Examples of the the word, diagram , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Represents (A\backslash B)\backslash C. The green part in the right Venn, diagram ,represents A\backslash (B\backslash C). The
  2. It converts to a body-centered cubic structure. The pressure-temperature phase, diagram ,of americium is thus rather similar to those of lanthanum, praseodymium and
  3. And that there is no absolute motion. (This situation would correspond to, diagram ’D. ) Possibly the concavity of the water shows rotation relative to something
  4. The symbols and their use to build the canonical structures are shown in the, diagram , Examples Sorting example One of the simplest algorithms is to find the largest
  5. Popular account given by Plutarch, Archimedes was contemplating a mathematical, diagram ,when the city was captured. A Roman soldier commanded him to come and meet
  6. Returning boomerangs can be of various shapes or sizes as can be seen in the, diagram ,of modern Boomerangs to the right of page. Historical evidence also points to
  7. A curve of constant entropy on the P-V diagram . Properties of adiabatic on a P-V, diagram ,are: #Every adiabatic asymptotically approaches both the V axis and the P axis (
  8. Used by the declarer. Example The cards are dealt as in the typical bridge hand, diagram , North is the dealer and starts the auction which proceeds as shown in the
  9. Nd. Glasses can then be categorized by their composition and position on the, diagram , This can be a letter-number code, as used in the Scott Glass catalog, or a
  10. The green part in the left Venn, diagram ,represents (A\backslash B)\backslash C. The green part in the right Venn
  11. Drops sharply, and they become rare (see Nernst's theorem). The following, diagram ,is a P-V diagram with a superposition of adiabatic and isotherms: The isotherms
  12. Right)^ Graphing adiabatic An adiabatic is a curve of constant entropy on the P-V, diagram , Properties of adiabatic on a P-V diagram are: #Every adiabatic asymptotically
  13. A factor in endgames but rarely in other stages of the game. For example,the, diagram ,on the right is zigzag for both sides, as with Black to move he must play 1
  14. In some cases another piece is chosen; this is called under promotion. In the, diagram ,on the right, the pawn on c7 can be advanced to the eighth rank and be promoted
  15. To the opponent. A novice player faced with a situation like position 1 in the, diagram ,on the left, in which some boxes can be captured, takes all the boxes in the
  16. SVG|right|thumb|350px|Schematic drawing of bacterial conjugation. Conjugation, diagram ,1- Donor cell produces plus. 2- Plus attaches to recipient cell and brings
  17. System A typical analog television receiver is based around the block, diagram ,shown below: Sync Separator Image synchronization is achieved by transmitting
  18. Also be classified by their lineage, which is shown as the vertical axis on the, diagram , Efficiency A bridge's structural efficiency is the ratio of load carried to
  19. To Boston the same day and the next day resumed work, drawing in his notebook a, diagram ,similar to that in Gray's patent caveat. On March 10, 1876,three days after
  20. Room temperature, but primary alcohols require a higher temperature. This is a, diagram ,of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol to produce ethane: A more controlled
  21. And they become rare (see Nernst's theorem). The following diagram is a P-V, diagram ,with a superposition of adiabatic and isotherms: The isotherms are the red
  22. Α-helices. One is called the“ helical wheel ”, and the other called“ Wenliang, diagram ,”. The latter name came from the fact that it looks like a coil-like incense
  23. State machine and state transition table),as flowcharts (see more at state, diagram ,), or as a form of rudimentary machine code or assembly code called" sets of
  24. The blue and red cadmium lines at 480.0 nm and 643.8 nm, respectively. An Abbé, diagram ,is produced by plotting the Abbé number VD of a material versus its refractive
  25. Suppression methods in Forms of AM can be readily understood in terms of the, diagram ,in Figure 2. With the carrier suppressed there would be no energy at the center
  26. An open circle with a black code symbol. As a 2D representation, the Wenliang, diagram ,has the following features: (1) able to show the relative locations of the
  27. To a color one, with the exception that the elements shown in color in the, diagram ,(the color burst, and the chrominance signal) are not present. The front
  28. Life and career: users of the telephone over the ages; an audio wave signal; a, diagram ,of a telephone receiver; geometric shapes from engineering structures;
  29. 30 so-called" humidity provinces," which are clearly visible in the Hold ridge, diagram , While the scheme largely ignores soil and sun exposure, Holdridge did
  30. S-boxes. It is similar in structure to CAST-128,which uses fixed S-boxes. The, diagram ,to the left shows the action of Blow fish. Each line represents 32 bits. The
  31. Graph. Graph 1 details some explicit relationships between the objects of the, diagram , For example the arrow between the agent and CAT: Elsie depicts an example of
  32. For example, see Knudsen and North. The analysis begins with the free body, diagram ,in the co-rotating frame where the water appears stationary. The height of the
  33. Of the rank nearest to each player, and the pieces are set out as shown in the, diagram , with each queen on its own color. The pieces are divided, by convention, into
  34. Awarded to the second player (this offsets the advantage of going first). The, diagram ,on the right shows a game being played on the 2×2 board. The second player (B
  35. The cosmic microwave background, large scale structure, and the Hubble, diagram ,for Type Ia supernovae. Precise modern models of the Big Bang appeal to various
  36. Reception of mechanical waves and vibrations.:: The steps shown in the above, diagram ,can be found in any acoustical event or process. There are many kinds of cause
  37. Also in relation to the water it contains. (This situation would correspond to, diagram ,B above. ) Although the relative motion at this stage is the greatest, the
  38. Are therefore abstractions of those objects. Specifically, the conceptual, diagram ,graph 1 identifies only three boxes, two ellipses, and four arrows (and their
  39. Better known as Personages),in 1321. The arithmetical triangle — a graphical, diagram ,showing relationships among the binomial coefficients — was presented by
  40. Power the anode is negative: * In a discharging battery or galvanic cell (, diagram ,at right) the anode is the negative terminal since that is where the current
  41. Unable to see any stars from the Southern Celestial Hemisphere at night (see, diagram ,below). Once a declination has been found for the point on the horizon that a
  42. This process by offering free instructions on how to draw a 3D beading, diagram ,using free software available from Inkscape. Org, in the hopes that clearer
  43. Less than that critical 1 hour. Hence, the speedup is limited up to 20×, as the, diagram ,illustrates. Description Amdahl's law is a model for the relationship between
  44. Arrows between the gerund SITTING and the nouns agent and location express the, diagram ,'s basic relationship;" agent is SITTING on location "; Elsie is an instance
  45. Pronounced as“ Wenliang” ). In the Wenliang, diagram ,each amino acid residue is represented by a circle with a letter to indicate
  46. Of the data block is Bored with one of the two remaining unused P-entries. The, diagram ,to the upper right shows Blowfish's F-function. The function splits the 32-bit
  47. Dihedral angles, in general, fall on a diagonal stripe on the Ramachandran, diagram ,(of slope -1),ranging from (-90°,-15°) to (-35°,-70°). For comparison
  48. A particle formalism, and they are now called Feynman diagram s. Each line of a, diagram ,represents a particle propagating either backward or forward in time. This
  49. Sometimes decided based on a representation of the formula as a binary decision, diagram ,(BDD). Propositional falsifiability has various generalizations, including
  50. All 9 UML 1.4 diagram s supported though not yet implemented. Only class, diagram ,and use-case diagram s are more or less fully implemented. *Click and Go! With

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