Examples of the the word, thoroughly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thoroughly ), is the 3839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The amount of resistance developed, and may take a slightly longer pull to set, thoroughly , It cannot be stored in a hawse pipe. Danforth or Fluke anchor American Richard
  2. In the gas phase after explosion and in stellar absorption spectra. More, thoroughly ,investigated are compounds of the formula R4Al2 where R is a large organic
  3. Can use all twelve tones and still remain tonal" ( Gillies 1990,185). More, thoroughly , in the first eight measures of the last movement of his Second Quartet, all
  4. Learn to deliver various types of attacks. Although attacks are not studied as, thoroughly ,as in striking-based arts," honest" attacks (a strong strike or an
  5. The universe is systematically deleted and reset. However, this ending has been, thoroughly ,debated. Many fans feel it was simply symbolism. The true nature of the ending
  6. It predates any formal separation of Christianity and Judaism, and that it is a, thoroughly ,Jewish text. Some interpreters attempt to reconcile the two dates by placing
  7. The most common diluents, such as linseed oil, varnish and turpentine. Unless, thoroughly ,diluted, bitumen never fully solidifies and will in time corrupt the other
  8. Effects of an experience of self-realization: The Bodhisattva will become, thoroughly ,conversant with the noble truth of self-realization, will become a perfect
  9. Diversities of the country. His father, Béla Sr., considered himself, thoroughly ,Hungarian, because on his father's side the Bartok family was a Hungarian
  10. The most influential advocate for the teachings of Arminian soteriology. Wesley, thoroughly ,agreed with the vast majority of what Arminius himself taught, maintaining
  11. Counterfactual history—the term used by some professional historians when using, thoroughly ,researched and carefully reasoned speculations on" what might have happened if
  12. Sport is ingrained in the history and culture of a nation such as Cuba, and how, thoroughly ,it was radically reshaped and nativized in Japan. " Since the early 1980s,the
  13. Nils Rose, and thus was responsible for the Botanical Garden (which he would, thoroughly ,reconstruct and expand),botany and natural history, instead. In October that
  14. The disk drive industry followed a different pattern. Industry practice, more, thoroughly , documented at Timeline of binary prefixes and continuing today, is to specify
  15. Polish farming population returning to the area searched the ruins of Birkenau, thoroughly ,for re-usable fallen bricks, so they could rebuild farm buildings for shelter
  16. Fact of the matter is that George G. Meade, unexpectedly and against all odds, thoroughly ,outgeneraled Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg. " Edwin B. Codding ton wrote that the
  17. Prose and poetry of Efren the Syrian. Middle Syriac, unlike its forebear, is a, thoroughly ,Christian language, although in time it became the language of those opposed to
  18. Paul Levitt commissioned the Untold Legend of the Batman limited series to, thoroughly ,chronicle Batman's origin and history. Batman meets and regularly works with
  19. Operating at 1.79 MHz after measurements derived from speed testing against the, thoroughly ,2 MHz BBC Micro for various pieces of 'common software' * Text modes: 20×32
  20. Conquest. Four times he invaded Syria and Canaan, and he spent three years, thoroughly ,subduing the countries of" the west" to unite them with Mesopotamia" into a
  21. Is extracted first, and then individual alkaloids are separated. Plants are, thoroughly ,ground before extraction. Most alkaloids are present in the raw plants in the
  22. To his translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care that" learning had declined so, thoroughly ,in England that there were very few men on this side of the Humber who could
  23. Even when no congregational Communion followed. Consequently, in 1552 he, thoroughly ,integrated Consecration and Communion into a single rite, with congregational
  24. Worldwide, with FDA officials describing aspartame as" one of the most, thoroughly ,tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved" and its safety
  25. The gate lifted and ABD ar-Rahman's men fell upon the unsuspecting Abbasid's, thoroughly ,routing them. Most of the Abbasid army was killed. The heads of the main
  26. Snow falls on all the higher mountain ranges, and on the highest the climate is, thoroughly ,Alpine. The countries bordering the Sahara are much exposed to a very dry wind
  27. Knight, the founder of the FWA, who abhorred van Vogt’s style and politics and, thoroughly ,demolished his literary reputation in the 1950s. Harlan Ellison writing in 1999
  28. Slave society ... had grown up and miraculously flourished in the heart of a, thoroughly ,bourgeois and partly puritanical republic. It had renounced its bourgeois
  29. Much needed discipline to the scouting staff by establishing cross-checkers who, thoroughly ,evaluated young hopefuls to determine whether they were worthy of being
  30. However narrow and inexperienced Mackenzie may be, I imagine he is a, thoroughly ,upright, well-principled,and well-meaning man. " Mackenzie also served as
  31. Been followed through after his posting to sea and new shells had never been, thoroughly ,tested. Beatty discovered the problem at a party aboard Lion a short time after
  32. War in 70 AD. Josephus, a contemporary, reports that" Jerusalem ... was so, thoroughly ,razed to the ground by those that demolished it to its foundations, that
  33. To reform and become a productive member of society. *Dim: An idiotic and, thoroughly ,gormless member of the gang, persistently condescended to by Alex, but
  34. Едва-едва" (" with great difficulty" )," съвсем-съвсем" (" quite ",", thoroughly ,"). Lexis Most of the word-stock of modern Bulgarian consists of derivations
  35. That the information about the four men was" just one of many leads that were, thoroughly ,investigated at the time and never led to terrorism charges ". An official
  36. Ancient Byzantium) and its people and rulers were Greek; it was a, thoroughly ,Hellenic state. Indeed, Charlemagne was usurping the prerogatives of the Roman
  37. Of the operational activities (or both) to be performed—intended to, thoroughly ,exercise the specific case—and a formal description of the expected results.
  38. Back the Flemings. In the meanwhile the French mandatories on the left wing had, thoroughly ,defeated the imperial forces opposed to them, and William Long sword, Earl of
  39. Costs that they incur to farmers and ranchers. Bear meat must be cooked, thoroughly ,as it can often be infected with Trichina spirals, which can cause
  40. Controlling the poor, a move to developing Russia's natural resources and to, thoroughly ,reform all branches of the administration. After Alexander became Tsar in 1855
  41. Though, is that the real-life technological challenges associated with creating, thoroughly ,human-like robots – such as the creation of strong artificial intelligence –
  42. Revolutionary religious ideas. This style, known as Maria art, was quickly and, thoroughly ,erased after Akhenaten's death and replaced by the traditional forms.
  43. Learned, but to challenge the student with material which they do not yet know, thoroughly , With the student who has had no education, the teacher must be patient
  44. Remarked that they should pray for the soul of Music, and see that she was, thoroughly ,well buried. In spite of this, the nobles did not cease to listen to songs in
  45. Then its concealing ". " The Union of the Russian People" demanded officials, thoroughly ,investigate the Jews, not stopping at the search in synagogues, Matzah bakeries
  46. Of the workers village of Dare el-Madinah has resulted in one of the most, thoroughly ,documented accounts of community life in the ancient world that spans almost
  47. Finally, the Captain's troops are able to round everyone up. His plot, thoroughly ,unraveled, Pseudolus appears to be in deep trouble — but Erroneous, completing
  48. Not eat unless they wash (, the ordinary word for washing) their hands, thoroughly , observing the tradition of the elders; and when they come from the market
  49. U. S. in 1786. The British edition of the chart, which was the original, was so, thoroughly ,ignored that everyone assumed it was lost forever until Phil Richardson, a
  50. Proving very difficult and demanding. The picture wrapped in April 1975,with a, thoroughly ,exhausted and homesick Kurosawa returning to Japan and his family in June.

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