Examples of the the word, belly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( belly ), is the 7034 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Consists of sliced pork with preserved mustard greens): thick slices of pork, belly , with a layer of preserved mustard greens between each slice, are cooked and
  2. Dag Adolf, masculine ) for Jonah, and it swallowed him, and Jonah sat in the, belly ,of the fish (still male) for three days and nights; then, from the belly of
  3. Zhang wrote that a cannonball fired from an erupt or could" pierce the heart or, belly ,when it strikes a man or horse, and can even transfix several persons at once.
  4. Browne of Entertainment Weekly observed" Christina Aguilera may flash skin and, belly ,button, but in her music and manner,she's too eager not to offend — she's a
  5. Nesting sand grouse and many plovers carry water to their young by wetting their, belly ,feathers. Some birds carry water for chicks at the nest in their crop or
  6. Hashish, to the sea, to under the sea) becomes the story of ascent (from the, belly ,of the fish, to land, to the city of Nineveh). Thus, the use of a psalm
  7. From grayish-brown to yellowish-gray on the upper parts, while the throat and, belly ,tend to have a buff or white color. The forelegs, sides of the head, muzzle and
  8. A recent study, however,found a link between binge-drinking and a beer, belly , But with most overconsumption, it is more a problem of improper exercise and
  9. One of their friends. The main character, Père Heb, was a blunderer with a huge, belly ,; three teeth (one of stone, one of iron, and one of wood); a single
  10. Food supplies. Reproduction and sexuality Dolphin copulation happens belly to, belly ,; though many species engage in lengthy foreplay, the actual act is usually
  11. Along the top of the head, neck and shoulders. The throat, chest,flanks, belly ,and the upper parts of the limbs are less brightly colored, and are more
  12. Aircraft were fitted with four 20 mm (.79 in) Hispano cannon in the fuselage, belly ,and four .303 in (7.7 mm) Browning machine guns mounted in the nose. This fit
  13. At the rear of the saddle and goes around the widest part of the horse's, belly , It is important that the saddle be comfortable for both the rider and the
  14. C-130. On 25 March 1971,it took an anti-aircraft artillery hit in the, belly ,just aft of the nose gear wheel well over the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos. The 37
  15. Soy sauce and sugar. The other version is cooked with yam or taro. Usually pork, belly ,are used, for its layers of fat and meat. The yam and pork are shallow fried
  16. The belly of the fish (still male) for three days and nights; then, from the, belly ,of the (data, female ) fish, Jonah began to pray. " The peculiarity of this
  17. C-17 (AF Serial No. 96-0002 –" Spirit of the Air Force" ) made a gear-up, belly ,landing at Ba gram Air Base. The C-17 was ferried from Ba gram AB, making several
  18. Of rockets double the -1A's, as well as twin-rack plumbing for an additional, belly ,drop tank. However, these modifications necessitated the need for rocket tabs (
  19. For food supplies. Reproduction and sexuality Dolphin copulation happens, belly ,to belly ; though many species engage in lengthy foreplay, the actual act is
  20. Dire consequences, after lying with Métis, Zeus " put her away inside his own, belly ,;" he" swallowed her down all of a sudden. " He was too late: Métis had
  21. The mountains of South Gallery, but unique among the houses cousins he has a, belly ,button (Lung barrow suggests that this is because he is a re-incarnation of The
  22. To less derived theropods like Apatosaurus. Allosaurus had Australia (, belly ,ribs),but these are not common findings, A formula (wishbone) was also
  23. Tension on the back of the bow, and the heart-wood to the compression on the, belly , Hence, a limb sector of yew wood shows the narrow, light-coloured sap-wood on
  24. To pull external cargo on pallets into the aircraft via the ramp and rollers. A, belly ,sling hook (cargo hook) which is usually rated at. Could be attached for
  25. Crab – The lead arm is placed across the torso usually somewhere in between the, belly ,button and chest and the lead hand rests on the opposite side of the fighter's
