Examples of the the word, classify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( classify ), is the 3836 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be used to record students' grades in the French secondary schools, and thus, classify ,and select them according to scholastic performance. According to Gwen
  2. Of the 27 languages of Pakistan that are facing the danger of extinction. They, classify ,it in" unsafe" status, the least endangered level out of the five levels of
  3. The Ninth Circuit, on the grounds that the government was abusing its power to, classify ,material. Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E. Windfall filed a brief that
  4. True fish. However, molecular phylogenetic, which uses biochemical features to, classify ,organisms, has produced both results that group them with vertebrates and
  5. Present day. There were important overlaps between practitioners, and trying to, classify ,them into wizards (alchemists),scientists (chemists) and craftsmen (
  6. Classification System for veterinary medicinal products (ATC vet) is used to, classify ,veterinary drugs. ATC vet codes can be created by placing the letter Q in front
  7. Or the UK, can create the same problems. It is not a straightforward matter to, classify ,differences of vocabulary. David Crystal identifies some problems of
  8. Among other things) to simplify the description of abstract algorithms, to, classify , and evaluate data structures, and to formally describe the type systems of
  9. Alkaloids such as caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Some authors, classify ,as pseudoalkaloids such compounds such as ephedrine and Catherine. Those
  10. And pornography. Classification disputes whether to, classify ,something as a work of art are referred to as classification disputes about art
  11. Cites in full as follows:" The new education must teach the individual how to, classify ,and re classify information, how to evaluate its veracity, how to change
  12. Into the 1950s. Caliber categories A third form of artillery typing is to, classify ,it as 'light ','medium ','heavy' and various other terms. It appears to have
  13. For its distinctive phonological developments within Indo-European. Linguists, classify ,Armenian as an independent branch of the Indo-European language family.
  14. Nineteenth century, the South used a colloquial term, the one-drop rule, to, classify , as black any known African ancestry. This practice of hypodescent was not put
  15. The Pale Like Crater's lava tube. Despite such diversity, it is possible to, classify ,the indigenous people into three major cultural groups: the northern people
  16. Algorithm after program optimization. Classification There are various ways to, classify ,algorithms, each with its own merits. By implementation One way to classify
  17. Hartekamp in Heemstede. Clifford was very impressed with Linnaeus' ability to, classify ,plants, and invited him to become his physician and superintendent of his
  18. Of loans from Iranian languages initially led linguists to erroneously, classify ,Armenian as an Iranian language. The distinctness of Armenian was only
  19. 2005) Oilcloth compares reconstructions of various clades, and attempts to, classify ,them based on shared innovations, though like other classifications the
  20. Diversity of the living world, and saw the need to establish a simple way to, classify ,these biome-types. Whittaker based his classification scheme on two abiotic
  21. Educational level. Localizations model The localizations model attempts to, classify ,the aphasia by major characteristics and then link these to areas of the brain
  22. A quarter of these characters are now commonly used. History Most linguists, classify ,all varieties of modern spoken Chinese as part of the Sino-Tibetan language
  23. To classify algorithms, each with its own merits. By implementation One way to, classify ,algorithms is by implementation means. * Recursion or iteration: A recursive
  24. When referring to parallelism in CPUs, two terms are generally used to, classify ,these design techniques. Instruction level parallelism (ILP) seeks to
  25. The city, county,and state levels into the Uniform crime reports (UCR). They, classify ,violations of laws which derive from common law as Part I (index) crimes in
  26. Or only to the program in which the data section is defined. Some assemblers, classify ,these as pseudo-ops. Assembly directives, also called
  27. G. O. SARS adopted it as the Norwegian common name in 1874. Authorities, classify ,the species into three or four subspecies: B. m. muscles, the northern blue
  28. Makes it quite difficult when communicating with the individual. Other ways to, classify ,aphasia can also be classified as # Receptive # Intermediate #
  29. Older aesthetic theory; Aristotle was the first in the Western tradition to, classify ," beauty" into types as in his theory of drama, and Kant made a distinction
  30. Schema was adopted by James Patrice (1982) in the context of an attempt to, classify ,the Ainu language. The Turkic-Mongolic-Tungusic and Korean-Japanese-Ainu
  31. 1661–1724). There have been many and contradictory attempts to, classify ,traditional ballads by theme, but commonly identified types are the religious
  32. Showed Linnaeus that botany was a serious subject. He taught Linnaeus to, classify ,plants according to Tournefort's system. Linnaeus was also taught about
  33. In the 1740s,he was sent on several journeys through Sweden to find and, classify ,plants and animals. In the 1750s and 60s,he continued to collect and classify
  34. Isospin, although conveying an inaccurate picture of things, is still used to, classify ,baryons, leading to unnatural and often confusing nomenclature. Flavor quantum
  35. A simple nomenclature system was introduced in 1978 by Angst, J., et al., to, classify , more easily individuals' effeteness within the spectrum, following a
  36. On the French side. To avoid confusion, microfossil assemblages were used to, classify ,the chalk marl. On the French side, particularly near the coast, the chalk was
  37. Problems to other problems. Owing to this, it was found to be more suitable to, classify ,the problems themselves instead of the algorithms into equivalence classes
  38. Statements regarding the equality of the sexes have since made it difficult to, classify ,Wollstonecraft as a modern feminist, particularly since the word and the
  39. Establishing ideas of constitution and constitutionalism, and attempting to, classify ,different forms of constitutional government. The most basic definition he used
  40. Argued that culture is" human nature ", and that all people have a capacity to, classify ,experiences, encode classifications symbolically (i.e. in language),and
  41. Science of ingenious devices) and makes the first successful attempt to, classify ,simple machines and their combinations. He first describes and illustrates the
  42. Later lead members of the 20th century Italian school of algebraic geometry to, classify ,algebraic surfaces up to birational isomorphism. The second early 19th century
  43. Classify plants and animals. In the 1750s and 60s,he continued to collect and, classify ,animals, plants,and minerals, and published several volumes. At the time of
  44. Classification is not absolute; at different times different countries will, classify ,the same vehicle in different roles. For example, armoured personnel carriers
  45. Direct the appropriate therapy. Severity and classification Plum and Poster, classify ,coma The outcome for coma and vegetative state depends on the cause, location
  46. A reconstructed set of Afroasiatic roots is agreed upon, it is difficult to, classify ,Afroasiatic within a bigger frame, or to compare it with established
  47. Annual precipitation (x-axis) versus average annual temperature (y-axis) to, classify ,biome-types. Walter System The Heinrich Walter classification scheme was
  48. Aberration) materials have high values of V. Abbé numbers are used to, classify ,glass and other optically transparent materials. For example, flint glass has V
  49. Separate species; however, large ancient cattle and aurochs" are difficult to, classify ,because morphological traits have overlapping distributions in cattle and
  50. Academic discipline of chemistry, providing an extremely useful framework to, classify , systematize and compare all the many forms of chemical behavior. The

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