Examples of the the word, cherry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cherry ), is the 7033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Tao Te Ching and the Parson Weeks account of George Washington and the, cherry ,tree are considered apocryphal. Definitions and usage Apocrypha has evolved in
  2. Equal parts of white rum, sweet and dry vermouth, and a splash of Maraschino, cherry ,juice, served up with a twist. *A Royal Manhattan is made with Crown Royal
  3. And herbal wines exist in Korean cuisine. Acacia, maesil plum, Chinese quince, cherry , pine fruits, and pomegranate are most popular. Meituan wine (a blended wine
  4. Used to make candles. Many fruits provide natural dyes,e.g. walnut, sumac, cherry , and mulberry. Dried gourds are used as decorations, water jugs, bird houses
  5. The most common trees are hornbeam, oak,linden, maple,wild pear, and wild, cherry , The term Cori refers more generally to all the forests between the
  6. Time. Within a decade, three new flavors, chocolate (discontinued in 1927), cherry , and peach, were added, and the brand was launched in Canada. Celebrity
  7. Cyanide and benzaldehyde. An" amorphous amygdala" is said to occur in the, cherry ,laurel (Prunes laurocerasus). Lastly, amygdalin beta-glucosidase and Prussia
  8. Chicken-fried steak, for example, is a variation on German schnitzel), cherry , pie,Coca-Cola, milkshakes,fried chicken (Fried chicken is of Scottish and
  9. And more intense" wild" versions of the venerable strawberry, raspberry and, cherry , In 1966,the Jell-O" No-Bake" dessert line was launched, which allowed a
  10. It is said that Washington, as a young child, chopped down his father's, cherry ,tree. His angry father confronted the young Washington, who proclaimed" I can
  11. Are cedar, firs and pines, chenar or plane, maple,birch and walnut, apple, cherry , Historically, Kashmir became known worldwide when Cashmere wool was exported
  12. For example, reinvented as a hero of the new order, taking an axe to the, cherry ,orchard. One of the first non-Russians to praise Chekhov's plays was George
  13. Filled with a cream pastiche and garnished with cream DI mean (sour black, cherry ,) * Giraffe - fried Neapolitan" doughnuts" made with flour, potato,yeast and
  14. Covering or carp, fleshy in other members of Prunes such as the plum and, cherry , is instead a thick leathery Eva Green coat (with a downy exterior),called
  15. Black. Other more uncommon colors include red amber (sometimes known as ", cherry ,amber" ), green amber, and even blue amber, which is rare and highly sought
  16. Requirement and higher heat rating resulted in CPUs that were basically ", cherry ,picked" from the manufacturing line. Being the best of the cores off the line
  17. Desserts include the iconic Hobos Cake, Strudels (rates),filled with apple, cherry , poppy seed or cheese, Gundel pancake, plum dumplings (Silva combo)
  18. Typically grown farther south can be produced. Western Michigan has apple and, cherry ,orchards, and vineyards adjacent to the lake shore as far north as the Grand
  19. Scrub oak: Quercus berberidifolia, toyon: Heteromerous arbutifolia, holly-leafed, cherry , : Prunes ilicifolia). When intervals between fires drop below 10 to 15 years
  20. On a different occasion in Alabama, Moon and Entitle loaded a toilet with, cherry ,bombs because they could not receive room service. According to Entitle,"
  21. Lanchesteri, Riceland prawn * Neocaridina Pteropoda (wild type),Wild type, cherry ,shrimp * Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. Blue pearl, Blue pearl shrimp *
  22. Used to calculate the average world temperature. He states that this is done by, cherry ,picking weather stations in order to show a warming trend. Specifically, it is
  23. Ice and strained into a cocktail glass, where it is garnished with a Maraschino, cherry ,with a stem. However, Lady Randolph was in France at the time and pregnant, so
  24. Origin in the Sense valley. In mild contrast to the other versions, Kriek (, cherry ,beer) enjoys outstanding popularity, as it does in the rest of Belgium. Train
  25. Hammers are usually made of wood (most likely hard woods such as maple, cherry , pad auk, oak,walnut, or any other hard wood),but can also be made from any
  26. Back The back or the shell is assembled from thin strips of hardwood (maple, cherry , ebony, rosewood,gran, wood and/or other tone woods) called ribs, joined (
  27. Filled with a cream pastiche and garnished with cream DI mean (sour black, cherry ,) * Giraffe - fried Neapolitan" doughnuts" made with flour, potato,yeast and
  28. To keep their current position hidden. He is driven to desert when he sees a, cherry ,tree in blossom, which reminds him of home too much and inspires him to leave.
