Examples of the the word, lip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lip ), is the 3850 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The disc. *The Thurber thrown like a tomahawk but with the thumb on the inside, lip ,of the disc. Course components While the roots of the game are very casual and
  2. Common in the world's languages. The lip positions can be reversed with the, lip ,position for the corresponding vowel on the opposite side of the front-back
  3. When Casino compares Viola (in the guise of Cesario) to Diana. " Diana's, lip ,is not more smooth and dubious" Speaking of his wife, Desdemona,Othello the
  4. To evolution propels antievolutionism. Although antievolutionists pay, lip ,service to supposed scientific problems with evolution, what motivates them to
  5. 4 hairless stamens that are nearly parallel, and they ascend under the upper, lip ,of the corolla. Two stamens are longer and stamens of pistillate flowers are
  6. Like a baseball, the tomahawk's grip is with the fingers on the inside, lip ,of the disc. *The Thurber thrown like a tomahawk but with the thumb on the
  7. For an additional set of eight" secondary Cardinal Vowels" with reverse, lip ,shapes, permitting the representation of eight secondary cardinal vowels (
  8. Text, players who place the mouthpiece higher on the lip s, so that more upper, lip ,is inside the mouthpiece, will direct the air downwards to varying degrees
  9. Theater were notorious for their seemingly careless dubbing which included poor, lip ,sync and awkward dialogue. Since the results were frequently unintentionally
  10. In order to create a seal. With the less common double- lip embouchure, the top, lip ,is placed under (around) the top teeth. In both instances, the position of
  11. Body language. Friendly or submissive greetings are accompanied by horizontal, lip ,retraction and the lowering of the tail, as well as licking. Playful holes
  12. To employ methods to relieve the pressure on the upper teeth and inner lower, lip ,by attaching pads to the top of the mouthpiece or putting (temporary) padding
  13. Casey wouldn't let that ball go by again.: The sneer is gone from Casey's, lip , his teeth are clenched in hate;: He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon
  14. Rebated doors, a term chiefly used in Britain, are double doors having a, lip ,(i.e. a Rabbet) on the vertical edge where they meet. Door construction and
  15. With prominent nostrils. His top gums are often exposed due to a small upper, lip ,and he speaks nasally with a deep voice and a slight lisp. He begins almost
  16. Uses mouthpiece placement of about 40 % to 50 % top lip and 60 % to 50 % lower, lip , The teeth will be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart and the teeth are parallel or
  17. While playing. Performers who place the mouthpiece lower, so that lower, lip ,is inside the mouthpiece, will direct the air to varying degrees in an upward
  18. Necklaces, ear piercings, and piercings through the flesh under the bottom, lip , Sewing needles were special to the sewer and were custom-made, often with a
  19. Form is perfectly symmetrical, the corners of the mouth relaxed, the lower, lip ,placed along and at a short distance from the embouchure hole. The end-blown
  20. To white people. When I go to church, I am met by no upturned nose and scornful, lip ,to tell me,'We don't allow niggers in here! '" – from My Bondage and My
  21. Particular anatomy (see below). Individual differences in dental structure, lip ,shape and size, jaw shape and the degree of jaw malocclusion, and other
  22. Driving him into bankruptcy twice (in 1856 and 1873). Sax suffered from, lip ,cancer between 1853 and 1858 but made a full recovery. He died in 1894 in Paris
  23. The system, so that front vowels (such as i, e,a) have spread or neutral, lip ,postures, but the back vowels (such as o, u ) have more marked lip -rounding as
  24. Defensive ditch or Fosse since the line of the city wall would follow the south, lip ,of the quarry. The quarry and tombs associated with it are north, not west of
  25. Like the clarinet and saxophone is formed by resting the reed upon the bottom, lip , which is in turn supported by the bottom teeth. The top teeth then rest on top
  26. Curved or straight, and the limbs are often 2- lip ped with five teeth. The lower, lip ,is larger, with 3-lobes,and the middle lobe is the largest. The flowers have 4
  27. Are changed in part through altering the amount of muscular contraction in the, lip ,formation. The performer's use of the air, tightening of cheek and jaw muscles
  28. All the way across. It also uses mouthpiece placement of about 40 % to 50 % top, lip ,and 60 % to 50 % lower lip . The teeth will be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart and
  29. Four most important are pressing the valves, holding the appropriate amount of, lip ,tension, blowing air into the instrument, and placing the hand in the bell.
  30. All three stressed that the mouthpiece should be placed higher on the top, lip ,for a more free vibration of the lip s. Tongue-controlled embouchure This
  31. More than one can chew, off/on the wagon, stay put, inside track, stiff upper, lip , bad hair day, throw a monkey wrench, under the weather, jump bail, come clean
  32. Vowels ', and vowels like these are common in the world's languages. The, lip ,positions can be reversed with the lip position for the corresponding vowel on
  33. Dubbed has resulted in a talent pool that is very capable of syncing voice to, lip , especially for shows broadcast by the country's three largest networks. It is
  34. Because characters' mouth movements are often part of the game's code, lip ,sync is often achieved by re-coding the mouth movements to match the dialogue
  35. The other driver were unharmed, the governor sustained a minor injury to his, lip , requiring 15 stitches. " No citations were issued ", said Officer Jason Lee, a
  36. English noun Verrucas means" warty ", a reference to a wart above his upper, lip , Beginnings Descended from an ancient patrician gens Fab ii, he was the son of
  37. New York University, known as Video Rewrite, uses computer animation to match, lip ,movements with the new voice track. In a video c lip made using this technology
  38. Critical appreciation from critics. During the tour, Spears was accused of, lip ,synching, although she denied these claims. On April 20, 2000,the concert at
  39. Different pitches on a brass instrument: One is alteration of the player's, lip ,tension (or" embouchure" ), and another is air flow. Also, slides (or
  40. Enables speech recognition and vocal synthesis, at the same time processing, lip ,synchronization and visual recognition by 90-degree micro-CCD cameras with face
  41. A disc-shaped glider that is generally plastic and roughly in diameter, with a, lip , The shape of the disc, an airfoil in cross-section, allows it to fly by
  42. Was the first new game for the system whose game card has an authentic" curved, lip ," plastic shell. The game also shipped with a full color card stock box, and 31
  43. Leaving a strange, maimed performance characterized by unexplained gestures and, lip ,movements with no words coming out. He also came to recreate the role of
  44. The mouth tattoos were started at a young age with a small spot on the upper, lip , gradually increasing with size. The soot deposited on a pot hung over a fire
  45. Trunk The proboscis, or trunk, is a fusion of the nose and upper, lip , elongated and specialized to become the elephant's most important and
  46. A film's artistic value when watching it dubbed into another language. Also, lip ,synchronization is normally lost when dubbing, even with quality dubbing
  47. Researchers. The Facial Action Coding System (with 46 action units such as ", lip ,bite" or" squint" ) which had been developed in 1976 became a popular basis
  48. In 1962,Phi lip Parkas hypothesized that the air stream traveling through the, lip ,aperture should be directed straight down the shank of the mouthpiece. He
  49. Ball into his hip, : Defiance gleamed in Casey's eye, a sneer curled Casey's, lip ,.: And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air, : And Casey
  50. The frequency of the air column's vibration can be modified by changing the, lip ,aperture or" embouchure ". In addition, the column of air can be lengthened by

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