Examples of the the word, privatization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( privatization ), is the 6728 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As it was criticized (among other things) for its involvement in suspicious, privatization ,deals of the early 1990s. In 1995,the opposition surprisingly won in the
  2. Stabilization and related reform measures, as well as to undertake increased, privatization ,and to create a favorable climate for business and investment. Although there
  3. Three ATR42s have been replaced by ATR72s. It is currently (2010) undergoing, privatization ,at the insistence of the World Bank. Air Services TAC Cab Verde Airlines, the
  4. S decision to divest non-core freight railway assets, prior to the company's, privatization ,in 1995,it transferred the tower to the Canada Lands Company, a federal Crown
  5. De Porter, Leticia,Puerto Bolívar, San Andrés, Santa Marta, and Turbo. Since, privatization ,was implemented in 1993,the efficiency of port handling has increased greatly.
  6. A universal service accessible to all. A large portion of this strategy is the, privatization ,of the National Telecommunications Office (DONATED),with additional focus on
  7. With an anarcho-capitalist society and explores issues of self-ownership, privatization ,of police and courts of law, and the consequences of a contractual society. In
  8. Revenue collection, improve the investment climate, and accelerate the, privatization ,process. A liberal foreign investment law was approved in June 1994,and a Law
  9. Structural distortions through liberalization, and providing incentives through, privatization , Since the USSR's collapse, Russia faced many problems that free market
  10. In the 1980s,many countries with large state-owned corporations moved toward, privatization , the selling of publicly owned services and enterprises to corporations.
  11. On Privatization was adopted in 1997,as well as a program on state property, privatization , The government has made major strides toward joining the World Trade
  12. And the dissolution of free market fundamentalism and the radical economic, privatization ,measures of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade
  13. Companies, and the three democratic governments since 1990 have continued, privatization , though at a slower pace. The government's role in the economy is mostly
  14. Cameroon calls for greater macroeconomic planning and financial accountability;, privatization ,of most of Cameroon's nearly 100 remaining non-financial parasitical
  15. Included in the protocol related to public finance, tourism,banking, and, privatization , Fluctuation in the Turkish lira, which suffered from hyperinflation every year
  16. Sector has long-term needs for more investment and updated technology. The, privatization ,of industry has been at a slower pace, but has been given renewed emphasis by
  17. Erupted in Cochabamba,Bolivia's third-largest city, in response to the, privatization ,of water resources by foreign companies and a subsequent doubling of water
  18. Sector are conducted in the country. The main challenges are due to the slow, privatization ,rate of the state banks, a weak financial market and a lack of banks
  19. Cases of mishandled privatization efforts, collectively known as the Croatian, privatization ,controversy. Nepotism was endemic, with the president devising a concept of "
  20. 6 August 1997. During the election campaign, Banzer had promised to suspend the, privatization ,of the state-owned oil-company, YPFB. But this seemed unlikely to happen
  21. To finance its deficit. Despite the successful value-added tax program, planned, privatization , of state controlled businesses, and a revised budget with a 7 % cut in spending
  22. Marketing board monopolies on the export of cocoa, certain coffees, and cotton;, privatization ,and price competition in the banking sector; implementation of the 1992 labor
  23. The central state company; one of the enterprises that resulted from the, privatization ,of the system in the 90s, Brasil Telecom, keeps it HQ in the city; the
  24. Emphasizes tax reductions, deregulation of private enterprise, and the partial, privatization ,of education. They are, however,liberal conservative, and straight-out
  25. Remain key challenges to the government. Previous political resistance to, privatization ,had stalled liberalization efforts. However, after the signing of CAFTA, Costa
  26. Reducing the regulation of corporate activity) often accompanied, privatization ,as part of a laissez-faire policy. Another major postwar shift was toward the
  27. A serious depression. President Franco Tubman initiated the process of, privatization ,and denationalization in Croatia; however, it was far from transparent. The
  28. Government has been selling its stake in local airports in order to allow their, privatization , The country has 40 regional airports, and the cities of Bogotá, Medellín,Cali
  29. In the republic. Banking reform lagged, as did the implementation of, privatization , Many companies (mainly factories) that were privatized faced massive
  30. Was enlarged, and the new owner already planned a re-capitalization after the, privatization , Super league Formula A. S. Roma has a team in the new Super league Formula race
  31. Intercultural bilingual education, implementation of agrarian legislation, and, privatization , of state owned businesses. The Plan de Todos main incentive was to encourage
  32. The provincial government. Alberta also privatized alcohol distribution. The, privatization ,increased outlets from 304 stores to 1,726; 1,300 jobs to 4,000 jobs; and 3,325
  33. And creating a nation of citizen share-holders. This is in contrast to Russian, privatization , which consisted of sales of communal assets to private companies rather than
  34. In the currency and the banking sector has increased. Implementation of, privatization , however, has been slow, and local entities only reluctantly support
  35. Participation. Increased foreign investment plays a significant role in the, privatization ,of state-owned enterprises. Investment regulations are transparent, and
  36. Consensus ", the American-led doctrine that free trade, open markets, and, privatization , will lift poor Third World countries out of economic stagnation. The Cuban
  37. The 1990s,which resulted in the consolidation of the banking sector and in the, privatization ,of all state banks. A legal framework regarding licensing, bank activities
  38. In most parts of the world. Profitability is likely to improve in the future as, privatization ,continues and more competitive low-cost carriers proliferate. Although many
  39. Limit the impact of these reforms. The government has largely completed, privatization ,of agricultural lands and small and medium-sized enterprises. In August 2000
  40. The Plan, most state owned enterprises (SOEs),besides mines, were sold. This, privatization ,of SOEs led to innovative neoliberal structuring that acknowledged a diverse
  41. Yugoslavia) experienced a serious depression. Tubman initiated the process of, privatization ,and denationalization in Croatia, however,this was far from transparent or
  42. Families. The junta embarked on a radical program of liberalization and, privatization , slashing tariffs as well as government welfare programs and deficits. In 1973
  43. Sector and has privatized most state-owned heavy industries through the voucher, privatization ,system. Under the system, every citizen was given the opportunity to buy, for a
  44. This has continued since then, with tariff reductions, financial deregulation, privatization ,of state-owned enterprises, and adoption of a more liberal foreign exchange
  45. The wider context of the Yugoslav wars, led to numerous cases of mishandled, privatization ,efforts, collectively known as the Croatian privatization controversy. Nepotism
  46. Reindeer population has collapsed dramatically since the reorganization and, privatization ,of state-run collective farms beginning in 1992. As herds of domestic reindeer
  47. Enterprises. In August 2000,the government launched a second-stage, privatization ,program, in which many large state enterprises will be privatized. Since 2001
  48. Towards free-market economic policies. As one commentator explains," The, privatization ,of state owned industries, unthinkable before, became commonplace during
  49. Is in the mining zone of Chico, Bolivar,and Sucre. Economic consequences of, privatization ,and liberal institutions have meant changes in taxation to attract foreign
  50. Defense Ministry received a resolution by the Azerbaijani president on the, privatization ,of units and formations in Azerbaijani territory. It then forwarded an

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