Examples of the the word, fifty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fifty ), is the 3847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Survive. Averaging between forty and fifty feet in height, and weighing up to, fifty ,tons each, all the pillars were quarried at China, just south of Varanasi and
  2. Eius VRI Clara),on the island consecrated to him, located at a distance of, fifty ,Roman miles from Peace by the Danube Delta, and the temple there. Ananias has
  3. Of lamentations for the dead brothers. A new ending was added to the play some, fifty ,years later: Antigone and Scene mourn their dead brothers, a messenger enters
  4. Same film, for teacups that appeared in the movie, he ordered his crew to pour, fifty ,years’ worth of tea into the cups, so they would appear appropriately stained.
  5. Major currency units are often spoken differently. In AME one may say a dollar, fifty ,or a pound eighty, whereas in BRE these amounts would be expressed one dollar
  6. By The New York Times. He had lived with his lover Tom Hatcher for more than, fifty ,years, until Hatcher's death in 2006. Following a long tradition, Broadway
  7. With Egypt, as a condition of which, his fifty daughters will marry the, fifty ,sons of Egypt. Dana us secretly informs his daughters of an oracle predicting
  8. A reception for Bhaktivedanta Swami at the San Francisco Airport, where, fifty , to a hundred hippies greeted the Swami chanting Hare Krishna in the airport
  9. Rye, oats,wheat, and apples are expected to decline by about 15 % in the next, fifty ,years and strawberries will drop as much as 32 % simply because of projected
  10. Kayaks recaptured Warangal from the Delhi Sultanate in 1326 CE and ruled for, fifty ,years. Inspired by their success, the Vijayanagar Empire, one of the greatest
  11. He negotiates a peace settlement with Egypt, as a condition of which, his, fifty , daughters will marry the fifty sons of Egypt. Dana us secretly informs his
  12. Prefixed i- is somewhat unclear: it is also used as a separate word meaning ‘, fifty ,’, but the historical root here is no doubt *TU-) " (Starting et al.
  13. A pro football record 913 yards rushing on 300 attempts, while also recording, fifty ,quarterback sacks in a 14-game schedule. Another example is cited by the
  14. Immediate and resounding success. Meanwhile, Anne and Emily were obliged to pay, fifty ,pounds to help meet the publishing costs. Their publisher, urged on by the
  15. Most such printed sources have been updated for intervals of only about every, fifty ,years (e.g.,J1900,J1950,J2000). Computerized sources, on the other hand
  16. Himself, marking the epoch event for the Crisis of the Third Century — nearly, fifty ,years of civil wars, foreign invasion, and collapse of the monetary economy.
  17. Present in both worlds, and the" fair world" parallels our history, about, fifty , years out of step, there is functional magic in the fair world. Even with such
  18. At least until the time Gilda's was writing: that is, for perhaps forty or, fifty ,years, from around the end of the 5th century until midway through the sixth.
  19. By mid-2006 the ABC had become an international leader in podcasting with over, fifty ,podcast programs delivering hundreds of thousands of downloads per week
  20. As in fifty -three quid for £53 and forty-seven bucks for $47. A hundred and, fifty ,grand in either dialect could refer to £150,000 or $150,000 depending on
  21. Nearly 25,000 women, all singing in English, includes choruses in most of the, fifty ,United States as well as in Australia, Canada,England, Finland,Germany
  22. Establishment of a democratic government in 461. In the play, the Daniels,the, fifty ,daughters of Dana us, founder of Argos, flee a forced marriage to their cousins
  23. Two: The upper city (algal, or 'the mountain' ) which consisted of about, fifty ,small quarters of Andalusian, Jewish,Moorish and Kabyle communities, and the
  24. Were founded in the region during his lifetime, numbering 3,000 monks. Within, fifty ,years from his death his societies could claim 50,000 members. These Columbia
  25. Men of Beth-shemesh gazed at the Ark; and as a punishment, seventy of them (, fifty ,a thousand seventy in some ms. ) were smitten by the Lord (1 Sam. 6:19). The
  26. Although only ten with inscriptions still survive. Averaging between forty and, fifty ,feet in height, and weighing up to fifty tons each, all the pillars were
  27. Was the then current spoken form called Prakrit. In the year 185 BC, about, fifty , years after Ashoka's death, the last Maurya ruler, Brhadrata, was assassinated
  28. 2007,national branches of the Anthroposophical Society had been established in, fifty ,countries, and about 10,000 institutions around the world were working on the
  29. By the early 5th century Britain had been Roman for over three hundred and, fifty ,years. The most troublesome enemies of Roman Britain were the Pict's of central
  30. As he did the others convicted under the Sedition Act, and also gave him, fifty ,dollars towards his fine, the last in a series of payments he made to support
  31. Put an end to the reign of the single party and saw the creation of more than, fifty ,political parties, as well as official freedom of the press. Crisis of the
  32. Was bathing, he was changed by her into a stag, and pursued and killed by his, fifty ,hounds. This version also appears in Callimachus' Fifth Hymn, as a mythical
  33. Science to which it was bequeathed in 1895 on condition of its producing within, fifty ,years a catalog of half-a-million stars. The castle was classified as a
  34. The most impressive cave a hundred high and the well depths, a hundred and, fifty , The Echo River, three-quarters of a mile long and two hundred feet at most
  35. Galleries, arranged over five floors, with a total length of one hundred and, fifty ,miles. The runner wider measures two hundred feet long, the most impressive
  36. Definitive edition of Aristotle's texts seems to have been made in Athens some, fifty ,years before Androids supposedly compiled his. And fourth, ancient library
  37. Charge more, even though the abstract goes over twenty-five words but less than, fifty ,words, enacts that the basis of the tax is the labor employed in writing
  38. Rabbis of Barcelona, excommunicating those who should, within the next, fifty ,years, study physics or metaphysics before their thirtieth year of age (basing
  39. For if the Pope shall by a new decree declare our Fathers of two hundred and, fifty ,years ago wrongly ordained, there is nothing to hinder the inevitable sentence
  40. Walkability A 2011 study by Walk Score ranked Austin 31st most walkable of, fifty ,largest U. S. cities. Pedicabs Austin has a vibrant and large pedicab community
  41. For an estimated forty years. After his death, the Mauryan dynasty lasted just, fifty ,more years. Ashoka had many wives and children, but many of their names are
  42. Including Ramsey Campbell, note that the stories still resonate after more than, fifty ,years. In 2009,The Library of America selected Delete’s story The Paneled
  43. The original amount is not known. Notably, this was introduced more than, fifty ,years before payment for attendance at assembly meetings. Running the courts
  44. There is no year 0). Some scholars rely on John 8:57:" thou are not yet, fifty ,years old ", making the earliest possible year for Jesus's birth c. 18 BC.
  45. Circumstances. Upon the death of his predecessor Alexander in 328,more than, fifty ,bishops gathered to choose a new leader to the Alexandrian see. While Alexander
  46. Or a pound eighty, whereas in BRE these amounts would be expressed one dollar, fifty ,and one pound eighty. For amounts over a dollar an American will generally
  47. Successors governed so ineptly during a period of profound unrest that within, fifty ,years of his death, the Duran empire per se was at an end, and Afghanistan
  48. They also begin to crack with age. Acrylic paints have only been around for, fifty ,years, but within this time frame they have yet to alter in ways seen in oil
  49. When it came to penal sanctions, no officeholder could impose a fine over, fifty ,drachmas. Anything higher had to go before a court. Elected Approximately one
  50. Of the Environment reported that the lake's water level had dropped by, fifty ,centimeters in 1993. Experts said that this drop brought the level to within

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