  29. Pears, apples,grapes, oranges,mandarins, nectarines,messily, blackberries, cherry , strawberries, figs,watermelon, melon,avocado, lemon,pistachio, almond
  30. Fiction set in England. No one has found an alternative source for the, cherry ,tree story, thus Weeks' credibility is questioned. Monuments and memorials
  31. Dumplings (Silva combo),solo dumplings, dessert soups like chilled Sour, cherry ,soup and sweet chestnut purée, gesztenyepüré (cooked chestnuts mashed with
  32. Vegetables, bell pepper, fiber,wheat, antioxidants,fruits like blueberry, cherry ,etc. is advised. No, or less intake of Carbohydrates, Fats,dairy foods, butter
  33. England. A hedge maze built into a copse *Glendurgan Garden, Cornwall. A, cherry ,laurel hedge maze created in 1833. * Grey's Court 'Archbishop's Maze '
  34. In Argentina, for example those flavored with orange, egg,anise, coffee, cherry , and,inevitably, dulce de Lethe. The Hesperia is a type of liqueur made from
  35. When he purchased 500 cherry bombs. In time, Moon would graduate from just, cherry ,bombs to taking out toilets with M-80s. Eventually, Moon began using sticks of
  36. Other spirits. These should not be confused with fruit flavored spirits such as, cherry ,brandy or Sloe gin. Artificial food additives Preservative food additives can
  37. Family, as well as the unrelated, but visually similar mountain laurel and, cherry ,laurel, have leaves that are poisonous to humans and livestock. While these
  38. Segovia injured his spine in a fall from a tree. He fell four meters from a, cherry ,tree in the garden of his home in Sneak, a Belgrade district, breaking
  39. With moss. The berries are of a pale yellow color, afterwards red, as big as a, cherry , some perfectly round, others oval, all of them hollow with sower (sic)
  40. Kinds of wood made use of for this purpose are, I am informed, black walnut, cherry ,and sassafras. Nothing I think can exceed the grandeur of the joinery and the
  41. Added and unsuccessful ones were removed: in the 1950s and 1960s,apple, black, cherry , black raspberry, grape,lemon-lime, mixed fruit, orange-banana
  42. Prefer the wood of quaking aspen, cottonwood,willow, alder,birch, maple and, cherry ,trees. They also eats edges, pondweed, and water lilies. Beavers do not
  43. A dash of bitters, served ice-cold, in an ice-cold glass, or with ice and a, cherry ,garnish. Variations Traditional views insist that a Manhattan be made with rye
  44. The Potomac River at Mount Vernon, and that he chopped down his father's, cherry ,tree and admitted the deed when questioned:" I can't tell a lie, Pa. " The
  45. The passengers must sometimes wait until a rescue train, fire engine or a, cherry ,picker comes to the rescue. Newer monorail systems resolve this by building
  46. Bitter as are the kernels from other Prunes species like apricot, peach and, cherry ,(to a lesser extent). The bitter almond is slightly broader and shorter than
  47. Redcurrant, gooseberry,tomato, cranberry ) *stone fruit or drupe (plum, cherry , peach, apricot,olive) An aggregate fruit, or etheric, develops from a single
  48. Feigns salvation),ash (Trains excelsior),aspen (Populous Trembley),wild, cherry ,(Prunes album),blackthorn (Prunes Spinoza),hold oak (Quercus Alex),oak
  49. S biography,Moon's toilet pyrotechnics began in 1965,when he purchased 500, cherry , bombs. In time, Moon would graduate from just cherry bombs to taking out
  50. In the genus of Prunes, including apricot (Prunes Armenian) and black, cherry ,(Prunes semolina),also contain amygdala. Since the early 1950s,a modified

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