Examples of the the word, lover , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lover ), is the 3835 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An ancient title. Athena Parthenon: Virgin Athena never had a consort or, lover ,and was thus known as Athena Parthenon," Virgin Athena ". Her most famous
  2. Of the oldest surviving account, Odyssey Book 11,l.409f. ) by Aegis thus,the, lover ,of his wife Clytemnestra. In old versions of the story:" The scene of the
  3. One character, Raymond Lambert, devises a plan to escape the city to join his, lover ,in Paris after city officials refused his request to leave. He befriends some
  4. Does appear in myths, he typically faces humiliation. He is well known as the, lover ,of Aphrodite, the goddess of love who was married to Hephaestus, god of
  5. To May 1927,he travelled through the French Equatorial Africa colony with his, lover ,Marc Alleged. He went successively to Middle Congo (now the Republic of the
  6. Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm: A military dragoon who is Desiree's latest, lover , *The Liebeslieder Singers: Mr. Lindquist, Mrs. Nordstrom, Mrs. Andersen, Mr.
  7. Clytemnestra,Agamemnon's wife, had taken Aegis thus, son of Theses, as a, lover , When Agamemnon came home he was slain by either Aegis thus (in the oldest
  8. 15 cases, not being present at the other two votes. She is a committed animal, lover ,and one of the few Conservative MPs to have consistently voted for the ban on
  9. Currently to retain facilities in a community An amateur (French amateur ", lover ,of ", from Old French and ultimately from Latin amatory not. Amator," lover "
  10. They consulted an oracle who told them she was destined for no mortal, lover , but a creature that lived on top of a particular mountain, that even the gods
  11. Alas. The Festival of Hyacinths was a celebration of Sparta. Another male, lover ,was Caparisons, a descendant of Heracles. Apollo gave him a tame deer as a
  12. Printing equipment and his 30-year stock of books and pamphlets. Tucker's, lover , Pearl Johnson — 25 years his junior — was pregnant with their daughter, Oriole
  13. Emotional and physical abuse at the hands of his father. The Prince's male, lover ,Phillip is killed by King Edward by being thrown out of a castle window. * Ian
  14. In Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's poem, Complaint of the Absence of her, lover , being upon the sea (1547). Origin There is some doubt as to the origin of
  15. Lover of ", from Old French and ultimately from Latin amatory not. Amator,", lover ,") is generally considered a person attached to a particular pursuit, study
  16. Saying, Gibson asserted that the reason that Longshanks kills his son’s, lover ,is because the king is a“ psychopath,”. (This is another inaccuracy as Piers
  17. Of an important nobleman and maid of the Crown Princess Constance, became the, lover ,of her lady's husband: Peter, the heir of Portugal. Alfonso IV was displeased
  18. Kipper—quietly, owing to his horror of weddings—a former protegee and sometime, lover ,of Nemirovich-Danchenko whom he had first met at rehearsals for The Seagull. Up
  19. Dorothy on Jeffrey's front lawn. Barely conscious, Dorothy calls Jeffrey" My, lover ," and through this reveals her intimacy with Jeffrey, causing an upset Sandy to
  20. Large sections, also called books (Book 1,Book 2,Book 3,and so on). A, lover ,of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, a bibliophile, or a
  21. Of Jerusalem. The pro-Ibelin Chronicle of Enroll later claimed that he was her, lover , but it is likely that she and Baldwin IV were attempting to separate him from
  22. Meanwhile, Crowley soon moved on and took a woman named Leila Waddell as his, lover ,or" Scarlet Woman ". In 1910,Crowley performed his series of dramatic rites
  23. His relationship with Joan suddenly worsened, and in May 1423 he had her, lover , and a powerful figure in the Neapolitan court, Gianni Carpaccio, arrested.
