Examples of the the word, subsequently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subsequently ), is the 3832 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Premiere of the static composition by Lamont Young called Trio for Strings and, subsequently ,created his famous series of static films including Kiss, Eat,and Sleep (for
  2. The occult society known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Crowley was, subsequently ,initiated into the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898 by the
  3. Asked the Countess of Lovelace to translate Menabrea's paper into English, subsequently ,requesting that she augment the notes she had added to the translation. Lady
  4. To complete their work and graduate, which Rand did in October 1924. She, subsequently ,studied for a year at the State Technical for Screen Arts in Leningrad. For one
  5. And he became interested in the General Semantics of Alfred Korzybski. He, subsequently ,wrote three novels merging these overarching themes, The World of Null-A and
  6. Agencies, but did acknowledge the similar results of another study. Audi, subsequently ,offered increased warranty protection As of late 2009,Audi's operating profit
  7. Including adjacent to emphatic consonants). In Moroccan Arabic, these have, subsequently ,merged into original. Consonants In some dialects, there may be more or fewer
  8. Based in Bremen, Germany * Dresser Atlas, a provider of oil field services and, subsequently ,factory automation services * Western Atlas, US company, subsequently Atlas
  9. Of Italy, wrote up Babbage's lecture in French, and this transcript was, subsequently ,published in the Bibliothèque Universally de Genève in October 1842. Babbage
  10. Remained part of the Waikiki until Saito's death in 2002,followers of Saith, subsequently ,split into two groups; one remaining with the Waikiki and the other forming the
  11. And delivered a lecture entitled" Anaximander's Saying" which was, subsequently ,included in Off the Beaten Track. The lecture examines the ontological
  12. Tartrate, or tartar emetic, was once used as an anti-schistosomal drug, subsequently ,replaced by praziquantel. Antimony and its compounds are used in several
  13. And subsequently factory automation services * Western Atlas, US company, subsequently ,Atlas Wire line and Baker Atlas People * Meir Atlas (1848–1926),Rabbi of
  14. Him as" his hero and his friend ". Inheriting his father's wealth, he was, subsequently ,sent to Ebro School in Cambridge, a private Plymouth Brethren school, but was
  15. Built in the early 15th century in Seljuk style by an unknown architect. It was, subsequently ,restored by architect Mizar Sinan in the 16th century, with Utah tiles being
  16. Used. * Algae can be used to capture fertilizers in runoff from farms. When, subsequently ,harvested, the enriched algae itself can be used as fertilizer. * Aquariums and
  17. Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee. The northwestern portion of Virginia, subsequently ,seceded from Virginia, joining the Union as the new state of West Virginia on
  18. Of header (SO) ) and moving or removing others (RU was removed). ASCII was, subsequently ,updated as USA SI X3.4-1967,then USA SI X3.4-1968,ANSI X3.4-1977,and finally
  19. Ginsberg wanted to learn how to apply the technique to his poetry. Moloch has, subsequently ,been interpreted as any system of control, including the conformist society of
  20. 1871,Bell proved successful in training the school's instructors. He was, subsequently ,asked to repeat the program at the American Asylum for Deaf-mutes in Hartford
  21. In the northwest of the Roman world near Trier. Roman history The city was, subsequently ,conquered by Augustus in 25 BC and passed under the control of the Roman Empire
  22. The Greeks to sail home as he was planning to do. The Trojans, led by Hector, subsequently ,pushed the Greek army back toward the beaches and assaulted the Greek ships.
  23. Although Oscar sales transactions have been successful, some buyers have, subsequently ,returned the statuettes to the Academy, which keeps them in its treasury.
  24. Pitch),and by others," pictures" ( exuding or bubbling pitch),which was, subsequently ,shortened to" bitumen," thence passing via French into English. From the same
  25. On July 26 (he was briefly general-in-chief of all the Union armies, but was, subsequently ,relieved of that post in favor of Maj. Gen. Henry W. Hillock),and the war
  26. To take the German people down with him. Speer's supposed assassination plan, subsequently ,met with some skepticism, with Speer's architectural rival Hermann Kaiser
  27. Coined by the city council in the 1930s as an advertising slogan, and which, subsequently ,is used widely in popular culture today. Main sights * Århus Dunkirk, the
  28. 1838 on the footway in Whitehall, the stable at Knights bridge Barracks," and, subsequently ,on the space at the bottom of the steps leading from Waterloo Place to St.
  29. Also the first case of the rarity of an astronaut who had flown as commander, subsequently ,flying as a non-commander, as Lovell had previously commanded Gemini XII.
  30. Adequate construction of the forts. Union Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Bell, subsequently ,captured the vital city of Nashville, Tennessee. Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard was
  31. The president of the Cambridge University Footlights Dramatic Club, and the two, subsequently ,entered into a relationship but broke up because Polling did not share Crowley
  32. To the construction of the South Eastern Freeway to cope with growth, which has, subsequently ,led to new developments and further improvements to that transport corridor.
  33. One publisher he sought during the war, who had initially accepted Animal Farm, subsequently ,rejected his book after an official at the British Ministry of Information
  34. As a guest of the Soviet Union of Writers. The tour disillusioned him and he, subsequently ,became quite critical of Soviet Communism. This criticism of Communism caused
  35. House of the Guru. " It was under the tutelage of the Guru that Thai Kannada, subsequently ,founded a volunteer corps for altruism. This volunteer corps still to date is
  36. The surprise winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival and was, subsequently ,released in Europe and North America. The commercial and critical success of
  37. Was again revived for a successful staging at London's Royal Albert Hall which, subsequently ,was released on DVD, and then in two successful separate touring productions in
  38. The Alaskan Independence Party ticket just long enough to be reelected. He, subsequently ,officially rejoined the Republican Party in 1994. Taxes To finance state
  39. Parties, most notably by a young World War II cryptographer, Michael Venturis, subsequently ,assisted by the scholar, John Chadwick. A major cache discovered by Carl Been
  40. Being typically in the center of action. In 1937,his father left the family, subsequently ,volunteering for the army in 1941. Tchaikovsky stayed with his mother, moving
  41. Robinson, Neil Foster and John Ensure) were playing in the match, and were, subsequently ,dropped from the England side. Australia reached a cricketing peak in the 1990s
  42. Phoneme. Many dialects (such as Egyptian, Levantine, and much of the Maghreb), subsequently , lost fricatives, converting into. Most dialects borrow" learned" words from
  43. Times in the late 1940s. He wrote parts of the novels The Heart of the Matter (, subsequently ,banned in Ireland) and The Fallen Idol in Reweigh, and Chill Island is also
  44. Opens with its theme park Euro Disneyland. The resort and its park's name are, subsequently ,changed to Disneyland Paris. *1994 – Canter & Siegel post the first commercial
  45. 1973. This was first written as" Bjorn, Benny,Agatha & Frida ", but was, subsequently ,crossed out with" ABBA" written in large letters on top. The official logo
  46. Appeared for the first time on the" Dancing Queen" single in August 1976,and, subsequently ,on all later original albums and singles. But the idea for the official logo
  47. Who like Billy boy has become a police officer) rescue Alex from a mob, then, subsequently , beat him, in a location out of town. *The governor: The man who decides to let
  48. Of the nationalist independence movement when environmental demonstrations, subsequently ,merged with those for other political causes in the late 1980s. In the
  49. Sold well and Marvel won praise for its socially conscious efforts. The CCA, subsequently ,loosened the Code to permit negative depictions of drugs, among other new
  50. And generations in allegoric language salted with entertaining stories, which, subsequently , playwrights transformed into classical Greek drama and became" Greek mythology

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