Examples of the the word, exemption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exemption ), is the 3844 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To promote settlement, the King of Portugal granted freeman status and, exemption ,from Crown taxes to Portuguese men (known as casinos, or " married men" ) who
  2. The black market in Pakistan were the very same items being allowed duty free, exemption ,from Pakistani ports (mainly Karachi) on their way to Afghanistan. When
  3. Does also not derogate under article 15 of the convention during peacetime. The, exemption ,for the case of lawful executions is further restricted by Protocols 6 and 13 (
  4. To it the possession of all property it might acquire, and endowed it with, exemption ,from the authority of the ordinary. Nothing more was needed to ensure the rapid
  5. 19, 1976,the Internal Revenue Service notified the university that its tax, exemption ,had been revoked retroactively to December 1,1970. The school appealed the IRS
  6. Have been illegal (cf. antitrust) had attorney John Quarles not found an, exemption ,for agricultural cooperatives. As of 2006,about 65 % of the North American
  7. viii) Agreement on Agricultural Cooperation (2002). (ix) Agreement on, exemption ,of visa requirement for holders of Diplomatic and Official/Service Passports (
  8. A petition addressed to the Jamaican governor asking him to grant them a tax, exemption ,from the" Transient Tax on Wreck Goods ". International finance and tourism
  9. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986. " Some have argued that this is an important, exemption , since alcohol and tobacco are the two most widely used drugs in the United
  10. Provides three to seven-year tax holidays to eligible companies and a four-year, exemption ,from exports tariffs and duties. As a result of the new banks in the country
  11. Racially discriminatory admissions policies" were not entitled to federal tax, exemption , Late in 1971,BYU filed suit to prevent the IRS from taking its tax exemption
  12. The introduction of conscription during the First World War. Varying degrees of, exemption ,from military service were granted to Christadelphians in the United Kingdom
  13. A total annual household income of less than $12,000 are permitted a sales tax, exemption ,for electricity usage. Sales of alcoholic beverages account for added taxes. A
  14. The Church financially, built basilicas, granted privileges to clergy (e.g., exemption ,from certain taxes),promoted Christians to high office, and returned property
  15. Dealing instead of fair use. However, many countries have some reference to an, exemption ,for educational use, although the extent of this exemption may vary widely.
  16. States. In the Second World War, this frequently required the person seeking, exemption ,to undertake civilian work under the direction of the authorities. During the
  17. After the section of the Internal Revenue Code that addresses the tax, exemption ,for many of them. The federal government can only create corporate entities
  18. Meeting. Although the decision was never formalized, he was granted a de facto, exemption ,and continued acting in both capacities. After the first government crisis over
  19. They are able to take advantage of High net worth individual status or gain, exemption ,as an expatriate executive. There is a moderately high estate duty, and import
  20. Of that money and being shown in photographs surrounded by beautiful women. His, exemption ,would resurface throughout his life and cause him grief when he had to defend
  21. Others for pizza and submission to the political authority of the Muslims for, exemption ,from death punishment and for military protection as the shimmies of the Muslims
  22. Been required to receive episcopal consecration unless they were granted an, exemption ,from this obligation by the Pope; however, since each of the suburbicarian sees
  23. Work suspended, the Emulates (Nazi Party district leaders) obtained an, exemption ,for their pet projects. When Speer sought the appointment of Hank as a labor
  24. The abbot to episcopal oversight. The first case recorded of the partial, exemption ,of an abbot from episcopal control is that of Faustus, abbot of Series, at the
  25. Exerts enormous political influence to resist regulation and extract tax, exemption , It has fostered criminality by ensuring that the City ranks amongst the least
  26. Autonomy and freedom from bureaucratic impediments: DARPA has an, exemption ,from Title V civilian personnel specifications, which provides for a direct
  27. Started in the summer of 1916,when the Russian Empire government ended its, exemption ,of Muslims from military service. The conscription also became unpopular in
  28. Dodged the draft by manufacturing a medical condition to gain 4-F status and, exemption ,from military service. FBI files show he was also under investigation for
  29. Prerogative to overturn legislation from the elected Assembly, and their, exemption ,from paying taxes on their land. His lack of influential allies in Whitehall
  30. The majority of situations (due to an exception known as the industry, exemption , which effectively applies to the vast majority of American engineers). This
  31. Of the first premises above. The problem with arguing for the First Cause's, exemption ,is that it raises the question of why the First Cause is indeed exempt.
  32. Some reference to an exemption for educational use, although the extent of this, exemption ,may vary widely. Fair dealing in Canada The Copyright Act establishes fair
  33. Or stained calico; Muslims, neckcloths and fustian were exempted. It was this, exemption ,that the Lancashire manufactures exploited. The use of colored cotton weft
  34. Exemption. Late in 1971,BYU filed suit to prevent the IRS from taking its tax, exemption , but in 1974,in Bob Jones University v. Simon, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled
  35. The Schedule II opiate levomethorphan (but does not act like an opiate),an, exemption ,was necessary to keep it a non-controlled substance. Because of its chemical
  36. With limited treatment options. The first of these new rules was the" IND, exemption ," or" treatment IND" rule, which allowed expanded access to a drug undergoing
  37. Asset because of Pope Marines’ friendship with King Alfred the pope granted an, exemption ,to any Anglo-Saxons residing within Rome from tax or tribute. After the signing
  38. Or association of them ....” Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an, exemption ,by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements
  39. C., developing standards for butter and for oysters. Smith apparently requested, exemption ,from the draft, partly because his wife was solely dependent on him, and partly
  40. Is primarily alphanumeric such as emails and most webpages. It also issued an, exemption ,order committing to a policy of non-interference. The CRTC does not regulate
  41. It is peace-mongering. ” *“It’s time America realized that there is no gay, exemption ,in the right to life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration
  42. To agree to implement special laws for the World Cup, including blanket tax, exemption ,for FIFA and sponsors, and limitation of workers' rights. It alleged that
  43. Business property are taxable in Colorado. The state's senior property tax, exemption ,was temporarily suspended by the Colorado Legislature in 2003. The tax break is
  44. A deferment of draft to study in Yeshiva, and the deferment tends to become an, exemption , while female religious Jews can be exempted after presenting" religious
  45. To the Second Qualifying Round, and Conference National teams are given, exemption ,to the Fourth Qualifying Round. The 32 winners from that round join the 48
  46. And indigenous capital participation, freedom for repatriation of profits, exemption ,from certain taxes and capital, and other benefits. Trade regulations have been
  47. Movements were the exclusion from the all-male prayer group or Minoan,the, exemption ,from positive time-bound mitzvot, and women's inability to function as
  48. He also granted their sailors special privileges, including citizenship and, exemption ,from the Led Papia-Poppaea, a law that regulated marriage. In addition, he
  49. Clubs. Clubs playing in the Conference North and Conference South are given, exemption ,to the Second Qualifying Round, and Conference National teams are given
  50. On the inside. Cardinals have in canon law a" privilege of forum" ( i.e., exemption ,from being judged by ecclesiastical tribunals of ordinary rank): only the pope

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