  24. Professor ". He also cruised down the Volga on a steam-ship. Russell's, lover ,Dora Black also visited Russia independently at the same time — she was
  25. Attempt to reconcile him to Agamemnon, but he yields only to his friend and, lover ,Patrols, who then battles the Trojans in Achilles' armor. The bravery and
  26. The New French Review). In 1916,Marc Alleged, only 15 years old, became his, lover , Marc was the son of Elie Alleged, best man at Gide's wedding. Of Allégret's
  27. S secretary. But after only a brief stay she left him to marry her previous, lover , Baron Arthur Gundaccar von Sutter. Though her personal contact with Alfred
  28. Some gossiping questioned whether the Grand Duke Ludwig or Wilhelmina's, lover , Baron August von Searches de Grancy, was her biological father. Alexander
  29. The body stirs on its own, insistent; at other times, it leaves a straining, lover ,in the lurch. In short,Augustine's life experience led him to consider lust
  30. At a young age, he began an affair with a young woman in Carthage. She was his, lover ,for over thirteen years and gave birth to his son Advocates. Teaching rhetoric
  31. Underworld, the plot is slightly (? ) changed: Actaeon is Diana (Artemis) is, lover , and it is Jupiter who turns him into a stag, which puts Diana off hunting. His
  32. Love her. Inside was an" in Roman mythology. Adonis Aphrodite was Adonis ', lover ,and a surrogate mother to him. Cinemas, the King of Cyprus, had an
  33. Treasonous coup against him. During this time, Alexios was rumored to be the, lover ,of Empress Maria of Albania, the daughter of King Bag rat IV of Georgia, who had
  34. For the better part of the next decade, and remain a friend and occasional, lover ,into the 2010s. The 1980s The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan. 1980) featured
  35. Printing equipment and his 30-year stock of books and pamphlets. Tucker's, lover , Pearl Johnson — 25 years his junior — was pregnant with their daughter, Oriole
  36. Turin as Desiree, the touring these eventually reunited with her quondam, lover , is not the melting romantic of previous productions but a working mother with
  37. Those who committed suicide and now regret it reside, including Aeneas' former, lover , the warriors and shades, tartarus (where the titans and powerful non-mortal
  38. Scholars of Hellenistic Alexandria. He was an older contemporary and an alleged, lover ,of Sappho, with whom he may have exchanged poems. He was born into the
  39. Oak. Although Baker, at times, painted an unflattering portrait of her former, lover , Schwarzenegger actually contributed to the tell-all book with a foreword, and
  40. That Agamemnon's son, Orestes,is to kill Clytemnestra and Aegis thus, her, lover , Orestes and Places carry out the revenge, and consequently Orestes is pursued
  41. Demands on him that he cannot ignore. Ultimately he realizes he cannot face his, lover ,if it is as a coward. Narrow lives according to an ethical code that demands
  42. As Delta of Venus and Little Birds. NIN was a friend, and in some cases, lover , of many leading literary figures, including Henry Miller, Antonin Arnaud
  43. Conflict was provoked by Antony, who is said to have been persuaded by his, lover , the queen Cleopatra of Egypt, to retire to her land and give battle to mask
  44. Melodrama film Silesia, where he starred alongside his wife Jay and rumored, lover ,Rehab. Other films of this period include Ram Balsam (1980),Shawn (1980)
  45. He had failed to properly declare details of loans she had procured for her, lover ,to develop a business venture. * The 2010 Cash for Influence Scandal, in which
  46. Was arrested and tried for allegedly paying a hitman to murder his homosexual, lover , model Norman Scott, while walking his dog on Exmoor; the hitman only shot the
  47. Once more. Either she has sold herself into slavery for debt, or she is with a, lover ,who demands money in order to give her up, because Hosea has to buy her back.
  48. Became instrumental in the Eros and Psyche legend, and later was both Adonis ', lover ,and his surrogate mother. Many lesser beings were said to be children of
  49. Time of the Fourth Crusade. He had been married twice but was now allegedly the, lover ,of Eudora Angelina, a daughter of Emperor Alexios III Angelo's. His
  50. Complications, as reported by The New York Times. He had lived with his, lover ,Tom Hatcher for more than fifty years, until Hatcher's death in 2006.

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