Examples of the the word, sterling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sterling ), is the 6723 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Currency fund, thereby effectively backing the Falkland pound with the pound, sterling , In the case of commemorative coins that are unlikely to be redeemed, this
  2. Was beating. The 1825 order-in-council was largely a failure because it made, sterling ,silver coinage legal tender at the unrealistic rating in relation to the
  3. 1,000,because she herself had sent only £2,000. The Sultan sent the £1,000, sterling , but also secretly sent three ships full of food. The English courts tried to
  4. In recent years germanium has seen increasing use in precious metal alloys. In, sterling ,silver alloys, for instance, it has been found to reduce fire scale, increase
  5. Coins were denominated in cents, with each cent being worth one halfpenny in, sterling , In 1958,the West Indies Federation was established and the BWI was its
  6. The Australian dollar in line with Britain's depreciation of the pound, sterling , a custom that Australia had previously always followed, but this decision
  7. GDP per capita of £22,907. The official currency in England is the pound, sterling , whose ISO 4217 code is GBP. Taxation in England is quite competitive when
  8. Gold alloys are far more resistant to corrosion than are either pure silver or, sterling ,silver. The Japanese craft of Mokume-gane exploits the color contrasts between
  9. Currency system (12 pence = 1 shilling,20 shillings or 240 pence to the pound, sterling ,or Irish pound),and Charlemagne established a monetary system that also had a
  10. And the Turks and Pieces Islands were already long-established users of the, sterling ,accounts system of pounds, shillings,and pence. In 1964 Trinidad and Tobago
  11. 70 % copper,24.5 % zinc and 5.5 % nickel used to make pound coins in the pound, sterling ,currency. *Naval brass, similar to admiralty brass, is 40 % zinc and 1 % tin.
  12. Signed at Port of Spain on July 5,1983. The exchange rate of $4.80 £1, sterling , ( equivalent to the old $1 4s 2d) continued right into up until 1976 for the
  13. US dollar. Until 1955,the BWI existed only as banknotes in conjunction with, sterling ,fractional coinage. Decimal coins replaced the sterling coins in 1955. These
  14. Outside the United States, such as the symbol for the United Kingdom's pound, sterling ,(£). Almost every country needed an adapted version of ASCII since ASCII only
  15. Cross-border traffic from north County Donegal, the weakness of the pound, sterling ,over the course of 2009 made border towns such as Derry attractive to shoppers
  16. Tried to keep a fixed exchange rate, and attempted to deal with inflation and, sterling ,weakness by credit and exchange controls. In 1977,the Bank set up a wholly
  17. Pegged to the pound sterling ) # Isle of Man pound (1:1 pegged to the pound, sterling ,) # Jersey pound (1:1 pegged to the pound sterling ) # Kiribati dollar (1:1
  18. Sierra Leone, and the British West Indies. The first move to introduce British, sterling ,silver coinage to the colonies came with an imperial order-in-council dated
  19. The major reserve currencies together with the US dollar, Japanese yen, Pound, sterling , and Swiss franc. After its introduction on 4 January 1999 its exchange rate
  20. 1997),and discussion over an ultimately failed currency switch from pounds, sterling ,to the Euro (1999). London's newspaper The Guardian cited Generation X birth
  21. In South America. The islands use the Falkland pound, which is backed by the, sterling , Historical development During the 19th century, the supply and maintenance
  22. By touch. For example: ** In some currencies, such as the euro, the pound, sterling ,and the Indian rupee, the size of a note increases with its value. ** On US
  23. Sector preferred to use dollar accounts whereas the government preferred to use, sterling ,accounts. In some Eastern Caribbean territories, notes were issued by
  24. Compensation for their losses; Article 15,the Equivalent granted £398,085 10s, sterling , to Scotland to offset future liability towards the English national debt. In
  25. For the purposes of assimilating their monies of account with the British pound, sterling , Gold discoveries in Australia in 1851 drove the silver dollar out of the West
