions use, miniature ,cues, others no cues at all): :*Rekindle (some variants of this combination
  37. And Julia the Elder. The soldiers were amused that Gains was dressed in a, miniature ,soldier's uniform, including boots and armor. Gains, though,reportedly grew
  38. Has the one remaining traditional tram system. Monorails, heritage tramways, miniature ,railways and funiculars also exist in several places. In addition, there are a
  39. From Duke Slayton in the food locker—real turkey with stuffing and three, miniature ,bottles of brandy (which remained unopened; forty years later, Lovell would
  40. Starting to come onto the market. Bombardier resumed his efforts to build a ", miniature ," snowmobile. He worked alongside his eldest son German, who shared his father
  41. And a graceful neck. Some people consider their appearance similar to that of a, miniature ,deer. A basenji's forehead is wrinkled, especially when the animal is young or
  42. Car had a blackboard and a few sets of chairs and desks. They also contained, miniature ,libraries. These school cars were useful in spreading education and literacy.
  43. Of the raid and its aftermath. Cyberpunk has also inspired several tabletop, miniature ,and board games. Net runner is a collectible card game introduced in 1996,based
  44. And grooming. The long topknot and the shorter-haired saddle on the back in the, miniature ,dog are distinctive features of the Afghan Hound coat. The high hipbones and
  45. Have been available that take the guesswork out of this process. These embody a, miniature , low powered radar transmitter in the fuse to detect the ground and explode
  46. Art Arabic Art includes a wide range or artistic components, it can be Arabic, miniature , calligraphy or Arabesque. Architecture Arab Architecture has a deep diverse
  47. Above. To the east of the church stands a group of buildings comprising two, miniature ,conceptual establishments, each complete in itself. Each has a covered cloister
  48. Directions, for 0 and 1). *Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) - State of a, miniature ,electronic circuit consisting of few transistors (among millions nowadays) in
  49. Longitudes 8° and 17°E. Tourist literature describes Cameroon as" Africa in, miniature ," because it exhibits all major climates and vegetation of the continent: coast
  50. Game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997. It was derived from, miniature ,war games with a variation of the Chain mail game serving as the initial rule

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