  26. Of pigmentation than other Asians. Typically, their ears, face,trunk, and, belly , have large concentrations of pink-speckled skin. There is an orphanage for
  27. Throw themselves to the ground in a defensive posture to rake their opponent's, belly ,with their powerful hind legs. Normally, serious injuries from fighting will be
  28. Is not simply a modern one. The credibility of a human being surviving in the, belly ,of a great fish has long been questioned. In c. 409 CE, Augustine of Hippo
  29. Theology) ). Jonah becomes a“ type” for Jesus. Jonah spent three days in the, belly ,of the fish; Jesus will spend three days in the grave. Here, Jesus plays on the
  30. To re-emerge in 2001). Stones. com's parent company, Broadband Sports, went, belly , up in 2001. The company would re-emerge as Retire. Com. There were also wide
  31. Luis García Mesa Nevada, Bolivian dictator * 1933 – Serena Wilson, American, belly , dancer (d. 2007) *1935 – Donald P. Bellisario, American television producer *
  32. Cancelled. **Mine Exploded T14: Direct modification to a Sherman tank, upgraded, belly , armor and reinforced tracks. Cancelled. **Mine Excavator T4: Plow device.
  33. Cannot assert or make use of civil or political rights (known as the full, belly ,thesis). The indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights has been
  34. Found in Jonah’s prayer. While Jonah metaphorically declared,“ Out of the, belly ,of Sheol I cried,” Jesus will literally be in the belly of Sheol. Finally
  35. A smaller short sword or large dagger which was hung horizontally across the, belly , A symbol of status among the Huns was a gilded bow. Sword and dagger grips
  36. Its definitive form, with a broadened body, increased waist curve, thinned, belly , improved internal bracing, single string courses replacing double courses, and
  37. In ASCII Piano. Unique ham and sausage specialties *Ciauscolo - made from the, belly ,and shoulder of pig with half its weight in pork fat and seasoned with salt
  38. Left wing leading edge damage on 12 April 1971 and a 57 mm round damaging the, belly ,and injuring one crewman on 4 March 1972. " Ultimate End" was reassigned to
  39. V-12 engine. The first prototype placed the glycol coolant radiator in an under, belly ,position on the fighter, just aft of the wing's trailing edge. USAAC Fighter
  40. Of most bird species gain a bare brood patch by losing feathers close to the, belly , The skin there is well supplied with blood vessels and helps the bird in
  41. It the largest member of the acid family. It had a black back and a white, belly , The black beak was heavy and hooked with grooves on its surface. During the
  42. Of the fibula (i.e. on the lateral side),and its relatively thick muscle, belly ,extends distally down to the flexor retinaculum where it passes over to the
  43. Jonah. For three days and three nights Jonah languishes inside the fish's, belly , He says a prayer in which he repents for his disobedience and thanks God for
  44. Considered that overeating and lack of muscle tone is the main cause of a beer, belly , rather than beer consumption. A recent study, however,found a link between
  45. A hound from; its height is. The coat is very short and almost absent on the, belly , Its bone structure shows clearly through the skin and musculature. Its muscles
  46. That all future wars would be nuclear was turned on its head, and the" big, belly ," modifications increased the B-52's total bomb load to 60,000 pounds (27,215
  47. Declared,“ Out of the belly of Sheol I cried,” Jesus will literally be in the, belly ,of Sheol. Finally, Jesus compares his generation to the people of Nineveh.
  48. For example, he writes:" As, therefore,Jonah passed from the ship to the, belly ,of the whale, so Christ passed from the cross to the sepulcher, or into the
  49. The painting is almost like a sculpture. The folds of the garment, the rounded, belly , and the calm on the face suggest a devoted worshiper. Cave 7: The verandah of
  50. This weapon was inspired by an earlier hand crossbow, called the gastraphetes (, belly ,shooter),which could store more energy than the Greek bows. A detailed

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