Examples of the the word, intensive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intensive ), is the 3849 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. II and ALGOL 60 implementations on the 265 at several fairly computationally, intensive ,(at the time) programming problems such as numerical integration by Simpson
  2. Near East is considered by some as the cradle of civilization and practiced, intensive ,year-round agriculture, developed a writing system, invented the potter's
  3. In outback regions have not been displaced as they have been in areas of, intensive ,agriculture and large cities, in coastal areas. So a significant proportion of
  4. Possibly requiring the use of organic farming and Acropolis. Some proven, intensive , low-effort food-production systems include urban gardening (indoors and
  5. Higher than with extensive techniques, the economics are quite different. While, intensive ,techniques now dominate in Europe and even in other regions of Spain, most of
  6. Of the population of Baku are ethnic Azerbaijanis (more than 90 %). The, intensive ,growth of the population started in the middle of the 19th century when Baku
  7. To intensive care after contracting a heart infection. He was moved out of the, intensive ,care unit on 6 November 2006. Doctors stated that" his heart function has
  8. Radical, or root letter, the D-stem or Pa‘‘El is formed. This is often an, intensive ,development of the basic lexical meaning. For example, means ‘ he killed ’
  9. World Wars (1939–1945) and the First Indochina War (1946–1954). The most, intensive ,use of armored trains was during the Russian Civil War (1918–1920). During
  10. The Warlord word Karl. Bodybuilding is a form of body modification, involving, intensive , muscle hypertrophy. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to
  11. In 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb. He now started an, intensive ,study of the foundations of mathematics at Trinity during which he discovered
  12. Children as young as seven are sent to special district schools for more, intensive ,training—the first step on a ladder whose acme is the national baseball team.
  13. Community Treatment team, supported employment and patient-led support groups, intensive ,outpatient programs. These are sometimes referred to partial-inpatient programs
  14. Skull. Following the operation, Sharon was returned to hospital's neurological, intensive ,care unit. On 15 January, Sharon underwent a tracheotomy to help wean him off a
  15. By far the most productive and competitive agriculture in Andalusia is the, intensive ,forced cultivation of strawberries, raspberries,blueberries, and other fruits
  16. Been included in historic autonomous projects to provide security. Skilled, intensive ,gardening can support an adult from as little as 100 square meters of land per
  17. Way to 'save the environment' and prevent famine is by using pesticides and, intensive ,high yield farming, a view exemplified by a quote heading the Center for Global
  18. Was discovered in Sharon's blood. On 26 July 2006,doctors moved him to the, intensive ,care unit, where he underwent hemofiltration, and antibiotics were administered
  19. For Addicted Prisoners Trust) since its early days and helped open their first, intensive ,drug and alcohol rehabilitation unit at Down view (HM Prison) in 1992. He is
  20. Forms XI to XV are rare). These forms encode concepts such as the causative, intensive ,and reflexive. These forms can be viewed as analogous to verb conjugations in
  21. Synthetic plastic. The" retro" appeal of old Bakelite products and labor, intensive ,manufacturing has made them quite collectible in recent years. Bakelite and
  22. And more difficult than general relativity, after more than two years of, intensive ,work Einstein abandoned the theory in November 1915 after realizing that the
  23. Either by holding livestock where the feed crop is growing, such as in managed, intensive ,rotational grazing, or by spreading either dry or liquid formulations of manure
  24. Mongolic, and Tunguska form a Sprachbund – the result of convergence through, intensive ,borrowing and long contact among speakers of languages that are not necessarily
  25. New Guinea for several years. He made use of the time by undertaking far more, intensive ,fieldwork than had been done by British anthropologists, and his classic
  26. And that" he is expected to make a full recovery. " Christopher had been in, intensive ,care after suffering a collapsed lung and broken bones in the accident.
  27. Offensive to capture Stalingrad commenced in late summer 1942,supported by, intensive ,Luftwaffe bombing which reduced much of the city to rubble. The German
  28. Organised in self-contained, self-governing communities and subjected to, intensive ,and sometimes violent hatred by some members of the surrounding society.
  29. For the camera. Regardless of a school's approach, students should expect, intensive ,training in textual interpretation, voice and movement. Although there are some
  30. In yields are due mainly to variation in climate, genetics,and the level of, intensive ,farming techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical pest control, growth control
  31. Had reported having seen the hidden message. In 2008,Penny Satori,an, intensive ,care nurse from Swansea, published a book about near-death experiences
  32. Are more rigidly balanced, they are faster than red-black trees for lookup, intensive ,applications. However, it looks like red-black trees could be faster for
  33. Death in every case. For those with very severe illness, supportive care in an, intensive ,care unit may be needed. For persons with necrotizing fasciitis, surgery often
  34. SIGURG, Neustadt a her Dona, Abensberg and Languid, is used for the, intensive ,farming of asparagus, due to the optimal soil condition and climate. 212
  35. 10, 1972. The text of this Convention is the result of some three years of, intensive ,debate and negotiation at the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament at
  36. Of livestock grazes the animals on natural or cultivated pastures, whereas ", intensive ," raising of livestock is based in fodder rather than pasture. Although the
  37. And plain of Granada have a loamy texture and are particularly suitable for, intensive ,irrigated crops. In the hilly areas of the countryside, there is a double
  38. Effects. Selective breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry such as, intensive ,pig farming have similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised
  39. The Sumerians had developed core agricultural techniques including large-scale, intensive ,cultivation of land, monocropping,organized irrigation, and the use of a
  40. Sentence. In the last week before the ballot, Schwarzenegger launched an, intensive ,campaign against Proposition 66. He stated that" it would release 26,000
  41. Aramaic also employs a system of conjugations, or verbal stems, to mark, intensive ,and extensive developments in the lexical meaning of verbs. Spectral tense
  42. Within the same pond. The" Integrated" in IATA refers to the more, intensive ,cultivation of the different species in proximity of each other, connected by
  43. Approaches, however,is its focus on developing and applying computationally, intensive ,techniques (e.g., pattern recognition, data mining, machine learning
  44. That he had been successfully treated for his pneumonia and moved out of, intensive ,care back to the long-term care unit. On 3 November 2006,Sharon was admitted
  45. One study performed with stroke patients experiencing limb ataxia who underwent, intensive ,upper limb retraining. Their therapy consisted of constraint-induced movement
  46. Back to the long-term care unit. On 3 November 2006,Sharon was admitted to, intensive ,care after contracting a heart infection. He was moved out of the intensive
  47. In nature, the environmental impact of agriculture in general and more recently, intensive ,agriculture, industrial development, and population growth have raised many
  48. He was repeatedly offered the position of prime minister - placed Kabul under, intensive ,rocket bombardment in May 1992. Some sources cite up to 3,000 rockets being
  49. Or neutralizing the enemy's fire support system. *Counterpreparation fire:, intensive ,prearranged fire delivered when the imminence of the enemy attack is discovered
  50. To be able to cope with surge and slack. Artillery has always been equipment, intensive ,and for centuries artillery provided its own artificers to maintain and repair

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