Examples of the the word, cylinder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cylinder ), is the 7045 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The engines available throughout the range were now a 1.4L,1.6L and 1.8L 4, cylinder , 1.8L 4- cylinder turbo,2.6L and 2.8L V6,2.2L turbocharged 5 cylinder s and the
  2. A Casandra, through which wort is pumped. The unit is usually a tall, thin, cylinder , with many tubes upwards through it. These tubes provide an enormous surface
  3. To scientific discovery, and the very next year invented a wax phonograph, cylinder ,that was later used by Thomas Edison; The laboratory was also the site where he
  4. Identical to one released during Apollo 15,was a 78 cm x 36 cm hexagonal, cylinder ,weighing 36.3 kg and three 1.5 m booms. Released from the Service Module's
  5. Ingenious, but false, in On the Heavens. Its curious shape is that of a, cylinder ,with a height one-third of its diameter. The flat top forms the inhabited world
  6. The area extended upwards from the basket); or when the ball is outside the, cylinder , if the player reaches through the basket and touches it. This violation is
  7. Electromotograph" loud-speaking telephone, which used a wetted rotating chalk, cylinder ,in contact with a stationary contact. The friction between cylinder and contact
  8. Changed. We can solve for the temperature of the compressed gas in the engine, cylinder ,as well, using the ideal gas law. Our initial conditions are 100,000 pas of
  9. Components and cycle parts with the Trident T150,but has forward-inclined, cylinder ,barrels, BSA frame and cycle parts. *C series (Four-stroke single- cylinder
  10. Had proven that the sphere has two thirds of the volume and surface area of the, cylinder ,(including the bases of the latter),and regarded this as the greatest of his
  11. The tomb of Archimedes, which was surmounted by a sphere inscribed within a, cylinder , Archimedes had proven that the sphere has two thirds of the volume and surface
  12. Of mugwort was placed on a slice of garlic, ginger or other vegetable, or a, cylinder ,of mugwort was held above the skin, close enough to either warm or burn it).
  13. The cylinder (including its two bases),where is the radius of the sphere and, cylinder , The sphere has a volume that of the circumscribed cylinder . Similarly, the
  14. Development of calculus. For a solid shape such as a sphere, cone,or, cylinder , the area of its boundary surface is called the surface area. Formulas for the
  15. Stored dissolved in acetone or dimethylformamide (DMF),contained in a metal, cylinder ,with a porous filling (Ghassan),which renders it safe to transport and use
  16. 1.8L 4 cylinder ,1.8L 4- cylinder turbo,2.6L and 2.8L V6,2.2L turbocharged 5, cylinder , and the 4.2L V8 engine. The V6s were replaced by new 2.4L and 2.8L 30V V6s in
  17. Berkeley had been in partnership some years and had developed an overhead cam 4, cylinder , engine,using Renwick's patented combustion chamber design, and had tested it
  18. Title of" king" as he is never called such on the Laborious Cylinder. On that, cylinder , Laborious petitions the god Sin as follows::" And as for Belshazzar my
  19. Of the sphere and cylinder . The sphere has a volume that of the circumscribed, cylinder , Similarly, the sphere has an area that of the cylinder (including the bases)
  20. Overflowing vase. The Babylonian star-figure appears on entitlement stones and, cylinder ,seals from the second millennium. It contained the winter solstice in the Early
  21. He was most proud, namely the relationship between a sphere and a circumscribed, cylinder ,of the same height and diameter. The volume is 3 for the sphere, and 23 for the
  22. A team of riders in the 200 mile Daytona Beach race with a mixture of single, cylinder ,Gold Stars and twin cylinder Shooting Stars assembled by Roland Pike. The BSA
  23. Chalk cylinder in contact with a stationary contact. The friction between, cylinder ,and contact varied with the current, providing gain. Edison discovered this
  24. Now incorporated in the bonnet. By 1991,Audi had the 4 cylinder Audi 80,the 5, cylinder , Audi 90 and Audi 100,the turbocharged Audi 200 and the Audi V8. There was also
  25. Manufacturer Rickenbacker, including the manufacturing equipment for eight, cylinder ,engines. These engines were used in Audi Zwickau and Audi Dresden models that
  26. Engines In the 1980s,Audi, along with Volvo, was the champion of the inline 5, cylinder , 2.1/2.2 L engine as a longer-lasting alternative to more traditional 6
  27. Of the circumscribed cylinder . Similarly, the sphere has an area that of the, cylinder ,(including the bases). A sculpted sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb
  28. And 23 for the cylinder . The surface area is 42 for the sphere, and 62 for the, cylinder ,(including its two bases),where is the radius of the sphere and cylinder .
