Examples of the the word, fur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fur ), is the 7039 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Communities, and cities. Among the places in British Columbia that began as, fur ,trading posts are Fort St. John (established 1794); Hudson's Hope (1805);
  2. The addition of berries, is consumed. These animals are often trapped for their, fur , During the early 19th century, trapping eliminated this animal from large
  3. Sea otter pelts judged to be the finest fur in the world, small associations of, fur ,traders began to sail from the shores of Siberia towards the Aleutian islands.
  4. Features in many 19th century newspaper accounts include a dog-like face, dark, fur , a horse-like tail, flippers,and walrus-like tusks or horns or a duck-like
  5. Samuel Black, and David Thompson—were primarily concerned with extending the, fur ,trade, rather than political considerations. In 1794,by the third of a series
  6. To the British in 1813. The house was restored to the U. S. in 1818,though the, fur ,trade would remain under British control until American pioneers following the
  7. At the 2010 census. The Pacific Fur Company failed, however,and the fort and, fur ,trade were sold to the British in 1813. The house was restored to the U. S. in
  8. After his crew returned to Russia with sea otter pelts judged to be the finest, fur ,in the world, small associations of fur traders began to sail from the shores
  9. On the quest for beaver. The most valuable part of the beaver is its inner, fur ,whose many minute barbs make it excellent for felting, especially for hats. In
  10. The island of Terra Del Fuel in southern Chile and Argentina, for commercial, fur ,production. However, the project failed and the beavers, a few pairs, were
  11. Boston and Charleston tended to be Loyalists, as did men involved with the, fur ,trade along the northern frontier. In addition, officials of colonial
  12. Has been crucial to its historical economic development. The North American, fur ,trade relied on birchbark canoes, York boats, and Red River carts on buffalo
  13. There are more than twenty varieties including black, blue and reddish, fur , They come in tabby and tabby-white, along with smoke varieties, and are in
  14. 1988 was 6–12 million. This population decline is due to extensive hunting for, fur , for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because their harvesting of trees
  15. Charles II of England to the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) in 1670,and rival, fur ,trading companies were not allowed to trade in it. After the arrival of French
  16. Or fallen in importance. In sequence, the most important products have been:, fur , wheat and beef, and oil and gas. The development of transportation in Alberta
  17. It is silky and soft. They have a humorous appearance, as they oddly resemble a, fur ,ball. Most are calm and docile but should be handled carefully. Grooming is
  18. The arrival of French Canadians in the west around 1731,they settled near, fur ,trading posts, establishing communities such as Lac La Niche and Bonneville.
  19. Hibernation. Bears have been hunted since prehistoric times for their meat and, fur , To this day, they play a prominent role in the arts, mythology,and other
  20. Through the Rocky Mountains was the route that the earliest explorers and, fur ,traders used. Fur trade routes were only marginally used for access to British
  21. 1700 to 1879. The first appearance of Caucasians was with the founding of, fur ,trading posts during the 1820s; these trading posts remained operational until
  22. Of citizens of the United States and subjects of Britain (which is to say,the, fur ,companies). This co-occupancy was ended with the Oregon Treaty of 1846. The
  23. Drastically around the start of the 20th century as a result of extreme, fur ,prices which caused severe hunting also during population lows. The population
  24. The hunt for harvester termites, black vertical stripes on a coat of yellowish, fur , and a long, distinct mane down the middle line of the neck and back, which is
  25. Dark skin. It evolved when, as pre-human Australopithecus lost most of their, fur ,to enable perspiration, the need to protect the newly exposed pale skin
  26. Such as mathematical functions (ex. gravity, particle simulations),simulated, fur ,or hair, effects such as fire and water and the use of motion capture to name
  27. Should be treated quickly. Sometimes they are shorn in the summer as the long, fur ,can cause the rabbits to overheat. Angora goat The Angora goat () is a breed
  28. Animals by farmers. However, in some areas the Adolf is hunted for its, fur , Encounters with dogs are another threat. Adobe (, ; Arabic: الطوبى) is a
  29. Meaning" original people. " The name Aleut was given to the Ugandan by Russian, fur ,traders in the mid-18th century. Population and distribution The Aleut people
  30. President of the Republic of Texas (d. 1870) *1800 – John George App old, fur ,dyer and engineer (d. 1865) *1814 – Dimitri Kilian, Georgian politician and
  31. As Overland Corner, Loxton, and Cargo, and reminded readers that" the smooth, fur , prominent 'apricot' eyes and the bellowing cry are characteristic of the seal
  32. Wall, Washington (old Fort New Perches). With the amalgamation of the two, fur ,trading companies in 1821,the region now comprising British Columbia existed
  33. The importance of the region in the American psyche. In Irving's words,the, fur ,traders were" Sinbad of the wilderness ", and their venture was a staging
  34. Bristles of seal and sea-lion, beaks of sea parrots, bird claws, sea otter, fur , dyed leather, and caribou hair sewn in the seams. (Gross & Hera pg. 34).
  35. Early exploration of North America was driven by the quest for this animal's, fur , Native peoples and early settlers also ate this animal's meat. The current
  36. Of large South American rodents, comprising the ragouts and couches. Their, fur ,is a reddish or dark color above, with a paler underside. They are herbivorous
  37. Emblem The importance of the Beaver in the development of Canada through the, fur ,trade led to its official designation as the national animal in 1975. The
  38. A large portion of the North Pacific during a Russian led expansion of the, fur ,trade, resettled many families to the Commander Islands (currently, within the
  39. To. The heaviest recorded brown bear weighed over. Brown bears have long, thick, fur , with a moderately long mane at the back of the neck. In India, brown bears can
  40. It finds prey, it pounces and punches through the snow to catch its victim. Its, fur ,changes color with the seasons: in the winter it is white to blend in with
  41. On the planet. Among its adaptations for cold survival are its deep, thick, fur , a system of countercurrent heat exchange in the circulation of paws to retain
  42. Of the animal is never armored, and is simply covered with soft skin and, fur , This armor-like skin appears to be the main defense of many armadillos
  43. In that year. The arrival of Europeans began around the mid-18th century, as, fur , traders entered the area to harvest sea otters. While it is thought that Sir
  44. To new economic opportunities. What had previously been an almost exclusively, fur ,trade and subsistence economy soon became a locus for forestry, farming,and
  45. Companies in 1821,the region now comprising British Columbia existed in three, fur ,trading departments. The bulk of the central and northern interior was
  46. Giving rise to a new class of falling diphthongs. Furthermore, the her sound of, fur ,or butter, is realized in AME as a monophthongize r-colored vowel (stressed or
  47. Frequently the subject of attacks by the French, who had established their own, fur ,trading colony in adjacent New France. Two years later, the Royal African
  48. Granted a charter to the Hudson's Bay Company, granting it a monopoly on the, fur ,trade in what was then known as Rupert's Land, a vast stretch of territory
  49. Are initially brownish; as they become older they turn white. Their coat of, fur ,also changes color when summer arrives but in winter it is white. Diet The
  50. Theoretically established British sovereignty inland, and a succession of other, fur ,company explorers charted the maze of rivers and mountain ranges between the

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