  26. 1:1 pegged to the pound sterling ) # Jersey pound (1:1 pegged to the pound, sterling ,) # Kiribati dollar (1:1 pegged to the Australian dollar) # Maltese escudo (
  27. On the London Stock Exchange) to denote Penny sterling , a subdivision of pound, sterling , the currency for the United Kingdom. Historical currency codes A number of
  28. 1:1 pegged to the Danish krone) # Guernsey pound (1:1 pegged to the pound, sterling ,) # Isle of Man pound (1:1 pegged to the pound sterling ) # Jersey pound (1:1
  29. Between gold coins and the silver penny in favor of gold. This caused silver, sterling ,coin to be melted and shipped out of Britain. Newton was made President of the
  30. 4d (11.5p approx) sterling , whereas the Hong Kong dollar was worth only 1s 3d, sterling , ( 6p approx). Existing dollar units today are the Bahamian dollar, the
  31. The transition from the Dutch guilder system of currency to the British pound, sterling ,system. In the Eastern Caribbean territories the private sector preferred to
  32. US Virgin Islands in 1917. Officially, the British Virgin Islands used to use, sterling , but in practice the situation was a lot more complicated and involved the
  33. Sources like taxes, customs and land revenue, et al. from 24 provinces. A pound, sterling ,was exchanged at 10 rupees then. Religious Policy: Intolerance towards Hindus &
  34. On the closing exchange rate of the non-euro currencies (principally the pound, sterling ,) that day. The procedure used to fix the irrevocable conversion rate between
  35. Health span also has its headquarters in Guernsey. Guernsey issues its own, sterling ,coinage and banknotes. UK coinage and (English, Scottish and Northern Irish
  36. It acts as an encouragement for tourists to bring currencies like Euros, pounds, sterling , or Canadian dollars into Cuba. Indeed, an increasing number of tourist zones
  37. Off the silver standard, the Straits' dollar was worth 2s 4d (11.5p approx), sterling , whereas the Hong Kong dollar was worth only 1s 3d sterling (6p approx).
  38. Dollar (BWI) at the already existing conversion rate of $4.80 per pound, sterling ,(or $1 = 4 shillings 2 pence). It was one of the many experimental political
  39. Either dollars or sterling . Jamaica, Bermuda,and the Bahamas preferred to use, sterling ,accounts whereas British Guiana used dollar accounts. British Guiana used
  40. And increase the alloy's response to precipitation hardening. A tarnish-proof, sterling ,silver alloy, trademarked Argentina, requires 1.2 % germanium. Germanium is
  41. Osprey of London. It weighs, and is tall, wide and deep. Its main body is solid, sterling ,silver and silver gilt, while its plinth is made of malachite, a semi-precious
  42. Case of policy failure, Black Wednesday, George Soros arbitraged the pound, sterling ,'s relationship to the ECU and (after making $2 billion himself and forcing
  43. His swansong as a player was captain-coach Dick Reynolds, who received, sterling ,support from the likes of Norm McDonald, ruckman/back pocket Wally May, back
  44. Of Mann including the customs revenues of the Island for the sum of £70,000, sterling , and granted an annuity to the Duke and Duchess. The Atolls still retained
  45. British West Indies dollar which at that time operated in conjunction with the, sterling ,coinage, and in 1961 they changed over officially to the US dollar, no doubt
  46. In conjunction with sterling fractional coinage. Decimal coins replaced the, sterling ,coins in 1955. These decimal coins were denominated in cents, with each cent
  47. Is sometimes used (for example on the London Stock Exchange) to denote Penny, sterling , a subdivision of pound sterling , the currency for the United Kingdom.
  48. a) not. These currencies are: # Alderney pound (1:1 pegged to the pound, sterling ,) # Cook Islands dollar (1:1 pegged to the New Zealand dollar) # Faeroese
  49. And into the nineteenth century, accounts could be kept in either dollars or, sterling , Jamaica, Bermuda,and the Bahamas preferred to use sterling accounts whereas
  50. They also wore rare yellow shirts ('97–'98,'99–'00 and '10–'11) and a, sterling ,version, mostly in the COPPA Italia, in 2000–01. Kit evolution World Cup

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