Examples of the the word, scanner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scanner ), is the 7053 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lasers in the daily lives of the general population was the supermarket barcode, scanner , introduced in 1974. The laser disc player, introduced in 1978,was the first
  2. That physically ran through the camera) are scanned into a digital format on a, scanner ,or high-resolution televise. Data from digital motion picture cameras may be
  3. Not eligible for MRI. Since the gradient coils are within the bore of the, scanner , there are large forces between them and the main field coils, producing most
  4. A specific type of controller specialized for certain gaming purposes. ** Image, scanner ,- a device that provides input by analyzing images, printed text, handwriting
  5. Other science conducted with Galileo The Galileo star scanner The star, scanner ,was a small optical telescope used to provide the spacecraft with an absolute
  6. Katie invented the three-dimensional monitor: Leonardo. The three-dimensional, scanner ,microscope 3D Alba (international patent in 2007) was developed by Katina
  7. Fill light - Film gate - Film modification - Film plane - Film recorder - Film, scanner ,- Film speed - Filter (photography) - Fine cut - Fish eye lens - Flicker
  8. Hours. When inhaled, mixtures containing the gas can be imaged with an MRI-like, scanner ,which produces breath-by-breath images of lung ventilation, in real-time.
  9. Analogue signal. Horizontal resolution depended upon the quality of the, scanner , transmission line, and the printer. Analogue fax machines are obsolete and no
  10. Vent, sometimes referred to as 'quench pipe ', it may be released into the, scanner ,room where it may cause displacement of the oxygen and present a risk of
  11. For" interventional radiology ", where the images produced by an MRI, scanner ,are used to guide minimally invasive procedures. Of course, such procedures
  12. And 315 volunteers work in the Facility. A cardiac path lab and a PET/CT, scanner ,have been announced for the hospital as well as a future $75 million expansion
  13. Objects and devices are typically prohibited in proximity to the MRI, scanner ,and patients undergoing MRI examinations are required to remove all metallic
  14. And therefore appropriate ear protection is essential for anyone inside the MRI, scanner ,room during the examination. Cryogenic As described in Physics of Magnetic
  15. Image-processing framework. Now supported by many application and, scanner ,vendors, and rapidly becoming a de facto industry standard, ISIS allows
  16. Optical character recognition. Converts the printed word into text, via a, scanner , * Braille translation. Converts the printed word into Braille, which can then
  17. Star Delta Decorum. At one point, this star dimmed for 8 hours below the star, scanner ,'s detection threshold. Subsequent analysis of Galileo data and work by amateur
  18. Have issued restrictions on the maximum specific absorption rate that a, scanner ,may produce. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) The rapid switching on and
  19. The mask based on actual human faces. To" copy" a face, they need only a 3D, scanner , to determine the locations of an individual's 17 facial points. After that
  20. Are limited to the amount of time the user takes to load the document in a, scanner ,and for the device to process a digital file. The resolution can vary from as
  21. Speed. It does so by linking drivers together in a pipe so that data flows from, scanner ,driver to compression driver, to packaging driver, to a file, viewer,or
  22. Displayed on screen as recognizable text. * Standalone reading aids integrate a, scanner , optical character recognition (OCR) software, and speech software in a
  23. Reception with no superheterodyne circuit, as in a modern cell phone or radio, scanner ,; * Image processing to remove periodic or anisotropic artifacts such as jaggies
  24. Shifts can be used to construct images. By changing the settings on the, scanner , this effect is used to create contrast between different types of body tissue
  25. Of multi-detector CT scanner s with near-isotropic resolution, allows the CT, scanner ,to produce data that can be retrospectively reconstructed in any plane with
  26. Radiology, as evidenced by the emergence of combined devices such as the PET/CT, scanner , *Clinical neurophysiologist is concerned with testing the physiology or function
  27. Is accepted by debit card/credit card, or cash via coin slot and banknote, scanner , Store employees are also needed to authorize" age-restricted" purchases
  28. Nuclei or protons. When a person is inside the powerful magnetic field of the, scanner , the magnetic moments of some of these molecules become aligned with the
  29. And the software doing lexical analysis is called a lexical analyzer or, scanner , # Preprocessing. Some languages, e. g., C,require a preprocessing phase which
  30. When the spacecraft passed the orbit of Jupiter's moon Althea, the star, scanner ,detected unexpected flashes of light that were reflections from moonless. None
  31. Visit to Oslo, Norway,when she refused to pass her purse through an x-ray, scanner , As a result she missed her scheduled commercial flight to her next diplomatic
  32. In the Jovian magnetic belts. A second discovery occurred in 2000. The star, scanner ,was observing a set of stars which included the second magnitude star Delta
  33. Any ISIS certified driver. ISIS is modular: it allows applications to control a, scanner ,directly, or to use built-in routines to handle most situations automatically.
  34. To static and noise and has no protection from eavesdropping using a, scanner , In the 1990s," cloning" was an epidemic that cost the industry millions of
  35. Of a mimeograph, called a digital duplicator, or copy printer, contains a, scanner , a thermal head for stencil cutting, and a large role of stencil material
  36. Patients may still find the following strategies helpful: **visiting the, scanner ,to see the room and practice lying on the table **closing eyes as well as
  37. Difference in energy as a photon, and the released photons are detected by the, scanner ,as an electromagnetic signal, similar to radio waves. As a result of
  38. This includes such tasks as selecting, installing,and configuring a new, scanner , setting scanner -specific parameters, scanning,reading, and writing files, and
  39. planet's magnetosphere. Other science conducted with Galileo The Galileo star, scanner ,The star scanner was a small optical telescope used to provide the spacecraft
  40. Without the large magnet. MRI versus CT A computed tomography (CT), scanner , uses X-rays, a type of ionizing radiation, to acquire images, making it a good
  41. Pixel Translations in 1990 (today: EMC captive). ISIS is an open standard for, scanner ,control and a complete image-processing framework. Now supported by a large
  42. Ability is the complex library of pulse sequences that the modern medical MRI, scanner ,includes, each of which is optimized to provide image contrast based on the
  43. That collected up new messages from the local BBSes' public forums (the, scanner ,), compressed it using ARC or ZIP, attached the resulting archive to a Netmail
  44. Views from multiple cameras, or multidimensional data from a medical, scanner , As a technological discipline, computer vision seeks to apply its theories and
  45. Make scientific discoveries. In the prime mission, it was found that the star, scanner ,was able to detect high energy particles as a noise signal. These data were
  46. Which cannot be registered on Under net. Under net also runs an open proxy, scanner , This scans users currently connecting to the network for open WinG ate, SOCKS
  47. The body, which can then be imaged outside the body by a gamma camera or a PET, scanner , Each radio pharmaceutical consists of two parts: a tracer that is specific for
  48. Peasant scanned Broca's original patients' brains using a non-invasive MRI, scanner ,to take a closer look. Individuals with Broca's aphasia often have right-sided
  49. Screen or via a Head-mounted display, while in the machine. Alternative, scanner ,designs, such as open or upright systems, can also be helpful where these are
  50. Specification: it addresses all the issues that an application using a, scanner ,must address. This includes such tasks as selecting, installing,and

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