  29. The WRC two years earlier. The Audi S1 employed Audi's time-tested inline five, cylinder ,turbocharged engine, with the final version generating. The engine was mated to
  30. 10.0 Megabytes ". The specification of 4 heads or active surfaces (tracks per, cylinder ,),306 cylinder s and when formatted with a sector size of 256 bytes and 32
  31. Archimedes' machine was a device with a revolving screw-shaped blade inside a, cylinder , It was turned by hand, and could also be used to transfer water from a body of
  32. Has an area that of the cylinder (including the bases). A sculpted sphere and, cylinder ,were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request. *On Conoid and Spheroids
  33. Of the same height and diameter. The volume is 3 for the sphere, and 23 for the, cylinder , The surface area is 42 for the sphere, and 62 for the cylinder (including its
  34. Are mostly smooth functions of α). Bessel's functions are also known as, cylinder ,functions or cylindrical harmonics because they are found in the solution to
  35. The ball while it is on or in the basket; when any part of the ball is in the, cylinder ,above the basket (the area extended upwards from the basket); or when the
  36. Cutting surfaces and flattening them out. For example, if the side surface of a, cylinder ,(or any prism) is cut lengthwise, the surface can be flattened out into a
  37. Not only in production cars but also in their race cars. The 2.1 L inline 5, cylinder , engine was used as a base for the rally cars in the 1980s,providing well over
  38. DER2 realized a slimmer body than that of the former version by using a smaller, cylinder , Outwardly DER2 has a more beautiful proportion. Compared to the previous model
  39. And the Audi V8. There was also a coupe version of the 80/90 with both 4 and 5, cylinder , engines. Although the five- cylinder engine was a successful and robust
  40. 2.1/2.2 L engine as a longer-lasting alternative to more traditional 6, cylinder , engines. This engine was used not only in production cars but also in their
  41. S work. At Central Connecticut State University is Circulating Capital, a tall, cylinder ,which features an extract from The Wealth of Nations on the lower half, and on
  42. Then taken back. The Cyrus chapters are similar in style and theme to the Cyrus, cylinder , and it is possible that Deutero-Isaiah was influenced by the propaganda of
  43. Version of the 80/90 with both 4 and 5- cylinder engines. Although the five, cylinder ,engine was a successful and robust power plant, it was still a little too
  44. Mile Daytona Beach race with a mixture of single cylinder Gold Stars and twin, cylinder ,Shooting Stars assembled by Roland Pike. The BSA team riders took first, second
  45. A2 Audi further expanded their TDI technology through the use of frugal three, cylinder ,engines. The A2 was extremely aerodynamic and was designed around a wind tunnel
  46. cc models. These cars were successful even in sporting events. The first six, cylinder ,model,4655 cc appeared in 1924. August Porch left the Audi company in 1920 for
  47. We will make a few simplifying assumptions: that the uncompressed volume of the, cylinder ,is 1000cc's (one liter),that the gas within is nearly pure nitrogen (thus
  48. Structurally, it is a close analog of the carbon nanotube, namely a long, cylinder ,with diameter of several to a hundred nanometers and length of many micrometers
  49. The new grille that was now incorporated in the bonnet. By 1991,Audi had the 4, cylinder , Audi 80,the 5 cylinder Audi 90 and Audi 100,the turbocharged Audi 200 and the
  50. A portrait of Archimedes, along with his proof concerning the sphere and the, cylinder , The inscription around the head of Archimedes is a quote attributed to him

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