Examples of the the word, obstacle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obstacle ), is the 3831 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of my famous 'Postscript' now sinks into insignificance; the insurmountable, obstacle ,to the realization of Anarchy is no longer the power of the trusts, but the
  2. Converted AFV are likely to be used as assault breaches while the breached, obstacle ,is still covered by enemy observation and fire, and then purpose built
  3. Game in which cars are programmed to avoid crashing, and they encounter an, obstacle ,in the track: the cars might then maneuver to avoid the obstacle causing the
  4. This background radiation is much more intense, and represents a considerable, obstacle ,to potential future long term human exploration of the moon or Mars. Cosmic
  5. Tried to kill the king of Montenegro, because they considered him as an, obstacle ,to the unification of all the Serbs in one state. The Montenegrin police were
  6. Extend from opposite sides of the supporting piers to meet at the center of the, obstacle ,the bridge crosses. Cantilever bridges are constructed using much the same
  7. Floodplain in London for the Thames Valley and is recognized as a significant, obstacle ,to the growth of London from its origins as a port on the north side of the
  8. Complex. Abates, abattis, or Abbott is a term in field fortification for an, obstacle ,formed (in the modern era) of the branches of trees laid in a row, with the
  9. A case in which the pope would consider that his own death would remove the, obstacle ,in the way of publishing the name. Of the 232 cardinals that Pope John Paul II
  10. The well-fortified position of Futzing. Here, the Rebel was less of an, obstacle , but the great battery positioned on the edge of the village enjoyed a good
  11. They have evolved from nearly static installations intended to reduce a single, obstacle ,to highly mobile weapons of great flexibility in which now reposes the greater
  12. And cranes or lifting booms. These vehicles are designed to directly conduct, obstacle ,breaching operations and to conduct other earth-moving and engineering work on
  13. Of energy. Natural hazards Continuous permafrost in the north is a serious, obstacle ,to development. Cyclonic storms form east of the Rocky Mountains, a result of
  14. Reform, and old economic ties and structures are slowly being replaced. An, obstacle ,to economic progress, including stepped up foreign investment, is the
  15. Around the comet. The comet and its induced magnetic field form an, obstacle ,to outward flowing solar wind particles. As the relative orbital speed of the
  16. In the Balkans — helped to develop a sense of communal identity against the, obstacle ,of Europe's deep political divisions. But this authority was also sometimes
  17. Concubinae) not his wife, most often a woman whose lower social status was an, obstacle ,to marriage. Concubinage was“ tolerated to the degree that it did not threaten
  18. The continued difficulties in finding a settlement presented a potential, obstacle ,to Cypriot entry to the European Union, for which the government had applied in
  19. To steal, though a right-handed batter can sometimes help by serving as an, obstacle ,that the catcher must throw around. Third base is generally stolen off the
  20. Policy was maintained until March 1898. As the war continued, the major, obstacle ,to Cuban success was weapons supply. Although weapons and funding came from
  21. Forms and states of implementation, the agreements are unlikely to present any, obstacle ,to a smooth functioning of economic and monetary union * Nothing in the
  22. For instance, when an established path to a food source is blocked by an, obstacle , the foragers leave the path to explore new routes. If an ant is successful, it
  23. Accounts, mostly based on second- or third-hand information, has proved an, obstacle ,to historians as they try to reconstruct the battle. Their common complaint is
  24. The Rocky Mountains and the ranges west of them constituted a significant, obstacle ,to overland travel until the completion of the transcontinental railway in
  25. For anything, is considered to be" stubbornness" ( 执著),which will become an, obstacle ,to nirvana or enlightenment. However, if one undertakes a vow to be a Buddhist
  26. Led him to consider lust to be one of the most grievous sins, and a serious, obstacle ,to the virtuous life. Teaching philosophy Augustine is considered an
  27. A body of water, valley,or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the, obstacle , Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of
  28. Bulgaria has always been susceptible to invasion because no natural, obstacle ,blocked the route through Sofia. Rilo-Rhodope massif Relatively high mountains
  29. Access to sources of raw materials and markets in Canada's west. The first, obstacle ,to its construction was economic. The logical route went through the American
  30. A permanent self in this world of change is the cause of suffering and the main, obstacle ,to liberation. He broke new ground by going on to explain the source for the
  31. His willful sin and distance from God, wretchedness has instead come to mean an, obstacle ,of physical, social,or spiritual nature to overcome in order to achieve a
  32. Between Algeria and Morocco in relation to the Western Sahara have been an, obstacle ,to tightening the Arab Maghreb Union, which was nominally established in 1989
  33. The window design and installation part itself becomes much less of an, obstacle ,for the average person); for this reason they are a popular alternative to
  34. Agreement and Croatian application for the EU membership in 2003. A recurring, obstacle ,to the negotiations was Croatia's ICT cooperation record and Slovenian
  35. And subsequent replacement as Commissioner by Happy Chandler) removed a major, obstacle ,for black players in the major leagues. The general manager who would be
  36. e. g., a UAV looking for forest fires. Examples of supporting systems are, obstacle ,warning systems in cars, and systems for autonomous landing of aircraft.
  37. Demands on what became Germany's largest fortress presented a significant, obstacle ,to urban development, with forts, bunkers and wide defensive dugouts completely
  38. Using whole trees instead of branches, can be used as an improvised anti-tank, obstacle , A classic use of an abates was found at the Battle of the Chateauguay,26
  39. This diversity of influences, since independence the diversity has also been an, obstacle ,to the creation of a national identity. The Land Although Chadian society is
  40. He later agreed to cash it with the promise of an engraved watch. Another, obstacle ,was that the proposed route crossed land was controlled by the Blackfoot First
  41. JPG|Giant abates, made from entire trees, can make an effective anti-vehicle, obstacle , This formation is often reached by use of explosives--note the splintered
  42. Are capable of digital switching using a single electron. However, one major, obstacle ,to realization of nanotubes has been the lack of technology for mass production
  43. And the language barrier between the two regions was apparently only a minor, obstacle , as the interpreters for the mission came from the Franks. Lastly,Kent's
  44. They had persuaded the majority of researchers in the field that there is no, obstacle ,to forming an event horizon. Once an event horizon forms, Penrose proved that a
  45. To be the most reclusive member of the group and possibly also the major, obstacle ,to any reunion, raised the possibility of reuniting for a one-off engagement.
  46. Encounter an obstacle in the track: the cars might then maneuver to avoid the, obstacle ,causing the cars behind them to slow and/or maneuver to accommodate the cars in
  47. To become politically tied with the rest of Central America has been a major, obstacle ,to efforts for greater regional integration. Economic growth Coffee was first
  48. Molecules are still less stable than their carbon counterparts, though. Another, obstacle ,is that silicon dioxide (a common ingredient of many sands),the analog of
  49. His biography of Disraeli, states that his Jewishness was" both the greatest, obstacle ,to his ambition and its greatest engine. " Much of the criticism of his
  50. Then to slow and/or maneuver to accommodate the cars in front of them and the, obstacle , The programmer never wrote code to specifically create a traffic jam, yet one

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