Examples of the the word, statutory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( statutory ), is the 3830 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is not normally a public holiday. In some Canadian provinces, Boxing Day is a, statutory ,holiday that is always celebrated on 26 December. In Canadian provinces where
  2. If appropriate, on the grounds that it does not comply with one of the Code's, statutory ,requirements. Generally, the payments are made to a trustee who in turn
  3. The United Kingdom by Halsbury's Laws of England that covers both common and, statutory ,English law. While he was still on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
  4. Bright-line rules usually embodied in statutes. Interaction of constitutional, statutory ,and common law In common law legal systems (connotation 2),the common law (
  5. In any way by a legislature as part of its normal business concerning ordinary, statutory ,laws, but can only be amended by a different and more onerous procedure. There
  6. Of the finding. It was never" law ", even though, if it had been a statute or, statutory ,provision, it might have been adopted according to the procedures for adopting
  7. Law in late 1994,which provides a blanket of confidentiality with regulated, statutory ,gateways for investigation of criminal offenses, is expected to make the
  8. Establishes a basis for formal recognition in future legislation. The current, statutory ,entity that most closely resembles a comarca is the mancomunidad, a freely
  9. Be sued for,whether there is mention of those damages in the current, statutory ,law. For instance, a person who sustains bodily injury through the negligence
  10. Always celebrated on 26 December. In Canadian provinces where Boxing Day is a, statutory ,holiday, and it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, compensation days are given in
  11. Sentence will be sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to comply with the, statutory ,directives set forth in. Australia In Australia the term" allocates" will be
  12. Persuasive authority. Interactions between common law, constitutional law, statutory ,law and regulatory law also give rise to considerable complexity. However stare
  13. To as statutory rape. The different titles of age of consent laws include, statutory ,rape, rape of a child, corruption of a minor, carnal knowledge of a minor and
  14. From judicial review, which refers to the court's overriding constitutional or, statutory ,right to determine if a legislative act or administrative decision is defective
  15. Within an organization or polity that fall outside the constitutional or, statutory ,authority of those officials. For example,a student' union may be prohibited
  16. Governor passed without difficulty, but the Act of Uniformity 1559 giving, statutory ,force to the Prayer Book, passed through Parliament by only three votes. It
  17. Railway Executive of the British Transport Commission, it became an independent, statutory ,corporation in 1962: the British Railways Board. The period of nationalization
  18. Portion of that acreage is occasionally ceded to organized boroughs, under the, statutory ,provisions pertaining to newly-formed boroughs. Smaller portions are set aside
  19. And does not need to be registered. Copyright owners have the exclusive, statutory ,right to exercise control over copying and other exploitation of the works for
  20. Rule of decision, except as altered by the General Assembly. " By contrast to, statutory ,codification of common law, some statutes displace common law, for example to
  21. With the same severity as they do with rape, the law is often referred to as, statutory ,rape. The different titles of age of consent laws include statutory rape, rape
  22. Common-law marriage, because the statute did not affirmatively require, statutory ,solemnization and was silent as to preexisting common law. In almost all areas
  23. Elsewhere. E.g., Texas Industries v. Radcliff, ( without an express grant of, statutory ,authority, federal courts cannot create rules of intuitive justice, for example
  24. Common law. In almost all areas of the law (even those where there is a, statutory ,framework, such as contracts for the sale of goods, or the criminal law)
  25. And several historical meanings worth mentioning: 1. Common law as opposed to, statutory ,law and regulatory law Connotation 1 distinguishes the authority that
  26. Should be assessed objectively and subjectively; in the United Kingdom,the, statutory ,provisions relating to directors' duties in the new Companies Act 2006 have
  27. Is currently at the review stage and if successfully completing the necessary, statutory ,procedures, work on a grade separated junction to connect the West link to the
  28. Creating a cause of action for misappropriation of" hot news" that lacks any, statutory ,grounding, but that is one of the handful of federal common law actions that
  29. With certain exceptions) are principals, and,in the absence of specific, statutory ,provision to the contrary, are punishable to the same extent as the actual
  30. Social needs and improved understanding The common law is more malleable than, statutory ,law. First, common law courts are not absolutely bound by precedent, but can (
  31. Literature belonged to the booksellers forever. Common law copyright When the, statutory ,copyright term provided for by the Statute of Anne began to expire in 1731
  32. 8.9 million tons, achieving the program's long term goal ahead of the 2010, statutory , deadline. The EPA estimates that by 2010,the overall costs of complying with
  33. Court with powers of judicial review was never constituted despite, statutory ,authorization. In practice, power was more and more concentrated in the hands
  34. Federal courts are permitted to create federal common law rules without express, statutory ,authority, for example, where a federal rule of decision is necessary to
  35. With many other Caribbean countries, Cable & Wireless (Caribbean) had a, statutory ,monopoly on telephone and other electronic communications services. However, in
  36. And" common assault" often encompass the separate offense of battery, even in, statutory ,settings such as s 40 (3) (a) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. A common
  37. For example, most areas of law in most Anglo-American jurisdictions include ", statutory ,law" enacted by a legislature," regulatory law" promulgated by executive
  38. Telecommunications for land-based users. Although technically in breach of the, statutory ,monopoly, CCT Boat phone was backed by a powerful collection of local interests
  39. Overridden in the company's constitution. In many countries, there is also a, statutory ,duty to declare interests in relation to any transactions, and the director can
  40. If the officer is not acting under the authority of a warrant, acting under a, statutory ,or common law power of entry, or in hot pursuit, the person lawfully in
  41. Of law. Morris and Linda Tanneries, in The Market for Liberty, object to any, statutory ,law whatsoever. They assert that all one has to do is ask if one is aggressing
  42. To be excessive or unreasonable. What constitutes" reasonable" varies in both, statutory ,law and case law. Unreasonable physical punishment may be charged as assault or
  43. And/or license suspension purposes, commonly 0.01 % to 0.05 %. Many states have, statutory ,regulations regarding driving while" under the influence" of an intoxicant
  44. The practice of labeling the act of infringement as" piracy" predates, statutory ,copyright law. Prior to the Statute of Anne 1709,the Stationers' Company of
  45. Unit (a branch of the Department of the Taoiseach) found that there was no, statutory ,basis for the Bar Council of Ireland's setting and enforcing of professional
  46. Very democratic, it is more expansive than a normal constitution – many, statutory ,acts in other countries are written into this constitution, like Social
  47. The right to control copying" is more accurate. Copyright is exclusive, statutory ,rights to exercise control over copying and other exploitation of the works for
  48. With powers of judicial review has not been constituted until 2010,despite, statutory ,authorization. After the end of the Civil War the regime came under pressure
  49. Or behave differently, but not to pay monetary damages except by an explicit, statutory ,waiver. In some cases, the law permits plaintiffs who successfully sue
  50. Sexual Offenses and Related Matters) Amendment Act,2007,and replaced by a, statutory ,crime of sexual assault. United Kingdom; Piracy with violence: Section 2 of the

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