Examples of the the word, supra , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Their catch before shipping it to another State); Pike v. Bruce Church, Inc., supra ,(striking down Arizona statute that required all Arizona-grown cantaloupes to
  2. Naturae. His Latin description reads: Ana's macular alarm vivid, linea Alba, supra ,infrared Oculus –" a duck with green spectrum, a white line above and below
  3. One of which has just so strong a positive aberration (under-correction, vide, supra , ) as the other a negative; the first must be a positive lens and the second a
  4. Model. An important feature of the class of security controls described, supra , termed mandatory access controls, or MAC, is that they are entirely beyond the
  5. That Masses should be celebrated on the tombs of martyrs (" HIC constitute, supra ,memorial martyrum misses celebrate" ). The author of this entry was evidently
  6. Expectations, and the character of the government action. Penn Central, supra , at 124,98 S. Ct. 2646. These inquiries are informed by the purpose of the
  7. Within a civilian population. As of today" The Spirit of the IDF" ( cf., supra ,) is still considered the only biding moral code that formally applies to the
  8. Thought over when and whom God predestined: supra lapsarianism (from the Latin:, supra ," above ", here meaning" before" + lapses," fall" ) and infralapsarianism
  9. v. Sebastian,239 U. S. 394 (1915),with Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mason, supra , In the instant case, it is not clear that expellees will be unable to derive
  10. Groups of authorities within the piece may be cited using supra or infra. Use, supra ,to refer back to material that has already appeared within the piece. Use infra
  11. Either the Herschel or Fraunhofer Condition, the latter being the best vide, supra , Monochromatic Aberration). In practice, however,it is often more useful to
  12. The shortest proof of the practical (Sade) formulae. A. Gull strand (vide, supra , and Ann. d. Phys.,1905,18,p. 941) founded his theory of aberrations on the
  13. About this, writing:" ... Theudelinda Regina basilica costruxerat, qui locus, supra ,Mediolanum duodenum minibus best, ..." (" Theodelinda built a queen basilica
  14. City Power Co.,350 U. S. 222 (1956),with Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mason, supra , and United States v. Virginia Electric & Power Co.,365 U. S. 624 (1961).
  15. Borough of Red Bank, http://www.redbanknj.org/content/history.html History, supra , Red Bank was settled in the 17th century, but was not populous until
  16. Been, it has no longer that restricted meaning. A scaffold (Devlin v. Smith, supra ,) is not inherently a destructive instrument. It becomes destructive only if
  17. Because the aggregate must be viewed in its entirety. Compare Penn Central, supra , at 130-131,and United States v. Twin City Power Co.,350 U. S. 222 (1956)
  18. Review Ass'n et al. eds.,18th ed. 2005). However, avoid heavy usage of infra, supra , op. cit, loc. Cit, and similar abbreviations that refer to citations that
  19. Only if imperfectly constructed. A large coffee urn (Stapler v. Ray Mfg. Co., supra ,) may have within itself, if negligently made, the potency of danger, yet no
  20. Grammatical nation Zalando Nelson Roskildensis ecclesial preposition, abhinc, supra ,recent annoy conscripted et nun primum liter aria series illustrate
  21. In this case, as in Portsmouth Harbor Land & Hotel Co. v. United States, supra , the damages were not merely consequential. They were the product of a direct
  22. v. United States ex rel. McCann,317 U. S. 269 (1942); see Powell v. Alabama, supra , 287 U. S. at 68-69,53 S. Ct. 63-64.: This indicates that the cited authority
  23. Text, footnotes,and groups of authorities within the piece may be cited using, supra ,or infra. Use supra to refer back to material that has already appeared within
  24. Piece (internal cross-reference). * Notice that you need a comma after the, supra ,clause. * You may combine supra with a signal and other text. * The signal
  25. A professional bailee was involved. See Although v. System Garages, Inc., supra ,at 864 (preprinted form used by a garbageman); Rams den v. Scrimshaw,23 In.2d
