Examples of the the word, investigative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( investigative ), is the 7051 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Death of Innocents, describe selected cases of maternal infanticide and the, investigative ,research of Professor Arch working in concert with the New York City Medical
  2. Tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance,", investigative ," interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and
  3. And organ theft. Sociocultural anthropologists have increasingly turned their, investigative ,eye on to" Western" culture. For example, Philippe Bourgeois won the Margaret
  4. Have become one of the most popular form of gambling in casinos. Recently, investigative ,reports have been calling into question whether the modern day slot machine is
  5. Cash for Questions. Defense Minister Jonathan Aiken was accused by the ITV, investigative ,journalism series World In Action and The Guardian newspaper of secretly doing
  6. Be passed on through consumption. According to the book The Hundred-Year Lie by, investigative ,journalist Randall Fitzgerald, our modern diet is so full of additives and
  7. Cheap retained in relationship to the transportation sections only control and, investigative ,functions. The beginning of a systematic work of organs of Schema in RKA
  8. Has a seriously limited range. " Only a few days later, Allan Oozing wrote an, investigative ,report citing that Leon Klinghoffer's daughters, Lisa and Elsa, had "
  9. Concluded that Norbert Congo was killed for political reasons because of his, investigative ,work into the death of David Ouedraogo, a chauffeur who worked for François
  10. Of Tarantula oils remains unclear. " In terms of phototoxicity, a 2007, investigative , report from European researchers stated that," Lavender oil and sandalwood oil
  11. And the Wichita Massacre tend not to be classified as" hate crimes" by U. S., investigative ,officials, but they have meanwhile been blasted as" hate crimes against whites
  12. She left to work for the United States House of Representatives, becoming chief, investigative ,counsel for the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. In that
  13. Governor of California (1983–1995) (b. 1930) * 2007 – Alfred Worm, Austrian, investigative , journalist (b. 1945) *2008 – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Indian guru, founder of
  14. Surveys, British racing driver (b. 1991) *2010 – Socrates Violins, Greek, investigative , journalist and broadcaster (b. 1973) * 2010 – Loren zen Wright, American
  15. And civil rights protections are suspended in the construction area. An, investigative ,journalist discovers the Orion ship. Wrestling with whether to reveal the scoop
  16. With the state were unveiled by the Spanish journal El Mundo, with an, investigative ,series leading to the GAL plot being discovered and trial initiated. As a
  17. After his father died in an unexplained plane crash. His sister is the, investigative ,journalist Charlotte Bennett. Bennett describes himself as" an autodidact — or
  18. Accused of being linked to ETA, and temporary imprisoning the editor of its ", investigative ,unit ", Pepe REI, under similar accusations. In August 1999 Judge Balthasar
  19. Invent the jury? Æthelred has been credited with the formation of a local, investigative ,body made up of twelve then who were charged with publishing the names of any
  20. Rod Lucas, who was dropped by the Talk sport radio station. He said:" I am an, investigative ,radio journalist and am a member of over 20 political parties and pressure
  21. Of his far flung acolytes. In 1952,he was brought before a United States Senate, investigative ,committee. Martin Gardner devoted an entire chapter of Fads and Fallacies in
  22. Cup. Allegations of corruption and legislative interference In May 2006 British, investigative ,reporter Andrew Jennings' book Foul! The Secret World of FIFA: Bribes
  23. In defiance of Israeli instructions to behave like a" dignified" army. The, investigative ,Khan Commission found the Israeli Defense Forces indirectly responsible for
  24. Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the only other agency with the closest amount of, investigative ,power. In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the FBI maintains a role in
  25. Readers were told that the British authority learned about Poirot's keen, investigative ,ability from certain Belgian royals. After the war Poirot became a free agent
  26. Spiritual claims a priori, for relying too much on surface conflict or current, investigative ,priorities to point out differences *for ignoring the perceived or biospheric
  27. Of Bonch-Bruyevich only the functions of detection and suppression while, investigative ,functions entirely transfer to it. The Investigatory Commission prevailed. On
  28. In Prince William Sound's reef. In light of the above and other findings, investigative ,reporter Greg Palest stated in 2008" Forget the drunken skipper fable. As to
  29. Was published. Still skeptical of the findings, Nature assembled an independent, investigative ,team to determine the accuracy of the research, consisting of Nature editor and
  30. Faculty profiles, and student research papers. The Fed a biweekly satire and, investigative ,newspaper, and the Jester of Columbia, the newly (and frequently) revived
  31. Assistant U. S. Attorney James G. Martin served as Danforth's director of, investigative ,operations for what became known as the" Waco Investigation. " * Short list of
  32. Break in and cover up, is usually referred to as something else, such a, investigative ,journalism, or historical analysis. Conspiracy theories rely on the notion that
  33. Beyond that, sleep deprivation and various forms of harassment were used as, investigative ,methods. Cooperation with the NKVD From the Autumn of 1939,Soviet secret
  34. In heaven in which Christ is ministering on behalf of mankind. # There is an, investigative ,judgment going on in the heavenly sanctuary that began on October 22, 1844 to
  35. Canadian singer and television host *1942 – Linda Moulton Howe, American, investigative , journalist and documentary producer-writer-director-editor * 1944 – Farad
  36. An independent press and media in Burkina Faso have been intermittent. In 1998, investigative , journalist Norbert Congo, his brother Ernest, his driver, and another man were
  37. Evil, found that the phrase" final solution" had been used much earlier. An, investigative ,report by the Muncher Post, a socialist newspaper that was an early opponent
  38. Issues to present at trial which develops much in the same way as the role of, investigative ,judges. It has also been argued that a trial by a jury of one's peers may be
  39. Even then under certain restrictions. Indian reservations often use their own, investigative ,agency for crimes within its reservations, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which
  40. Near a railroad, damaged tracks and disrupted rail operations. A military, investigative ,report determined that a stall caused by pilot error led to the crash. This is
  41. If necessary, they can establish parliamentary inquiry commissions with broad, investigative ,power. National Assembly The National Assembly is the principal legislative
  42. An Irish police unit during the Irish Civil War (1922–23) *" Civil, investigative ,demands" or CID's as referred to by the United States Federal Trade Commission
  43. Episode of the Safe television series Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files where an, investigative ,team tried to recreate the dashboard video footage using a miniature horse and
  44. Body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). The FBI has, investigative ,jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. Its
  45. Argue the many suspects beaten and tortured to death while in ", investigative ,custody" were likely not to have been counted amongst the executed. Historians
  46. Prevailed. On January 31, 1918 Sovnarkom ordered to relieve Schema of the, investigative ,functions, leaving for the commission only the functions of detection
  47. Wallace (née Wood),Reno's mother, raised her children and then became an, investigative ,reporter for the Miami News. Lived in Batch Hall, became president of the Women
  48. S wit to make it more than just a sober piece of what would later be called, investigative ,reporting. Thurber teamed with college schoolmate (and actor/director) Elliot
  49. The United States Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal, investigative ,body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). The FBI has
  50. Along with Roy Prison. Gordon Banks: A Hero Who Could Fly Best-selling Irish, investigative ,author, Don Mullein, published a boyhood memoir in 2006 called GORDON BANKS: A

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