Examples of the the word, precise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( precise ), is the 3833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tubes that would" compute complicated algebraic equations" ( but gave no, precise ,technical description of the computer). The system weighed more than seven
  2. Letter is pronounced like the letter" d" as in" develop. " There is no, precise ,linguistic border between one dialect and another because there is nearly
  3. Evidence of the Aster ales is rare and belongs to rather recent epochs, so the, precise ,estimation of the order's age is quite difficult. An Oligocene pollen is known
  4. Or aggravated assault with a motor vehicle. Defenses Although the range and, precise ,application of defenses varies between jurisdictions, the following represents
  5. K (s) is not much smaller than | s |, the length of s in bits. To make this, precise , fix a value of n. There are 2^n bit strings of length n. The uniform
  6. On a new or specialized processor, for example. ** real-time programs that need, precise ,timing and responses, such as simulations, flight navigation systems, and
  7. The woman and allowed her to escape justice.:" It is the misfortune of small, precise ,men always to hanker after large and flamboyant women. Poirot had never been
  8. Dogma of astrology, but denied our ability to understand it to the extent that, precise ,and fatalistic predictions could be made from it. In Daytime Al-Jawziyya (
  9. Jews in the eastern and southern areas he controlled (today's Ukraine). The, precise ,number of dead may never be known, but the decrease of the Jewish population
  10. Design than Calligrapher, but was sometimes found to be more accurate and, precise ,due to its reliance on a fixed, predefined stroke alphabet. The stroke alphabet
  11. Being the highest mountain in the ACT approximately south-west of Canberra. The, precise ,alignment of ANZAC parade is between Mount Aisle and Capital Hill (formally
  12. God the Father ','God the Son' and 'God the Holy Spirit' ) and the, precise ,nature of the Son of God as being a subordinate entity to God the Father.
  13. Answer in a finite number of steps. With this special meaning, three different, precise ,definitions have been given to date. His footnote #5; see discussion
  14. Studies investigating arsenic as an epigenetic factor will help in developing, precise ,biomarkers of exposure and susceptibility. The Chinese brake fern (Terms
  15. 4; and in Ovid's Metamorphoses,13.1. Homer is somewhat vague about the, precise ,manner of Ajax's death but does ascribe it to his loss in the dispute over
  16. To one another it yields the number" 1" for their common measure. So to be, precise ,the following is really Nicolaus' algorithm. Example of 1599 and 650
  17. Into vagueness and a never-ending series of" primitive notions ", either a, precise ,notion of what we mean by x x\, ( or, for that matter," to be equal" ) has to
  18. Otherwise unknown). Aeolus and Entire had many children, although the, precise ,number and identities of these children vary from author to author in the
  19. The one presented to Bligh, later Lord Darnley, during the 1882–83 tour. The, precise ,nature of the origin of this urn is matter of dispute. Based on a statement by
  20. In the 18th century with the birth of modern chemistry, which provided a more, precise ,and reliable framework within a new view of the universe based on rational
  21. The Evangelist; see Authorship of Luke-Acts for details. Composition While the, precise ,identity of the author is debated, the consensus is that this work was composed
  22. Meaning. For example, means ‘ he killed ’, whereas means ‘ he slew ’. The, precise ,relationship in meaning between the two stems differs for every verb. A
  23. Developed a competing standard, TrueType, which provided full scalability and, precise ,control of the pixel pattern created by the font's outlines, and licensed it
  24. Of. There are dozens of Mesopotamian cuneiform texts from this period, with, precise , observations of solar and lunar eclipses, that have been used as 'anchors' in
  25. Second, according to Hick. Asymmetry is the branch of astronomy that involves, precise ,measurements of the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies
  26. All three men named Aeolus appear to be connected genealogically, although the, precise ,relationship, especially regarding the second and third Aeolus, is often
  27. Portion of the Ocean of Storms. Key objectives were achievement of a more, precise ,landing (which had not been achieved by Apollo 11),and to visit the Surveyor
  28. In history, though there are earlier Sumerian claimants. City of Akkad The, precise ,archaeological site of the city of Akkad has not yet been found. The form Agate
  29. Is a beautiful tactical blow that gives rise to variations that don't yield to, precise ,calculation; the other is clear positional pressure that leads to an endgame
  30. Upper Paleolithic dating to roughly 40,000 years ago have been found, but the, precise ,meaning of such art is often disputed because so little is known about the
  31. Hydroxy ", The IUPAC nomenclature is used in scientific publications and where, precise ,identification of the substance is important. In other less formal contexts, an
  32. Simplest models, they are taken to have the same form. For more rigorous and, precise ,analysis, the numerical approximations must be used. A given (hydrogen-like)
  33. Of Hipparchus and Ptolemy, Ulugh Beg's catalog is estimated to have been, precise ,to within approximately 20 minutes of arc. In the 16th century, Tycho Brahe
  34. To ATM withdrawals. They allow just-in-time (JIT) productivity because of, precise ,tracking. GPS is also becoming central to air-traffic control. And satellites
  35. Not refute astrology, but denied man’s limited capacity to be able to know the, precise ,effects of the stars on the sublunar matter. With that, he did not refute the
  36. Humans. Inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is used to detect, precise ,levels of intracellular arsenic and its other bases involved in epigenetic
  37. From the Greek () meaning the" East" or more literally" sunrise ". The, precise ,reference of this term has varied over time, perhaps originally referring only
  38. Within the surface, and all regions outside the surface have low values. The, precise ,placement of the surface is arbitrary, but any reasonably compact determination
  39. Must be clear (and computable). Because an algorithm is a precise list of, precise ,steps, the order of computation will always be critical to the functioning of
  40. Muscle and brain tissues, but,although many functions have been proposed, its, precise , role in the body has not been determined. For example Canaanite is an analogue
  41. Whatever sense this is understood, in their lyrics. ) These terms may not be as, precise ,when applied to art as when applied to philosophical matters. Anti-reality is
  42. In 1619,it is probable that the author died soon after that year, but the, precise ,date is unknown. Decides or Landslides (Greek,440–390 BC) was a topographer
  43. Formally proved, if the string's complexity is above a certain threshold. The, precise ,formalization is as follows. First fix a particular axiomatic system S for the
  44. For each case must be clear (and computable). Because an algorithm is a, precise ,list of precise steps, the order of computation will always be critical to the
  45. About one-fifth and twice, respectively,the diameter of the full moon A more, precise ,calculation involves taking into account the slight changes in the stellar
  46. This positional system, which is identical throughout the family, and the, precise ,glyphs used to write the numerals, which vary regionally. The glyphs most
  47. WYSIWYG scaling of Type 1 fonts on screen, like Teletype, although without the, precise ,pixel-level control. But these moves were too late to stop the rise of Teletype
  48. Orbital plane coincidentally contains the Earth's line of sight. To be more, precise , however, Algol is a triple-star system: the eclipsing binary pair is separated
  49. To those of a compact Hausdorff space. Among other things, it lets us make, precise ,the notion of" at infinity" by including extra points. The behavior of a
  50. Indicates that Albion had the support of the Franks for his venture. The, precise ,size of the heterogeneous group gathered by Albion is impossible to know, and

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