  26. Despite lacking alternative job prospects (see constructive discharge, supra ,). Finally, the detrimental effects of micromanagement can extend beyond the "
  27. That" are binding upon both courts and governments;" ( Secession Reference, supra ,., paras. 50-4). In the Provincial Judges Reference, the Court fell short of
  28. Protects substantive as well as procedural rights: Re B. C. Motor Vehicle Act, supra , Insofar as procedural rights are concerned, the common law doctrine summarized
  29. All the power it possessed. " Atlantic Cleaners & Dyers v. United States, supra , 286 U. S. 435. At Addyson Pipe and Steel Company v. United States,85 F.2d 1
  30. Portrayal of the glorious potentials of imperial authority. (See description, supra , ) Another legend states that when Barbarossa was in the process of seizing
  31. Do not use pp. as part of the short form for any authority. * Do not use, supra ,with cases, statutes,constitutions, legislative materials other than hearings
  32. Corp. v. Columbia Artists Mgmt.,443 F.2d 1159,1162 (2d Cir. 1971) ). * Use, supra ,with“ note” to indicate a footnote within the same piece (internal
  33. A nearby footnote. A list of internal cross-reference forms. * See, supra ,notes 11-12,45-46 and accompanying text. Supra (Blue book Rules 3.5 &
  34. Supra references (lower numbers before higher numbers); Example: GINSBURG, supra ,note 43,at 1485 (citing Gershwin Pub'g Corp. v. Columbia Artists Mgmt.,443
  35. Parts of a document, whether text or footnotes. (Rule 3.5) * You may combine, supra ,with note, part,p., or pp. to refer to footnotes, parts,or pages within the
  36. Is not necessarily equated with a taking. Compare Goldblum v. Hempstead, supra , at 594,and Hatcheck v. Sebastian,239 U. S. 394 (1915),with Pennsylvania
  37. 1812 - 4 October 1812: Manuel Rodríguez Tories (b. 1788 - d. 1816) *cf., supra ,(Poland) 19 March 1863 - 20 March 1863 Executive Dictatorial Commission of
  38. Pass on all aspects contained therein.8 Accord, Chicago Lutheran Hospital, supra ,at 735 (“ In all fee requests, the fee application is inevitably the starting
  39. Series. George Pipers—January 1923. Traded to the Yankees for Al Reformer (, supra ,). Pipers never played for Boston; his eleven-year career included three
  40. p., or pp. to refer to footnotes, parts,or pages within the same piece. * Use, supra ,when the authority has already been cited in full, and add the short form for
  41. Which the courts cannot deny for reasons involving budgetary concerns. In Singh, supra , at p. 218,Wilson J. speaking for the three members of the Court who addressed
  42. In the imperial army of Qatar Persia: *Amir al-Omari," Amir of Airs" ( CFR., supra ,) or 'Commander of Commanders' In the former Kingdom of Afghanistan
  43. Proportional to the linear aperture, and independent of the focal length (vide, supra , Monochromatic Aberration of the Axis Point); and since this disk becomes the
  44. Is not known, and a regulatory taking has not yet been established. See Sui tum, supra , at 736,and n. 10,117 S. Ct. 1659 (noting difficulty of demonstrating that "
  45. Notice that you need a comma after the supra clause. * You may combine, supra ,with a signal and other text. * The signal would be italicized but the text
  46. The Court indirectly recognized as much when it stated in McCann v. Richardson, supra , 397 U. S., at 770,771,90 S. Ct., at 1448,1449,that a guilty plea cannot be
  47. 297 U. S. 233,245-249,56 S. Ct. 444,80 L. Ed. 660 (1936); Schlesinger, supra , at 67-84.: :Example: The IEP contains an evaluation of the child's current
  48. Demanded of attorneys in criminal cases. ” See also Curler v. Sullivan, supra , 446 U. S., at 344,100 S. Ct., at 1716.: This signals (for the Latin confer
  49. Was made for a couple of world premieres: the Typhoon and the Sledge Hammer (, supra ," attractions" ). In 2003,the consumer’s organization Test-Aankoop conducts a
  50. Columbia, a notary public is more like a British or Australian notary (see, supra ,). Appointments are for life and made through the Society of Notaries Public of

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