Examples of the the word, firstly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firstly ), is the 7047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Style and theater. Two main problems pushed horror backward during this period:, firstly , the horror genre wore itself out with the proliferation of nonstop slasher and
  2. The composer of the tune. * Dr. Henry Carey: Sc holes refutes this attribution, firstly , on the grounds that Carey himself never made such a claim. Secondly, when the
  3. Parabasis - verses through which the Chorus addresses the audience directly, firstly ,in the middle of the play and again near the end (see the section below
  4. Where he died at Geneva 19 December 1944. Marriages and issue He married, firstly ,in Cairo on 19 February 1895 Crimean Iqbal Hakim (Crimea,22 October 1876 -
  5. b. Masses,24 July 1468 - d. Göttingen,10 February 1524),married, firstly ,on 24 February 1484 in Innsbruck to Duke Sigismund of Austria, and secondly on
  6. Again in Dresden on 7 October 1819 (in person),Frederick Augustus married, firstly ,with the Archduchess Maria Caroline of Austria (Maria Caroline Ferdinand
  7. October 1320). *Constantine Palaiologos, despotes (c. 1278 – 1335). Married, firstly ,Eudora, a daughter of Theodore Mouflon and a woman of the Kantakouzenos
  8. Greyhounds are derived from the Greyhound stock recorded and registered, firstly ,in the private 18th century, then public 19th century studbooks, which
  9. You appear to be. " Then examine it and test it by these rules you have, and, firstly , and chiefly, by this: whether the impression has to do with the things that
  10. Numerous nouns that end in a consonant and yet are feminine: these comprise, firstly , a large group of nouns with zero ending expressing quality, degree or an
  11. To chivalric status. This aspect of David in the Nine Worthies was popularized, firstly ,through literature, and was thereafter adopted as a frequent subject for
  12. Children: *Anna of Poland, Countess of Cell (1366 – 9 June 1422). Married, firstly ,William of Cell. Their only daughter was Anne of Villi. Married secondly
  13. Of Musician (c. 1190 – 1216–1219,1216/1219 or c. 1217),married, firstly ,c. 1205 Eludes de Dampierre SUR Salon, Lord of Chargey-le-Grey, div. 1210
  14. By proxy) and again in Dresden on 24 October 1781 (in person),Anton married, firstly ,with the Princess Caroline of Savoy (Maria Carolina Antonietta Adelaide)
  15. Directive becomes applicable. * Several models of participation are possible:, firstly , a model in which the employees form part of the supervisory board or of the
  16. Of this second definition is that expenditure is systematically broken down, firstly , by type of final use (final consumption or capital formation) and, secondly
  17. This newly frozen materialization of caste created a growing resentment, firstly ,against the system itself and secondly against the" Aryan" or" Upper "
  18. Techniques, and all of them are based on two sequential measurements, firstly , total absorption (atomic plus background),secondly, background absorption
  19. Cricket Ground, and playing in the Victorian Football Association. It was known, firstly ,as Essendon Town and, after 1905,as Essendon" A" (" A" for association).
  20. Some stage during the making of the album an attempt to relate the material to, firstly ,the idea of aging, then as an obscure radio play about the life of an ex-army
  21. Of Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius, firstly ,for murdering the old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's
  22. Her except that she probably was born with some deformity. He married twice:, firstly ,in Cuba to Catalina Juárez Married, who died at Moroccan in 1522 without issue
  23. The development of electronic calculators The first mainframe computers, using, firstly , vacuum tubes and later transistors in the logic circuits, appeared in the 1940s
  24. The company organization of each camp had a dual-authority supervisory staff:, firstly , Department of War personnel or Reserve officers (until 1 July 1939),a "
  25. Abbey. # Matilda. (c. February 1102 – 10 September 1167). She married, firstly ,Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, and secondly, Geoffrey V, Count of Enjoy, having
  26. Models The original range The philosophy behind the CPC series was twofold, firstly ,the concept was of an“ all-in-one” where the computer, keyboard and its data
  27. Coined by Raphael Remain (1900–1959),a Polish-Jewish legal scholar, in 1944, firstly , from the Greek root genus (γένος) (birth, race,stock, kind ); secondly from
  28. Of monody, made use of the method in successfully solving musical problems, firstly , of tuning such as the relationship of pitch to string tension and mass in
  29. The legendary Sigrid the Haughty (b. 968/72 - d. ca. 1016),perhaps married, firstly ,with Eric the Victorious, King of Sweden and later wife of Swan Fork beard
  30. To form adverbs from the (adjective-like) ordinal numerals,e.g. първо (, firstly ,), второ (secondly),трето (thirdly),and in some cases from (
  31. By some as unduly Catholic. The objections of the English Puritans were;, firstly , that it was improper for the lay congregation to take any vocal part in prayer
  32. Vertebrae. *F. Catus Siamese – the Siamese – Siamese cats are amongst the, firstly ,recognized Oriental cats, a type of cat with a long body but an elegant posture
  33. Type, syndrome,etiology, impairment. Seizure types are organized, firstly ,according to whether the source of the seizure within the brain is localized (
  34. As the Bison-man (MUD. GOD. SLIM). This being was found in two major forms:, firstly , as a 4-legged bison with a human head, and secondly, as a being with a man's
  35. English Football Hall of Fame. He moved in to broadcasting, working at the BBC, firstly ,working as a pundit on Match of the Day before he went on to present the
  36. Honda alleged that Tito had made it his goal to get Albania into Yugoslavia, firstly ,by creating the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Aid in 1946. Over
  37. The center of gravity (C of G) of the bow forwards, with the result that, firstly ," torque" effect (sideways twisting of the bow-hand) movement is reduced.
  38. Name is unfortunate as it calls for subjective judgements of two issues -, firstly , the degree of deviation from 'normal' justifying the use of 'extreme ', and
  39. For edible vegetables. This confusion arose through some logical analogies:, firstly , the gender of 'edible vegetables' must have been extended to other plants
  40. Population has fallen by 8 %. There are three reasons for this population loss:, firstly , since the completion of Tells (a large apartment complex),the city has not
  41. Regarded themselves as Roman Emperors, the term" Byzantine" being coined, firstly ,by Western historiography much later, in the 16th century. Although the
  42. Two buses (not on the diagram): an address bus and a data bus. The CPU, firstly ,sends a number through an address bus, a number called memory address, that
  43. With Australian philosopher Peter Singer's thoughts on what ethics is not. He, firstly ,claims it is not a moral code particular to a sectional group. For example, it
  44. England which took many years to heal. " From boyhood Lewis immersed himself, firstly ,in Norse and Greek and then in Irish mythology and literature and expressed an
  45. The Tower and Sword. Marriages and issue Ten children survived him. He married, firstly ,at the Dolmabahçe Palace in Constantinople in 1856 to Georgian HH Turgenev
  46. Through the bras sage process as its first of three stages. The process consists, firstly ,of recoupment, where fighters are disarmed. Then they are sent to orientation
  47. And crops throughout the rich lands south of the Danube. This had two aims:, firstly ,to put pressure on the Elector to fight or come to terms before Ballard arrived
  48. In 1973,Pay Day in 1972,Sunnyside in 1974,and of his feature length films, firstly ,The Circus in 1969 and The Kid in 1971. Chaplin worked with music associate
  49. The area began to experiences axon incursions from the east around 600 AD, firstly ,as small bands of settlers along the coasts of Lyme Bay and southern estuaries
  50. Which entitled him to an automatic seat in the House of Lords. Aberdeen married, firstly ,Lady Catherine Elizabeth (1784–1812),daughter of John Hamilton,1st Marquess

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