Examples of the the word, corruption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( corruption ), is the 3840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Golf course. Yuma, now the State president, was charged with fraud, bribery and, corruption ,in the Arms Deal. The charges were subsequently withdrawn by the National
  2. Aghajanov points to the Armenian government's failure to eliminate widespread, corruption ,and mismanagement in the energy sector – abuses that cost Armenia at least $50
  3. And never worked with him again. The project had inadvertently exposed, corruption ,in his own production company (a situation reminiscent of his own movie, The
  4. And starting from scratch, and that steps are taken to arrest those involved in, corruption , Elections and parties The 2004 Afghan presidential election was relatively
  5. Of the Department of the West were compounded with allegations of fraud and, corruption , Lincoln overruled Frémont's proclamation, and he was given another command in
  6. Dramatists. An elaborate series of lotteries, designed to prevent prejudice and, corruption , reduced the voting judges at the City Dionysian to just five. These
  7. Of Weimar Germany; underneath that facade of prosperity and happiness, lay, corruption , and savagery. Under Brecht's (and to some extent Weill's)
  8. Intrudes into waking moments, threatening more attacks if the pollution and, corruption ,caused by humans goes unchecked. The player discovers that Planet is a
  9. Being derided as" carpetbaggers" by ex-Confederates based on allegations of, corruption ,), led by newly elected Governor Powell Clayton, marking a time of great
  10. The presidential candidate. Some 300,000 people voted. Corruption Political, corruption ,is a widespread and growing problem in Armenian society. In 2008,Transparency
  11. Gas field,Aliyev's presidency was criticized due to suspected vote fraud and, corruption , Geography Azerbaijan is in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia, straddling
  12. Country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war. Bribe-taking, theft and, corruption ,were everywhere. Encouraged by public opinion he began a period of radical
  13. Major foreign investment. At the same time, the country was tainted by rampant, corruption ,in the governing bureaucracy. In October 1998,Alien was reelected for a
  14. In the world. A number of government ministries are believed to be rife with, corruption , while President Karma vowed to tackle the problem in late 2009 by stating
  15. Assertion of liberty, individual rights, equality and hostility toward, corruption ,which would prove core values of liberal republicanism to Americans. The
  16. A limit on the rights of women. According to Transparency International's, corruption ,perceptions index 2010 results, Afghanistan was ranked as the third
  17. Authority stated that the fine related to the company's inadequate bribery and, corruption ,controls, claiming that between January 14, 2005 and September 30, 2007 Aon had
  18. Medical treatises. Several authorities believe that ammonium is a scribal, corruption ,of some Arabic form; Meyerson derives it from timid; other possibilities
  19. Constituting beauty and the beautiful, cannot be standardized easily without, corruption ,into kitsch. The present day concept of an 'artist' Artist is a descriptive
  20. Armenia from 3.0 in 2007 to 2.9 out of 10 (a lower score means more perceived, corruption ,); Armenia slipped from 99th place in 2007 to 109th out of 180 countries
  21. The problem in late 2009 by stating that" individuals who are involved in, corruption ,will have no place in the government. " A January 2010 report published by the
  22. The impact of external threats was exacerbated by internal problems such as, corruption , tomb robbery and civil unrest. The high priests at the temple of Amen in
  23. A speedy end to the war, as well as rising inflation, new high taxes, rumors of, corruption , the suspension of habeas corpus, the military draft law, and fears that freed
  24. The country, but has had difficulty in attracting foreign investment because of, corruption , human rights violations, and diamond smuggling. Production rose by 30 % in
  25. That corruption was a terrible reality in Britain. Americans feared the, corruption ,was crossing the Atlantic; the commitment of most Americans to republican
  26. Leader of the War Department and a strong supporter of Lincoln. Stanton ended, corruption , took control of the telegraph and railroad systems in the war zones
  27. In the Call of Cthulhu role playing game speculates that it may be a, corruption ,of ABD al-Assad, which it claims translates to The Worshiper of the Great
  28. He did encourage its growth for many years to come. It led to its own kind of, corruption , including the appointment of officials with no experience related to their
  29. In Bulgaria, he had found by painful experience that grave disorders and gross, corruption ,existed in the military administration, and after his return to Saint
  30. In new forms. The United Nations Development Program in Armenia views, corruption ,in Armenia as" a serious challenge to its development. " Armenia is the second
  31. S relatives. In The Augean Stables he helped the government to cover up vast, corruption , It could be suggested that in Murder on the Orient Express Poirot allows the
  32. Administrative, military,and economic apparatuses, and of a pervasive, corruption , The main beneficiary of this situation is a social segment constituted since
  33. Party" in Britain, whose critique of British government emphasized that, corruption ,was a terrible reality in Britain. Americans feared the corruption was crossing
  34. Oil production have led to a very strong economic growth in recent years, but, corruption , and public-sector mismanagement remain, particularly in the oil sector, which
  35. In the Great Books of the Western World. The novel addresses not only the, corruption ,of the revolution by its leaders but also how wickedness, indifference
  36. Reception interrupted by reporters and police (who arrest an executive for, corruption ,), is widely regarded as one of Kurosawa's most skillfully executed set pieces
  37. And independent judicial system" as well as a tough fight against government, corruption , Major monopolies in Armenia include: # Natural gas import and distribution
  38. Despite legislative revisions in relation to elections and party financing, corruption ,either persists or has re-emerged in new forms. The United Nations Development
  39. And Martin Luther. They both said that the episcopacy was inadequate to address, corruption , doctrinal or otherwise, and that this inadequacy justified the intervention of
  40. Act was passed. Criticism Controversy over corrupt members The most prominent, corruption ,case involving the ANC relates to a series of bribes paid to companies involved
  41. Titles of age of consent laws include statutory rape, rape of a child, corruption ,of a minor, carnal knowledge of a minor and others. However, in the vernacular
  42. The international Angola gate scandal embarrassed both governments by exposing, corruption ,and illicit arms deals. Following French President Nicolas Sarkozy's visit in
  43. World due to the decades of war, lack of foreign investment, ongoing government, corruption ,and the Pakistani-backed Taliban insurgency. The United States also accuses
  44. Also helped him with his first investments. Many of these were part of the, corruption ,indulged in by Scott and the Pennsylvania's president, J. Edgar Thomson, which
  45. Of a para basis can be identified and located in that play as follows.:: Textual, corruption ,is probably the reason for the absence of the antistrophe in the second
  46. Friend to Boxer, and does nothing to warn the other animals of the pigs ', corruption , which he secretly realizes is steadily unfolding. When asked if he was happier
  47. At the moment, the people are leaving support for the government because of, corruption , So that expectation is also not realistic at this stage. " In FY 2009,the
  48. Part of the Seleucid Empire and was renamed Syria, a Hurricane, Luwian and Greek, corruption ,of Assyria. It is from this period that the later Syria Vs Assyria naming
  49. Was little more open. The state took on a strongly bureaucratic character and, corruption ,was widespread. The modernization drive brought considerable demographic
  50. Reformers sought to destroy what they saw as widespread institutional, corruption , The result was a powerful crisis,1776-1783. The peace in 1783 left France

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