Examples of the the word, excessive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( excessive ), is the 3834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disorder (GAD),which can be identified by symptoms of exaggerated and, excessive ,worry, chronic anxiety, and constant, irrational thoughts. The anxious thoughts
  2. Imposes external costs upon society through pesticides, nutrient runoff, excessive ,water usage, and assorted other problems. A 2000 assessment of agriculture in
  3. With" arguments" and" principles ". Although Wollstonecraft argues against, excessive ,sensibility, the rhetoric of the Rights of Woman is at times heated and
  4. 300 meters. The power and range of contemporary rifle cartridges was, excessive ,for most small arms firefights. As a result, armies sought a cartridge and
  5. Angeles, California,following the acquittal of police officers charged with, excessive ,force in the beating of Rodney King. Over the next three days 53 people are
  6. Empire, when they were widely popular as a battle beast in Roman arenas, and, excessive , hunting began and continued until it was nearly extinct. By the 13th century
  7. Director who departs from the script, or demands what the actor views as an, excessive ,number of takes. Hopkins has stated that after he is finished with a scene, he
  8. In the other provinces he sought to counteract what he considered the, excessive ,liberalism of his father's reign. For this purpose he removed what little
  9. Tropics, and equally to north and south of the equator, Africa does not show, excessive ,variations of temperature. Great heat is experienced in the lower plains and
  10. Aluminium cookware has not been shown to lead to aluminum toxicity in general, excessive ,consumption of antacids containing aluminum compounds and excessive use of
  11. Later rulers, changed the religious dynamic of landaus. Possibly because of, excessive ,tribute taxes" the bulk of the country's population must have become Muslim "
  12. Radicals are produced by neutrophils to remove damaged tissue. As a result, excessive ,antioxidant levels may inhibit recovery and adaptation mechanisms. Antioxidant
  13. Children of those who are not parents or family members. In adults,an, excessive ,fear of other people is not a developmentally common stage; it is called social
  14. Require either venting, extremely good insulation, or both, in order to avoid, excessive ,pressure buildup due to vaporization. The Service Module oxygen tanks were so
  15. General, excessive consumption of antacids containing aluminum compounds and, excessive ,use of aluminium-containing antiperspirants provide more significant exposure
  16. In a later chapter, he wrote:: :"The great subverted of Pyrrhonism or the, excessive ,principles of skepticism is action, and employment, and the occupations of
  17. Has been added to over-the-counter products, which contributes to inadvertent, excessive ,intake. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a typical case of a woman
  18. Disorder. The DSM-IV states that a patient must experience chronic anxiety and, excessive ,worry, almost daily, for at least 6 months due to a number of stressors (such
  19. Sexual double standards and to indict men for encouraging women to indulge in, excessive ,emotion. Wollstonecraft wrote the Rights of Woman hurriedly in order to respond
  20. Regimen if the patient suffers from Macedonia, hypersomnia and/or, excessive ,eating as well as low motivation. These symptoms are common in atypical
  21. Estimated that 60 % of the country's agricultural land was damaged by, excessive ,use of pesticides and fertilizers and by industrial fallout. In 1991 two thirds
  22. The Israeli police for being unprepared for the riots and possibly using, excessive ,force to disperse the mobs, resulting in the deaths of 12 Arab Israeli, one
  23. In an attempt to adapt soybeans to a short growing season. Alston found that, excessive ,usage of the compound caused catastrophic defoliation — a finding later used by
  24. Denouncing it.: :"For here is the chief and most confounding objection to, excessive ,skepticism, that no durable good can ever result from it; while it remains in
  25. Greek National Tourism Organization and require an entrance fee, which is not, excessive ,in most cases. Casinos operate on both Mount Parish, some from downtown
  26. For the calves born in Northern Ireland. Symptoms Major signs are high fever, excessive ,salivation, swelling of the face and tongue and cyanosis of the tongue.
  27. Away from Russia. Sultan Ahmed III had become unpopular by reason of the, excessive ,pomp and costly luxury in which he and his principal officers indulged; on
  28. Under s3 Criminal Law Act 1967) subject to the need to deter vigilantes and, excessive ,self-help. Furthermore, some jurisdictions, such as Ohio, allow residents in
  29. The economy with artificially low interest rates (thereby permitting, excessive ,increases in the money supply),the government-sponsored central bank itself
  30. Empire in a flourishing condition, which had remarkably been obtained without, excessive ,taxation or extortion procedures. He was a cultivated patron of literature and
  31. Death, and to increase the apoptotic threshold to treat diseases involved with, excessive ,cell death. To stimulate apoptosis, one can increase the number of death
  32. Of Mount Plješevica are in Croatia, while some are in Bosnia, which causes an, excessive ,number of border crossings on a single route and impedes any serious
  33. As originally an extension of the ISA bus. This implementation resulted in, excessive ,CPU utilization which largely negated the advantages of command queuing. By
  34. Ubiquinone, for example, may prevent damage to the liver caused by, excessive ,alcohol. Disease prevention People who eat fruits and vegetables have a lower
  35. And a parking structure to accommodate patrons of the theater and avoid, excessive ,impact on parking in the Park Street area. Following some setbacks during
  36. A successful economic reform that managed to permanently rid the country of the, excessive ,inflation that had plagued it for more than forty years. The plan consisted of
  37. Tend to set" artificial" interest rates too low for too long, resulting in, excessive ,credit creation, speculative " bubbles" and" artificially" low savings.
  38. By aiding the American insurgents against the British, and above all by the, excessive ,consumption of unproductive labor – labor which does not contribute to
  39. Keen to enforce in the colonies, that any additional tax burden from London was, excessive , American political opposition American political opposition was initially
  40. With Sid Spindler and exposure of administrative failings resulting in, excessive ,overtime to a staff member. With National Executive blessing, the party room
  41. This definition to the contemporary concept of" insolence, contempt,and, excessive ,violence ". Álfheimr (," elf home" ) is one of the Nine Worlds and home of the
  42. Effect of the effective anticlotting action of aspirin is that it may cause, excessive ,bleeding. COX-1 and COX-2 inhibition There are at least two different types of
  43. S most scathing criticisms in the Rights of Woman is against false and, excessive ,sensibility, particularly in women. She argues that women who succumb to
  44. In cell death. The most common of these diseases is cancer, the disease of, excessive ,cellular proliferation, which is oftentimes characterized by an over expression
  45. Sin of the ancient Greek world. That was so because it not only was proof of, excessive ,pride, but also resulted in violent acts by or to those involved. The category
  46. Have described the culture of FBI as one of intellectual conformity and, excessive ,reverence for Rand, with some describing FBI or the entire Objectives movement
  47. Of amphetamine used. Withdrawal symptoms may also include anxiety, agitation, excessive , sleep,vivid or lucid dreams, deep REM sleep and suicidal ideation. Side
  48. As heavy metals, but there is evidence of some toxicity if it is consumed in, excessive ,amounts. Although the use of aluminum cookware has not been shown to lead to
  49. University of Iowa induced damage in certain liver cells (hepatocytes) using, excessive ,doses of acetaminophen. This caused hepatotoxicity and hepatocyte death, which
  50. Guardian is not legally considered to be assault unless it is deemed to be, excessive ,or unreasonable. What constitutes" reasonable" varies in both statutory law

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