Examples of the the word, evident , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evident ), is the 3838 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Listening. Since Earth is the only planet known to harbor life, there is no, evident ,way to know if any of the simplifying assumptions are correct. Communication
  2. On their Intel Macs alongside Mac OS X. Apple's success during this period was, evident ,in its stock price. Between early 2003 and 2006,the price of Apple's stock
  3. Same company. In discussions of binary-addressed memories, the exact size was, evident ,from context. (For memory sizes of 32K and below, there is no difference
  4. Time * Two papers in the journal Science in August 2005 resolve the problem, evident ,at the time of the TAR, of tropospheric temperature trends. The UAH version of
  5. Parallel to that of Myles Na Coleen, and the influence of both writers is, evident ,in the Peter Simple columns in the Daily Telegraph. References to Beachcomber
  6. Fulham in Sussex. Amanda Gilroy argues that the poem is informed by Blake's ", evident ,pleasure" in the Fulham countryside. The phrase" green and pleasant land "
  7. Him blossom, as I later learned, was a little praise. His paranoia was most, evident ,when he dined in company. He always thought he was served much smaller portions
  8. Have won a majority in the Electoral College. As Lincoln's election became, evident , secessionists made clear their intent to leave the Union before he took office
  9. Her. 4),and 'Praedestinatus' ( i. 3),have no independent value. It is, evident ,from these particulars that Abraham was the name of the first of the 365
  10. Of choice can be seen as asserting the generalization of this property, already, evident , for finite collections, to arbitrary collections. Usage Until the late 19th
  11. Influence between the French school and Polish historiography was particularly, evident ,in studies on the Middle Ages and the early modern era studied by Branded. In
  12. Not necessarily that land turns into desert. In the early 1990s,it became, evident ,that the semiarid casting ecosystem of the Northeast was losing its natural
  13. No Bronze Age city on the site, archaeology has detected human activity that is, evident ,from the earliest Iron Age, circa 1100 BC. The city's legendary founder was
  14. Is called yang Cong. This translates as" western onion ". These names make it, evident ,that the American broccoli, carrot,and onion are not indigenous to China and
  15. Characterised by their falsifiability:" In order to show that a hypothesis is, evident , it does not suffice that all the phenomena follow from it; instead, if it
  16. S work has a strong moral and religious emphasis. Aeschylus's popularity is, evident ,in the praise the comic playwright Aristophanes gives him in The Frogs
  17. And humiliated the victim, and frequently the perpetrator as well. It was most, evident ,in the public and private actions of the powerful and rich. Violations of the
  18. The capital city, since 1918 it has been held on the Champs-Élysées, with the, evident ,agreement of the Allies as represented in the Versailles Peace Conference, and
  19. With overlapping cerebellar and sensory ataxia, even though one is often more, evident ,than the other. Hereditary disorders causing ataxia include autosomal dominant
  20. Luminous celestial object. The notion of it signifying all heavenly bodies is, evident ,in early Babylonian astrology where cuneiform depictions for the determinative
  21. Fully convey Shichirôji’s humility. Numerous other instances of this device are, evident ,in the movie. “ Kurosawa frequently breaks up the action, fragments it, in
  22. Of the various African slaves, Spanish-Caribbean,Irish, or Scots cultures, evident ,in the 17th century, with Anglo-Saxon culture becoming dominant. Today, the
  23. Have used Valera's work to deduce possibly valuable insights not readily, evident ,in other sources. Ross finds the poem, The Ballad of Bosworth Field, a useful
  24. The struggles of their leader Genghis Khan with Pester John; it is still more, evident ,in the position assigned to the Mongols' homeland, close to the prison of Gog
  25. East resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization, aspects of which were still, evident ,in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire until the mid-15th century. Alexander
  26. Pliny's Natural History (IV.27.1) mentions a cumulus that is no longer, evident ,(Insula Achilles tumult as VRI Clara),on the island consecrated to him
  27. Did not happen in the Ethiopian church. According to some Protestants, it is, evident ,from these facts that claims regarding the necessity of apostolic succession to
  28. Was Serbia's Miloš Geodesic. The strength of international Basketball is, evident ,in the fact that Team USA won none of the three world championships held
  29. Of the Anglo-Saxons. Bede omits them from his list, even though it is, evident ,that Panda held a considerable degree of power. Similarly, powerful Mercia kings
  30. Survival strategies. At the same time, in urban areas social inequality is most, evident , and assumes extreme forms in the capital, Luanda. In the Human Development
  31. Is kept in the dark throughout the climax. This aspect of Poirot is less, evident ,in the later novels, partly because there is rarely a narrator so there is no
  32. Is not uncommon to find typically charismatic postures, music,and other themes, evident ,during the services of otherwise Anglo-Catholic or Evangelical parishes. The
  33. Church Movement churches include" apostles" among the offices that should be, evident ,into modern times in a true church, though they never trace an historical line
  34. Less than 1 % year-over-year loss. Whether this trend will continue will not be, evident ,until next year's estimate. At the 2005–2007 American Community Survey
  35. Experienced a gradual expansion in all directions. In the 1980s it became, evident ,that smog from factories and an ever-increasing fleet of automobiles, as well
  36. Feature because the scooping did not go beyond it. The exuberant carvings are, evident ,here and the jambs and the lintels seem to be of later century. Cave 6: This
  37. And US Ásatrú may be equated with UK Odinism for practical purposes, as is, evident ,in the short-lived International Asatru-Odinic Alliance of Polish
  38. Had managed to cross the marshy ground around the Petite Greece, it was soon, evident ,to Marlborough that sufficient cavalry support would not be practicable and
  39. Wheaten bread, but acceptance by both the northern and southern colonies seems, evident , As many of the New Englanders were originally from England game hunting was
  40. Common words such as monad = Welsh many Cambric *month are particularly, evident , Often the Brythonic influence on Scots Gaelic is indicated by considering the
  41. Loss of men in the invasion of Serbia. Name "/IN"> B"/> Furthermore it became, evident ,that the Austrian high command had had no plans for a possible continental war
  42. Is an open-minded person, he has great love for Maharashtra, and this is, evident ,on many occasions. The actor has often said that Maharashtra and specially
  43. Permit the Jewish nation, whose innocence for the crime alleged against them is, evident , to be worried and tormented as a consequence of accusations which have not the
  44. Portuguese heritage has become more and more dominant. An African influence is, evident ,in music and dance, and is molding the way in which Portuguese is spoken, but
  45. Heroes, although the residual influences of the 1960s trendsetters are still, evident ,in the city today. A person from Ann Arbor is called an" Ann Arbor ite ", and
  46. Asia, such as the Gordian and Mongolian alphabets. The Old Turkic script, evident ,in epigraphy from the 8th century likely also has its origins in the Aramaic
  47. New Church Movement include" apostles" among the offices that should be, evident ,into modern times in" a true church ", though they never trace a historical
  48. Americas in most episodes are nasty dystopias, although sometimes this is not, evident ,at first. In Lost, the characters time travel to 1977 past and attempt to
  49. Ninety-five cases of severe adverse effects including 5 fatalities" were, evident ,in the literature reviewed. " Pneumothorax and infections were the most
  50. Pharmacy). The context in which an ambiguous word is used often makes it, evident ,which of the meanings is intended. If, for instance, someone says" I deposited

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