Examples of the the word, hidden , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hidden ), is the 3848 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On December 22, 2001,helped prevent Richard Reid from igniting explosives, hidden ,in his shoe. Flight attendants and pilots now receive extensive anti-hijacking
  2. Inland from the coast. Narrow lanes run off it, providing access to the more, hidden ,parts of the village and the shoreline itself. The village nestles between the
  3. Provides diners with other options such as foregone (inexpensive traditional, hidden ,taverns),less stylish restaurants, and bars and canteens offering an enticing
  4. To Christ, from before the foundation of the world. Fixity does not lie in a, hidden ,decree, therefore,but in corporate unity of the Church with Christ, whom it
  5. Speak of quietly experienced but intensely felt emotions, intentionally, hidden , from others, without any indication of their being requited. It is also
  6. TV series" The End of the Obrenović Dynasty ", in which the royal couple was, hidden ,in a secret panic room hidden behind the mirror in a common bedroom. The room
  7. That are not canonical ". The word is originally Greek () and means" those, hidden ,away ". Specifically, is the neuter plural of ἀπόκρυφος, an adjective related
  8. Or out-of-body experience within that hospital had reported having seen the, hidden ,message. In 2008,Penny Satori, an intensive care nurse from Swansea
  9. To put them out of misery, but is stopped by Kat to keep their current position, hidden , He is driven to desert when he sees a cherry tree in blossom, which reminds
  10. Functioning as leaves. The small flowers have five very small petals, almost, hidden , by the long stamens, and are arranged in dense globular or cylindrical clusters
  11. And Slovak Republics. Game Base also created a series of riddles relating to, hidden ,objects within each of the illustrations written especially for the wall frieze
  12. His evolution from ignorance to enlightenment, and the stone represented a, hidden ,spiritual truth or power that would lead to that goal. In texts that are
  13. Enemy ”. When the Roman infantry became entangled in combat with his army,the, hidden ,ambush force attacked the legionnaires in the rear. The result was slaughter
  14. Five centuries the concept of reincarnation, which until then had been a much, hidden ,tradition within Judaism, was given open exposure. Rabbi Yirmiyahu Pullman wrote
  15. Of questionable value" Apocrypha" was also applied to writings that were, hidden ,not because of their divinity but because of their questionable value to the
  16. Granted an interview. During the interview they set off a bomb that had been, hidden ,in their video camera. Commander Massed died in a helicopter that was taking
  17. He is not dead but has gone to his Lord as Must in Imran went and remained, hidden ,from his people for forty days. Must returned after it was said that he had
  18. Consists of a pilgrimage to a statue of the Virgin Mary, which was supposedly, hidden ,from the Muslims. Legend has it that when it was rediscovered and moved the
  19. The 19th century — a place of high-level prostitution in Europe. Traces of this, hidden ,agenda of the city's history is found in the 18th century guidebooks to Aachen
  20. That the reader can try to identify. As an additional challenge, the author has, hidden ,a picture of himself as a child in every picture. In 1987,Animalia won the
  21. However, certain difficulties attend long-range shooting, including finding a, hidden ,shooting position with a clear line-of-sight, detailed advance knowledge of the
  22. Is the study of signs and how they are interpreted. Advertising has many, hidden ,signs and meanings within brand names, logos,package designs, print
  23. Cell. After completion,Solzhenitsyn's original handwritten script was kept, hidden ,from the KGB in Estonia by Arnold Susi's daughter Held SCSI until the collapse
  24. Composition" and it, too,is permeated by cyphers and posthumously disclosed, hidden ,programs. Death Berg died in Vienna, on Christmas Eve 1935,from blood
  25. Of the war in the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, where he was sheltered and, hidden ,in local boarding-houses or pensions. His father was sent via Branch to
  26. That it is high definition. The connotative meaning is the product’s deep and, hidden ,meaning. A connotative meaning of a television would be that it is top of the
  27. Be images, words,fonts, colors,or slogan. The underlying level is made up of, hidden ,meanings. The combination of images, words,colors, and slogan must be
  28. Einstein even assumed that it would be sufficient to add to quantum mechanics ", hidden ,variables" to enforce determinism. However, thirty years later, in 1964,John
  29. From population to population, and that a great deal of genetic variation is, hidden ,in the form of alleles that do not produce obvious phenotypic differences.
  30. Common in such cases and can extend to documents that defendants wish to remain, hidden ,from the public. However, in some cases, such documents can become public at a
  31. Fitting with the Greek root of the word, as these texts were obviously, hidden ,away to protect the ruling Emperor from challenges to his status as Heaven's
  32. It is said, that the Battle of Verdun began in 1916. The relief was immediately, hidden ,by tarpaulins to conceal the accident and avoid any undesired ominous
  33. A hospital placed an LED marquee above its patients’ beds which displayed a, hidden ,message that could only be read if one were looking down from above., no one
  34. All nudes, these works provoked great controversy and were ultimately, hidden ,behind a drape with special permission given for viewers to see them.
  35. BEEP" and the backup crew's names are given. Several of these patches were, hidden ,in the Kitty Hawk as" gotchas" for the crew to find during the flight.
  36. 30, 2009. Notes The term apocrypha is used with various meanings, including ", hidden ,"," esoteric "," spurious "," of questionable authenticity ", ancient
  37. Danneskjöld is married to the actress Kay Ludo; their relationship is kept, hidden ,from the outside world, which only knows of Ludo as a film star who retired
  38. Scott, whom he later married. Nathaniel and Barbara Branden kept the affair, hidden ,from Rand. When she learned of it in 1968,though her romantic relationship
  39. The wrong relics, those of St Gardenias, while Saint Adalbert's relics were, hidden ,by the Poles and remain in Grain. In 1127 the decapitated head, which was not
  40. Types. When a class is used as a type, it is an abstract type that refers to a, hidden ,representation. In this model an ADT is typically implemented as class, and
  41. Of a given algorithm are related by a constant multiplicative factor called a, hidden ,constant. Exact (not asymptotic) measures of efficiency can sometimes be
  42. Writers included the Communist Party member Bruno Baum. A shortwave transmitter, hidden ,in Block 11 sent information directly to the Polish government-in-exile in
  43. The bodies of the procedures and the concrete data structure used — can then be, hidden ,from most clients of the module. This makes it possible to change the
  44. Dynasty ", in which the royal couple was hidden in a secret panic room, hidden ,behind the mirror in a common bedroom. The room contained an entrance to a
  45. Back to the time of Moses, as " Their" or changing, which was to find the, hidden ,and mystical meaning in names. They were popular throughout Europe during the
  46. Protestant pacifists and anti-war activists. Many of the refugee children being, hidden ,in Carbon attended Several, and it was at this school that Grothendieck
  47. 200 million dollars of their own currency. In effect, the paper money was a, hidden ,tax on the people, and indeed was the only method of taxation that was possible
  48. During the intervening centuries, the jungle grew back, and the caves were, hidden , unvisited and undisturbed. Rediscovery by Europeans On 28 April 1819,a
  49. Sites the Spanish never found in their conquest was Machu Picchu, which lay, hidden ,on a peak on the eastern edge of the Andes where they descend to the Amazon.
  50. To assume royal powers — an eventuality that Laurie suggests was Alfonso's, hidden ,intent. His final campaigns were against Mequinenza (1133) and Raga (1134)

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